Nutrition Goals - Whole 30

Malyss13 Posts: 19 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
Is anyone out there doing the whole 30 or any type of low carb stuff? I am trying to tweak my nutritional goals for the day since I know I should not be eating 50% carbs daily... Does anyone know what the round about nutritional balance should look like for someone doing a Whole 30 type diet? Originally when I logged in, I believe it had me at 50% carbs, 15% protein, and 25% fat... Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I am on day 5 of the Whole30. I am not logging my food for the first week though so I have no idea what my nutritional balance is, but 50% is high I would assume. Probably more around 20-30% depending on the amount of protein you are eating.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It will depend on your current health situation, goals, activity level etc. I have health issues that make a very high fat, very low carb diet essential... forever. The way I eat is often a good place to start out for people who are obese, depressed, cancer, have metabolic disorder etc. Otherwise, maybe not. (I eat 65-80% fat, 15-25% protein, 5-10% carb -as far under the 10% as possible!)

    For a healthier person, with some fat to lose, I think no less than 50% fat ever and no more than 10-20% carb (the high end being for the most healthy/active people). I know there will be exceptions to my suggestions. Regardless, food quality is still the most important.

    If you aren't dealing with a lot of health issues, I think that you should follow the Whole30 recommendations to just focus on the FOOD and not log and weigh in. I know many people resist this advice, but for the average person it's the very best approach. A main factor of the success of a Paleo lifestyle is to learn to give up the calorie and scale obsession.
  • pope705
    pope705 Posts: 109 Member
    I did not change my macros since going on whole 30. I have them set for 65% fat, 20% Protein and 15% carbs I think. The carbs one is definitely right. It forces me to search for lower carb veggies and not rely on carrots and sweet potato all the time. 15% carbs gives me 80g of carbs roughly.
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I do not know the exact rules of the whole 30 but thought it was robb wolf's Paleo auto immune diet? If so I am doing that but I eat eggs and occasionally a little bit of grass fed butter maybe once a week. My macronutrients are about 50% fat 20% carbs and 30% protein. That is what seems to work best for me after playing around with percentages since the beginning of the year. I read that macronutrient ratio worked well to keep you in what mark sisson calls the sweet spot for weight loss . I am no authority on any of this and just got really serious about being strict with myself because I am really sick of having this extra weight on me, not fitting into my pants. So I have promised myself I was going to stick with this for 3 months to the letter and only have 3 meals and no snacks and not overeat. I figure If I commit myself 100% there should be no way I don't succeed.
    I have been doing Paleo since January but I have 3 or 4 good days and then 3 bad. And even though I stay within the Paleo foods I binge on nuts and Paleo treats (which are really stretching the limits of Paleo). So for now nuts and nut butter are out as they seem to be a real trigger food for me.
    Love having the support of this group and knowing I am not alone.
  • pope705
    pope705 Posts: 109 Member
    Check out this website for the rules of whole 30 : It's based on Paleo but for 30 days you eliminate chemicals and fake foods, and incre3ase you veggies. It's a good way to break a habit (like pop or grains or whatever) and it's really great at eliminating inflammation. My husband's headaches completely went away the first time we did it.
  • 31flavors
    31flavors Posts: 154 Member
    I just finished doing the Whole 30 a couple of days ago. Now that I'm done, I find that it's really easy to follow, and I really don't want to change it. I'm eating a lot more vegetables and I'm done with bread. The only thing I'm adding back in is the occasional glass of wine.
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    pope705 wrote: »
    Check out this website for the rules of whole 30 : It's based on Paleo but for 30 days you eliminate chemicals and fake foods, and incre3ase you veggies. It's a good way to break a habit (like pop or grains or whatever) and it's really great at eliminating inflammation. My husband's headaches completely went away the first time we did it.

    Sorry, but eliminating chemicals is not a thing. Point out a single food item or liquid you ingest that is not a chemical or big bag of chemicals. Find me one.

    Also, Paleo will eliminate all "fake foods".

    Really, Whole 30 is paleo repackaged.

    A couple issues I have with it is the okay to use fruit juice in cooking but not wine. If you're using wine in cooking properly, you're cooking off the alcohol and the flavoring left behind will be less in "sugar" content than the fruit juice. Their issue with dextrose in table salt. While there, it is so minimal to not be a concern. Fruit juice has way way more "sugar". That said, I use sea salt and take an iodine supplement.

    Of course, if following Whole 30 is easier for you than Paleo, do it.

  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Whole 30 is just a way to jump start your paleo diet. I have started and stopped whole30 three times before but this time I have extra support from my acupuncturist and this time I know I will be able to go 30 and beyond.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    I did Whole30 for almost three straight months before I even heard the name! Ha! (i.e. I ate strict Paleo for that long until I realized I could drink wine sometimes...)