Things I like about myself

Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
Yeah, I'm setting a pesky challenge, because I think this is something pretty much everyone with an ED struggles with. I was going to make it 'things I like about my body' but thought that might be a bit of a tough call for some, so it can be about your body (and that can be as obscure as you like, love your toes? Great!!) or about you as a person. You can give one thing, or more if you feel like.

If you don't want to contribute that's absolutely fine. But try to think of something anyway. Write it in your diary, in lipstick on your mirror, anywhere you can go back to it to remind yourself on those days when you need it.

Okay, me first!!

I love my curves. Yep, love 'em. And it took a damn long time. I hid my body away under baggy clothes for so long, because I thought I was fat smiley_emoticons_stevieh_rolleyes.gif. My late teens/early twenties coincided with the early 90s grunge waif thing. I was not a waif, cos almost perfect hourglass, and was never going to be. I hated it. Anyway, eventually I learned to embrace my curves. For one, perfect for vintage clothing!!

And in the interests of odd things - I love my fingernails. The tips are really white, so it's like I always have a French polish :p.


  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I love this topic. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I just realized at a therapy session how negative I am toward myself. It kind of drives me to exercise, achieve at work ect. I think possibly I fear letting go of these negative thoughts because then I won't be the best I can be.

    So here are my things: Ugh...I can't think about anything on my body (gosh....this is eye opening). I like my achievements though. I have a master's degree, I have my national board certification, I graduated college magna cum laude, I can jump horses in competition very well, I've run a marathon, I've done several triathlons, I've BEEN lol married and had "the dream house" etc.. I guess it wasn't so dreamy or I wouldn't have gotten divorced. I have the most wonderful caring friends and family. I got perfect scores on my work evaluation.

    So it's super odd to me that I can only find extrinsic things that I like about myself. did you come to love yourself and like parts of you. Did you use any strategies?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Being able to list things you like about you as a person is still great. So things like that you got perfect scores on your work evaluation says to me that you are a great teacher. That is something to be immensely proud of, as are the other things. You can work on finding things you like about your body :). Like, it looks to me like you are quite strong. That's something to like about your body, right?

    I don't think I used any strategies. Time? Actually the love of my curves probably really came after I broke up with my long term partner. I was slightly heavier than I am now when we broke up and had been even heavier a few years before that. I'm sure you understand the stress of a break up like that, I wasn't eating anywhere near enough (my usual high stress reaction) and my weight plummeted, though as I dealt with it all my appetite improved and it all evened out. The interesting thing was that my boobs didn't shrink. I mean, proportionately, yes, but not back to what they had been when I had been similar weights when I was younger (which still wasn't anywhere near flat, like C maybe?), so I had some serious curves going on in all the right places and it was awesome. Even though I'd been that size before, if not quite as busty, I had never embraced it. So now I'm just like yep, I have curves, they are great, yes I would like to be smaller overall (and I am getting back there), but the curves aren't going anywhere and nor do I want them to.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I would like to have curves, but honor my body for its shape. I'm sure everyone has seen the picture of different athletes' bodies.20jm4vdda3st.jpg
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    Too....hard.... :)

    Thanks for the challenge. I don't have any words about my body, but my friends do say this about me: I'm really curious and adventurous. I love to travel, understand people and cultures, and can be interested in almost anything. My friends say I can have enthusiasm about things that is contagious and fun to be around.

    (How this and the propensity for anxiety can exist in one human, I don't know...)

    Also, I love puns and word play. I like that about myself. :)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    Too....hard.... :)

    Thanks for the challenge. I don't have any words about my body, but my friends do say this about me: I'm really curious and adventurous. I love to travel, understand people and cultures, and can be interested in almost anything. My friends say I can have enthusiasm about things that is contagious and fun to be around.

    (How this and the propensity for anxiety can exist in one human, I don't know...)

    Also, I love puns and word play. I like that about myself. :)

    See? You did it after all :)
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    YAy alskarani!!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I like my arms, my stomach, and my boons. :)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    minipony wrote: »
    I like my arms, my stomach, and my boons. :)

    Tada!! Well done :). Did it feel good to realise that?
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Felt Great!!!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member