Day 59: 3/10/15

SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
Good morning! Tomorrow is another milestone day! If you haven't weighed in since milestone day 5, please update your weight either today or tomorrow.

I hit my goals yesterday. It was so nice outside, I wish I could have done my run outside. But the roads are still too bad out that it would be dangerous for me to run on them. Can't wait until I can get off the treadmill!

Goals for today:
1. stay within calories
2. 10,000 steps
3. swim & strength


  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good morning! Another milestone already and unfortunately because I am just up and down the same pound or so I am getting nowhere which is really frustrating.

    It was a gorgeous day yesterday but a very busy one for a vacation day. I did met my goals however.

    Today is the first day I have had the 4:45 am alarm since the time change and not liking it all topped off with a poor nights sleep. I tried to do my morning workout but just didn't have it in me, I started it but gave in after 10 mins. So bad start to the day and so far at work its not looking good either.

    Today's goals:
    stay within calorie goal
    fitness class tonight
    bed early
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!!
    Yesterday was awesome :) I felt so good and strong, I even added some shoulder exercises to my routine.
    The scale, now that's a different story.... For the last 3 days I'm gaining. Looks like I will be reporting a gain this milestone. I'm not particularly worried because I somehow feel lighter than ever and the inches are on my side :)
    Today is a much needed rest day because everything hurts right now. Water, protein, sleep and playtime are on my agenda :)
    Have a fabulous day everyone!!!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I hear you, Kenda. I lost ~1.5 lbs in the past week and as of this morning, I'm back to where I was on our last milestone day. I know it's just a fluctuation, but it still stinks.

    Keep with it and trust the process. If you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing, it will come off.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Started this morning by burning 302 calories doing 56 minutes of cardio exercises, including some strength exercises with dumb bells; Then it was a low-cal breakfast – considering the ingredients I can only assume I still have a bit of that "sweet" cruise-diet craving in me. LOL

  • awhitley
    awhitley Posts: 64 Member
    Dentist appointment at 4 this afternoon...yuck. Since I assume my mouth will still be numb at dinner time, I have a feeling I am going to be low on the calorie side.

    Today's goals are to get my walk in and hit at least 10,000 steps. Oh, and not drool. I seriously hate having dental work and being numbed...