
Feeling very disappointed and cross with myself
Have allowed my diet to slip in doing that ive gained 4lb


  • Chris50mfp
    Chris50mfp Posts: 18 Member
    Hey little Momma - No need to fret, you see it and now its done with you will get back on track and do great things how area your exercise habits? Feel free to add & msg me for support - Chris
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I understand this - just keep going! I know it sounds so cliche, but put the brakes on any slippage now :) You can doooo eeet!

  • beachbum4044
    beachbum4044 Posts: 57 Member
    Great turn it around. ..use that feeling as motivation to get back on track.
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member
    It's ok. You caught it before it became 10 or even 20. Easy to get back on track at this point
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member
    It's ok. You caught it before it became 10 or even 20. Easy to get back on track at this point
  • Well, it's official, you are human! Health takes a lifetime.
  • modmom1
    modmom1 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm back here because of that exact same thing. But we're back at it and that's what's important (if I typed it, then I must believe it...right? lol). You can do this!
  • 503ecc
    503ecc Posts: 82 Member
    It's only true if it rhymes though modmom1.

    Besides its not so much what you do as what you do next that's important.