Welcome~ We start April 6th!

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
We will start April 6th, we will have a spreadsheet available for recording your weight loss, you can find that here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jam6TEnnOltAR8fiStEXcxOfEM05c3OGc9kJsXQ2uT8/edit#gid=2094522240


  • innecam
    innecam Posts: 4 Member
    I want to give it a try. I need to be down 20 lbs. by then.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    IMPORTANT QUESTION: I just looked at the spreadsheet in the link you provided and I noticed that the participants seem to be weighing themselves weekly. I do not own a scale and only weigh myself every 4 to 6 weeks when I see my doctor. Does the fact that I will not be weighing myself weekly disqualify me from participating in this challenge?
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    Very exciting! Can't wait to start~
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    IMPORTANT QUESTION: I just looked at the spreadsheet in the link you provided and I noticed that the participants seem to be weighing themselves weekly. I do not own a scale and only weigh myself every 4 to 6 weeks when I see my doctor. Does the fact that I will not be weighing myself weekly disqualify me from participating in this challenge?

    No..you do not have to use the spreadsheet at all. When you weigh is completely up to you. This is your journey so do what works for you.
  • Vonny_Vr
    Vonny_Vr Posts: 35 Member
    I'm totally in! Thanks for setting this up-looking forward to it :smile:
  • ThePinkPanther83
    ThePinkPanther83 Posts: 16 Member
    Be nice if it were sooner. :)
  • schonerhirt
    schonerhirt Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! Hope the warmer weather motivates me more! Lost some in the Easter challenge, but not as much as I would have liked, but onwards and upwards :)
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 506 Member
    I'm in. Didn't do well in the Easter challenge, hoping for much better results, warmer weather always helps me!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    My first challenge! So excited :) I think we can do this.
  • jennb3056
    jennb3056 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in! I've done pretty well in the Easter challenge, so want to keep the momentum going into Summer...thanks for setting this up!
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    This is going to be so much fun, can't wait to start :)
  • Z4Gurl
    Z4Gurl Posts: 16 Member
    Soooooo in. I need to fit in a brides maid dress by June... So this is perfect to help me through it... It fits, just not as well as I would like...
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    IMPORTANT QUESTION: I just looked at the spreadsheet in the link you provided and I noticed that the participants seem to be weighing themselves weekly. I do not own a scale and only weigh myself every 4 to 6 weeks when I see my doctor. Does the fact that I will not be weighing myself weekly disqualify me from participating in this challenge?

    If you decide to use the spreadsheet, I would recommend entering your weight on the appropriate week that you weighed in, but also enter that same weight for each of the following weeks until your next weigh-in at your appointment.

    The spreadsheet will not calculate correctly unless there is a number in each week.

    As an example:
    If you weigh in on April 6th (week 1) at 194 pounds (I'll use my weight as an example) and you know your next appointment is May 6th (which would be week 5 of the challenge), I would recommend going ahead and pre-entering the 194 pounds for weeks 2 through week 4. Then for May 6th, you would enter your new weight and pre-enter that weight for the future weeks until your next appointment and so on.

    Like kayjosh2422 said, you don't have to use the spreadsheet. It's just an added tool there for you to use if you choose. :)


  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    Ok, Maybe I can actually stick to this one. I do much better when the weather is nice! So I'm hoping I will be more motivated this time around
  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    Also, I will put in my starting weight when we get closer to starting this one.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm losing steadily and will pass the 20 lbs by Easter. I hope I do the same for this one!
    Good luck everyone! I can't wait for this one to start. I'm so glad winter is ending!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Just started to see the scale move, so I will continue with this one. The Dr. says I have to lose 15 - 20 lbs.... so need all the help I can get.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Be nice if it were sooner. :)

    If your wanting to get started with something now, you can join our drop 20 by Easter group that's going on right now and ends the day before this one starts.

  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    Thanks, kayjosh2422 and cycletrak1! I just entered my information on the spreadsheet, including my April 6th starting weight since I know I won't be weighed again by that date. My plan is to TRY using the spreadsheet unless my technological impairment gets the better of me!
    Good luck to ALL who are participating in this challenge! :)
  • leane00
    leane00 Posts: 22 Member
    Really silly question what does ugw stand for?
  • Skinniedipper
    Skinniedipper Posts: 14 Member
    Ultimate goal weight, I think
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    In and going to stick to this one
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Really looking forward to this. I've really enjoyed the easter challenge and I am hoping that I might be in a position to be aiming for goal weight by July 4th :o Good luck everyone!!
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    edited March 2015
    Be nice if it were sooner. :)

    You can always start now, Sweetie. We're in the final throes of the Easter Challenge - tag along - you should always start when you're in the right frame of mind. Cycletrack1 can add your name to the Easter spreadsheet, if you'd like to also use that tool. Just let her know if you're interested. Good luck. (btw: sweet baby in the picture).
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    I will definitely join this group. I was in another Christmas Challenge group and had great success. While I won't meet my target for the Easter Challenge, I can't say I haven't had success - certainly a vast improvement over this time last year. So, I'm looking forward to the support offered by the group again. I will target a 20 lb loss for this 13-week period.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Thanks for continuing the challenges! I don't think I will make my Easter target (150), but I am still pleased with my progress.

    I think I am still on track to reach my goal weight by July. This coincides nicely with the goal I had already set for myself-- reach goal weight (140-145) by my birthday which is June 29. :smile:
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited March 2015
    Be nice if it were sooner. :)

    I added your info to the Easter Challenge and emailed you the link to the Easter Challenge Spreadsheet. :)

    Here's the link for the Easter Challenge Spreadsheet in case anyone else is anxious to start before this July 4th Challenge starts!

    Just remember to add your info to the BOTTOM of the spreadsheet name list. By doing that, it preserves the weight loss formulas that are in the spreadsheet. We'll take care of sorting the names alphabetically.



  • jadezia
    jadezia Posts: 45 Member
    Checking in! This is my first "event" on MFP, so this should be exciting :D I am going on a beach vacation July 4th week, so its perfect. I'll add myself to the (bottom of) spreadsheet, as well.
  • englishmermaid
    englishmermaid Posts: 114 Member
    Its not letting me add anything
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    edited March 2015
    I added myself to the bottom yesterday, but it's not on there now, like it didn't save. I will add myself again and see what happens.

    Edit: I couldn't figure out how to delete this post, so I am just editing it to say I went to the link I saved for the spreadsheet, and my name is there.