How long were you on liquid diet before surgery?

JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
My hospital wants me on a liquid diet for 2 full weeks before surgery date. Drinking 4-5 meal replacement/protein shakes and having 2 eggs or cheese. The goal is to stay around 1000-1200 calories a day. The last 48 hours they want me on only liquids.

I'm in that 2 week window right now. (Surgery date 3/16) And so far I have had a lot of trouble with it. I've talked to numerous people in person (3 of my co-workers had bariatric surgery) and online and NONE of them were ordered to be on a liquid diet this long. Most were 3-4 days and a week at the most.

If you've had the surgery can you tell me how long you did a liquid diet and how you coped with the hunger? I'm having a really hard time right now.

On a side note, my hospital is considered a "Center of Excellence". I have an HMO and it's taken me 18 months to get to this point. I've had to do numerous things that NO ONE else I've spoken to has. This whole process has been very frustrating but I'm SO CLOSE I don't want to blow it.


  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    13 days.... Was only suppose to be 10. My dr actually let me eat 1 meal with lean meat and raw or cooked veggies and 1 complex carb... I skipped the carb.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    I was on a liquid diet for 10 days, my doctors practice recommends two full weeks, mine was a little less because of scheduling. I found the first 3 days the hardest...after that as long as I was getting my protein I was fine. Clearly there's a wide variety in what surgeons recommend. For me, the post surgery liquid diet was much easier as I wasn't hungry.
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    I haven't had the surgery yet. My surgery will be Monday. My doctor has me on 900 kcal, 70 gm protein, 30 gm carb, 10 gm fat/day for 2 weeks. The day before surgery I go to clear liquids for the day. Luckily I don't have to have the colon cleanse that some have to do. I haven't had much problem with it at all. The first couple of days I had some brain fog as my body adjusted. And recently I've started getting the low carb leg cramps. I hope that will lessen when I am able to start adding a little more carb back. I also started getting tired of the sweet shakes and ordered some chicken soup flavored protein powder from Unjury It's pretty good and is a nice break from the shakes. I also wanted juice, but knew I couldn't have the carbs, so I bought some Nectar brand protein mix and it is pretty good, too. I got the Fuzzy Navel which kind of tastes like Tang. I purchased that at The Vitamin Shoppe. Good luck!
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    I was on a liquid diet for two weeks pre-surgery. It is one of the hardest times because you still feel hungry (I did ALL the time) and exhausted from the limited calorie intake. I did finally find out that I could have as many protein drinks as I needed (I was trying to stick to three at first). When I upped it to 4 or 5, I felt much better. I also tried to take my mind off the hunger by concentrating on planning for my upcoming surgery and really working on exercise (limited because of lack of energy) to help with recovery. It did work sometimes but I won't lie --- it is extremely challenging. Just remember it helps with the surgery (liver gets smaller so it is not in the way during surgery). Once you have the surgery, it will really help because your new smaller stomach will fill up very quickly so that gnawing hunger isn't driving you nuts. Best wishes!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I had a one week liquid only diet. 4 protein shakes, but all of the sugar free popsicles I wanted. Those things got me through it.

    The Centers of Excellence really push the pre-surgery plans and they often go above and beyond what other surgeons require because their long term success rate is very important to them. I fully bought into their program and I believe it did me a world of good. The more you can take off pre-surgery, the more likely you are to succeed in the post-surgery world. My pre-surgery loss put me at 80 pounds to go post-surgery, which is achievable in the 'honeymoon period'.

    I can tell you though, that as difficult as the liquid diet and the first couple of weeks post surgery were, it now feels like a blink of an eye. I am 5 months out and I don't even remember those few weeks much at all. Stick through it and you'll come out the other side a new man!

  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    My doc also prescribed two weeks diet: 2-3 protein shakes a day, 2 oz. lean meat and a cup of green veggies for dinner. As much liquids as you wanted - sugar free popsicles, jello, broth, etc. Like Rob, the sugar free Popsicles really got me through! I agree - it's pretty challenging, but it really is worth it. My doc made a point to tell my family how great my liver looked after my surgery. Hahaha! Plus, I dropped about 16 pounds pre-surgery. You can do it! Best of luck to you!
  • jillcwatson1
    jillcwatson1 Posts: 100 Member
    Luna, I liked your comment about the great looking liver. Can you ever imagine that you could feel proud of a comment such as that? Now I want MY Doc to think the same thing about my liver. :blush:
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I guess still confused about a lot of stuff. I'm one of those people who always wants to know "why" things are done. The surgeon that's doing my surgery doesn't even know me. I met him for about 20 minutes 2 months ago. I've also lost almost 30 pounds since then. Does that not "count"? Hasn't my liver shrunk in that time? It's not like my liver knows when surgery is and is staying fat until exactly 2 weeks before date, right?

    Well, I guess I'll just do my best. It just seems like the more research and planning I do for this whole process, the less I know! lol.
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    Aztec yes, the pounds lost now certainly count, but the point of the diet is to shrink the liver as much as possible before so they can preform the surgery with the least amount of complications & preferably have it done laparoscopically. Most obese people have a fatty liver and this can be problematic when the surgeon goes in with the lap. If the liver is too fatty & enlarged, he won't have the room to get to the stomach to do the procedure, or will have to do an open procedure where they cut you're whole abdomen open. This will be a lot longer of a recovery time and more complications can come of it.

    It's also a test. To see if you can/will stick to the program. Are you willing to do what it takes to make this time successful?

    You can do this. It's a challenge, but you can do it. And we are all here for you. You got this!
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    I was on for 11 days, 10 of full liquids and 1 day of clear liquids the day before surgery. I didn't focus on the liquids only on why I was on the liquid diet. Knowing why made it easy to get through.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have no idea why but my surgeon didn't have me on liquids or any special diet prior to surgery. They all do things differently!
  • bluheron_81
    bluheron_81 Posts: 9 Member
    I didn't have to go on a liquid diet prior to surgery. I was on a high protein, low carb diet for two weeks prior to surgery though. I thought that was hard at the time because my calories were reduced drastically.
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Aztec - what you've done so far to prepare for surgery is phenomenal. Just keep up the great work a little longer and you'll do great! You've got this!

    JillCWatson - I bet your liver is gorgeous!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Aztec4Life wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I guess still confused about a lot of stuff. I'm one of those people who always wants to know "why" things are done. The surgeon that's doing my surgery doesn't even know me. I met him for about 20 minutes 2 months ago. I've also lost almost 30 pounds since then. Does that not "count"? Hasn't my liver shrunk in that time? It's not like my liver knows when surgery is and is staying fat until exactly 2 weeks before date, right?

    Well, I guess I'll just do my best. It just seems like the more research and planning I do for this whole process, the less I know! lol.

    Here's your tough love: do it because you have signed up to the program. You need to be able to commit to their program. I am an engineer and also want to push at the edges of anything presented to me. For this part of my life, though, I am doing my best to *not* push the edges. I am trying to follow the program, and it has given me unimaginable success. I am a proponent of the Bariaic Center of Excellence program because it has changed my life.

    Buy in and reap the rewards!

  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Today (Sunday) was my first really good day. My calories were right on target. A couple things helped. I slept in because I didn't have to be at work until noon. So, didn't eat anything until around 11am. Also, the time change seemed to make the day go by "faster" (don't know why) I drank a TON of water and broth today. Was going #1 like crazy all day. I'm really going to have to be aware of my restroom breaks tomorrow (they vary from day to day with my job)

    For the rest of the week until Sunday (when I'll be on clear liquids) I'm really trying to plan it all out. And stick to it. I've come to far to fail now.

    Thanks again for everyone's feedback. Would still welcome more!
  • StephanieDedrick
    Mine was the same 2 weeks of liquid. It was super hard. I did lose 20 pounds in those 2 weeks :)
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    2 weeks on the liquid diet, mine was 4 pints of semi skimmed milk
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    Zero days. My surgeon doesn't require a liquid diet prior to surgery. Just clear liquids 24 hours before.
  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    Not scheduled for surgery yet. I am in the COE program and at the point of coming in for a second visit with the Nutritionist. [She wants to see a perfect diary. (which makes the temptation to not log everything very difficult to combat!) I suppose to be eating 1500/day, I am shooting for 1200, which helps me keep it at 1500. :smile: ]

    As part of the program my surgeon explained to me that loosing weight prior to the surgery was no concern to him, however the program will require it. He requires the 2 WEEK liquid diet prior to surgery, and as others explained, to reduce the livers size.

    However, I will also be required to have a digestive track x-ray test (drinking barium while they watch it work through my system) to ensure my track is working properly before surgery, along with other blood work.

    As others on here have said, stick to it. It is only a short time in the scope of life, and well worth the struggle.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited March 2015
    I did 2 weeks. I was allowed 3 shakes, a cup of "soup" (unjury chicken broth because I hated the soup from Bariatric Advantage!) and a single Ketogenics protein bar.

    It was a rough two weeks, but the doctor said my liver looked so good he wanted to kiss it! LOL!

    As hard as it was, it was easier imo than the 2 days prepping for the colonoscopy I did a week before!

    ETA: I was so glad I'd been faithful to the two week diet before surgery, because it prepared me well for the enormous change to my diet immediately following surgery. I was already accustomed to surviving on shakes and I wasn't trying to get used to this crazy new way of eating with a tummy that had been "full" just a week before. (Even so, man, did I crave cottage cheese for like 4 days before I was allowed to eat it!).