World Erg Challenge 2015!!!

mrspeterson Posts: 54 Member
edited May 2015 in Social Groups
Come one, come all. Sign up and start spring strong! Look to join your friends under "MFP Friends"


  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm mentally preparing myself for the next challenge soon after "Global Marathon" so I'll probably do at least 200K for the team challenge.
  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    signed up as well! doubt i'll put up as many meters as @20yearsyounger‌ though :smile:
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Do what you can. I'm just hoping for a top 10 within our team :)
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I've signed up as well... Will try for 130000 meters for the challenge if I am able to.
  • robinrows
    robinrows Posts: 57 Member
    looking ahead to the marathon challenge........
    I might try to do some 30km rows in prep, should help the world erg challenge as well. Main issue with 30km is time (I'm blocking out 2 hrs on the rower, blisters, bum ache etc)

    I've only done 1 full marathon, in may 2014. They are a big jump from the HM. With a HM, after 1 hr, you think, only 25-30 mins left. With a full marathon, after 1hr, you 2 hours left OMG!

    It would be nice to row a full marathon, concentrating on the time, and not just finishing it!
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    This will be my first and last full marathon. Just looking to finish and use it as prep for my 1.5 mile open water swim with a few other MFP friends in July.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm nowhere near a FM. Not going happen for a long while.
  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    i might get talked into a half some day...but a full marathon is far beyond the limits of what my attention span can take on the ol' C2. even with a 10k, i sometimes get that whiny "are we there yet?" voice in my head. :)
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Haha, I get that voice in my head all the time :) I can't wait to get back to just doing 5Ks.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I've been able to muster up a HM. Couple times, actually. I actually don't even aspire to a FM. Really doesn't interest me at this point. I reserve the right to change the thought, but for now, it's definitely not something I'm trying to work towards.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    After this morning's 10K, I am really think about whether I will do it or for that matter, even do a HM. I have enough pins and downloadable certificates and there is nothing I really need to do over an 1hr. Maybe if there was a free t-shirt involved. Lot's of time remaining though, so we'll see.