100 pounds to lose

jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
Does anyone have 100 pounds to lose? I'm 40 years old, a wife, mother of 2 boys ages 14 & 10 and I have 100 pounds to lose for me & my guys! looking for support and to help support others. I lost 40 pounds 4 years ago just to gain 80 pounds back! I'm ready to win this battle.


  • I do! Well, more like 125. I'm 43, married, and have a 17 year old daughter. I had a similar experience... lost 40 pounds then gained it all plus some back.
  • BigdogEMT
    BigdogEMT Posts: 13 Member
    I've got at least 100 too lose! Started at 397 so I put in to lose 97 in a year! Started first of January and have lost 25 as of now! So the 100 in a year sounds like a good start!
    Like most of us here I have lost and gained so many times it's hard to keep track! But this time is different,
    I'm married to my wonderful wife and have 2 sons 30, and 16! The 30yo has given us a 12yo and a 6 mo grandkids. So it's time to get healty and be around to see everyone grow up!!
  • gingerlaurie
    gingerlaurie Posts: 19 Member
    I have 100+ to lose as well! Single Mom (though both of my girls have moved out now) and have some physical limitations. Have lost 17 lbs so far in just under a month, so I'm stoked. Would love to add some friends, add me if you'd like to!
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks & tomorrow is weigh in day, fingers crossed! Hope everyone has an AWESOME week!
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    I have 154 more to lose. I've lost 29 so far and the difference in how I feel is amazing.
  • AthenaRox
    AthenaRox Posts: 8 Member
    Have lost 35 but still have 162 to go. married with four boys and work full time. Hatd to fit it all into 24 hours/day!
  • AthenaRox
    AthenaRox Posts: 8 Member
    ZebsterBC wrote: »
    I have 154 more to lose. I've lost 29 so far and the difference in how I feel is amazing.

    It does make a difference doesn't it
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    I have about 90 to lose--am I close enough to be included in this thread? :smiley:
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    Only lost half pound this week, better then nothing. down 8.5 pounds! Question, how often does anyone weigh themselves?
  • roady29
    roady29 Posts: 86 Member
    I have 100+ to lose, I am 41 yrs old, wife, mother of two boys age 6 & 10. I work full time, plus have hockey and ball hockey swimming etc..for my boys(never enough time in the day). I have tried to lose the weight before on WW and had a little success, this is the first time I feel stronger and more motivated. I have tracked for 51 days and got up 6 x a week at 5am to work out before I go to work. Feel free to add me!
  • I have 100 to lose... 46 and single lost 97 lbs in 2013 and gained back 70lbs in last year.... surgery and divorce last year very stressful... Moved twice still trying to get back on my feet. My body hurts most the time from fibro and OA and I get really down but know MFP works plus found great support from others here! So im ready to get back on track!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I feel like i always have 100 to lose....Sigh. i was 387 in 2007, went as low as 190 in 2010 and "somehow" (i know exactly how) I'm back around 300. I'll always be battling. As long as we keep on battling right? :)
  • Ijustdecided
    Ijustdecided Posts: 18 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have more then 100 to go but have set my sights on losing the 70 I have put on in the last 10 years. I have hit the stage where I normally sack it off and go back to my old eating habits but am gritting my teeth and ploughing on. It would be good to share recipes, hints and tips.

    Good luck everyone x
  • Chris50mfp
    Chris50mfp Posts: 18 Member
    Just decided and everyone, you guys rock! Keep moving, never get down on yourself but hold yourself accountable. The best is yet to come! Feel free to add me and msg whenever

  • alliemay1024
    alliemay1024 Posts: 83 Member
    I have more than 100 to lose. I am not unhappy being overweight. I just have a niece that I want to be around for in the future.
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    I'm ready for this change for me, my husband & my boys! I do know I need all the support I can get!!! LETS DO THIS TOGETHER!
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    Today, I introduced exercise back into my life & it felt wonderful! I'm sure tomorrow my body will feel different lol :smiley:
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Hey all, I want in on this thread too. I've got about 90 to lose and I really want to make sure it happens this time. I'm a 43 year old single mom of 3 teenagers and I teach 6th grade. Hard to find time for myself, but I've got to do it! Please friend me and let's support each other!
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    I love snacks at night time when I'm watching tv so I started putting a serving size of cinnamon Life cereal or Kix cereal in snack bags so I can just grab them. kix cereal is great 120 calories for a cup & a half of cereal.
  • Ijustdecided
    Ijustdecided Posts: 18 Member
    Measured snack bags - great idea !
    - I have thrown some excercise in the mix too and feel loads better for it x

  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    I started adding my exercise back in. I did 20 minutes of the stationary bike yesterday & it felt great to get moving again. I have several health issues that I deal with but I'll manage. My plan is to be fit by 41 :wink:
  • Ijustdecided
    Ijustdecided Posts: 18 Member
    Well done for getting back on the bike. I am trying to do a few walks each week and a little cross trainer (just a little cos it kills me) .

    B-) let's keep plugging away x
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    jrbolinski wrote: »
    Today, I introduced exercise back into my life & it felt wonderful! I'm sure tomorrow my body will feel different lol :smiley:

    So how did you feel the next day lol. It's a good hurt though :)
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    I definitely felt a little sore in my thighs the next day after using the bike, but it was a good pain :smile: I am going to start the free weights next week & some ab work. I have an elliptical but I can never do more than 5 minutes. my goal is to accomplish that elliptical. anyone else use that machine? @Ijustdecided- let's keep plugging!!
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    Was suppose to be a rest day, but I did a little calisthenics. every little bit counts :smile:
  • Ijustdecided
    Ijustdecided Posts: 18 Member
    Nice work x B)
  • jrbolinski
    jrbolinski Posts: 22 Member
    Hope everyone is doing great! I didn't lose this week, but I didn't let it get to me. in the past I would of thrown in the towel. Lets keep trucking along!
  • GlitzyKismet
    GlitzyKismet Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm 43 and have a bit over a hundred pounds to go. I've lost and gained more times than I can count, but all the times I've lost, I was using MFP, so here I am! Though I've used this app on and off for quite a long time, I've never really explored the social aspect of it. I think it would really help me if I can make a support network of people who are actively working towards similar goals. I'd really like to make some new MFP friends...please add me! :smile:
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    I'm on pound 17 of 100, always love new friends.
  • GlitzyKismet
    GlitzyKismet Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! Sent you a request!