Why exercise?



  • MinnesotaNice507
    MinnesotaNice507 Posts: 60 Member
    edited March 2015
    Started: I started exercising in high school to look "good." Same reason over many years. I also just really enjoyed walking.

    Now: I am going to turn 40. I still want to look good. Now, though, I want to be healthy too. I want my blood work at my 40-year GME to be great. I want the energy to work on my garden forever. I want to be healthy for my kids. My 18 y/o gets worried about me when he sees grey hair on my head, but I can cover that up. Can't really cover up being unhealthy, not really. Also, I realize now how much better my mood is and how much more energy l have when I exercise. I still really enjoy walking and hiking.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    Because it makes you feel better afterwards, plus it let's you eat more which makes losing weight easier imo
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Started: Because one day I looked up from my recliner chair and realized that I was moving less and less, gaining more and more, feeling worse and worse - and I was scared beyond reason that I might not escape what I viewed as a sedentary death spiral.

    Now: Because I CAN. Because I do love food. But more, because I love to be badass.

    That's about it.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I started lifting when i was 12, and the reason was because i didn't want to get picked on once i entered junior high school. I got a weight set for Christmas, and from that point on, i did my homework on lifting routines, and what exercises to do for each muscle. After a while, i made my own routines, and saw results that really gave me some confidence. Now fast forward 33 years...........i'm now married with two kids, own a house, so i need to fit some sort of exercise so that i don't fall prey to inactivity and create health problems, because i love to eat all da foodz! Seriously, i now know that i can reap benefits from having an exercise program, and that eating smart is now part of my daily ritual. Thanks to this website, and people like SS and Sarah..........i'm now more enlightened on certain topics that i had no clue about in years past. Thanks to the both of you for your contributions. They are much appreciated!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    edited March 2015
    First exercise I ever enjoyed I was 17, found hatha yoga. All I did through college and following years. Fast forward to the day John Lennon was shot. I did not deal well with that. After a few months, I was fat and depressed, unable to even do basic yoga moves. I started doing aerobic dancing in my house to Beatles music, eventually signed up at a fitness studio for women and continued doing aerobics for several years, got over my depressed state and lost the weight. Fast forward again, just returned to the USA after living in Australia for 4.5 years, got depressed again and put on over 50 lbs., had pain in hips and knees and hands. Switched to 40/30/30 eating and again with the aerobics, along with mountain hiking and walking. That got me through menopause without killing anyone or myself as I got happy and healthy and fit. 10 yrs on, I am back at it. Looking for alternatives to aerobics only for weight loss, so started picking up hand weights along with the dance moves, just recently found Body Flex classes and am progressing to weighted barbells. I want to have a healthy retirement, move well, and enjoy my time on this earth.

    I have changed and my goals have changed. I actually enjoy exercising now, I had not enjoyed anything but the yoga before, but I did it anyway.

    Nice thread SS.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    edited March 2015
    Initially, I started doing cardio to be able to hike, and to help with weightloss. Lifting was added in early so that I could minimize my LBM losses.

    Now, wow, where to start. I exercise because it enables me to go backpacking, hiking, kayaking, ALL OF THE ADVENTURES! I lift to help with that and because I love what it's doing for my body. And it's fun. Plus, dat azz. And my shoulders. Errr, I mean, it's "for my health".

    The big reason, though, what keeps pushing me forward, is that being ABLE to exercise is still pretty novel to me. I don't take it for granted, and I want to keep being able to reset what I think I'm capable of.
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    I started exercising because I participated in sports/activities in high school.
    In my 20's I exercised for physical appearance.
    Now in my 30's, I exercise for stress management in managing a career and family, for the immediate feeling of accomplishment with each workout, general health, and physical appearance.

    And of course...for MOAR food.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited March 2015
    I actually started by hitting the gym with my wife she was getting fitter and healthier and I was not and she started showing less interest in me and more in others.
    Then I started running. I used to run when in Army above what they required and even when I got out for a while. That along with my dad dying, and some other very stressful life events I realized exercise relieved the stress.
    I am still married my wife and I are probably doing better than ever, funny I never set out to loose weight I went to the gym to be with my wife (call it what you will). I realized I enjoy running, this was a few years ago.
    I still enjoy running I enjoy weight training also, but I cannot or will not make the time to be consistent with it, so I do what I can. My primary exercise is running.
    I damn near lost 50lbs and did not even realize it until some one said to me you look like your loosing weight and I stepped on the scale and I had lost at least 50, Not really knowing my starting weight. But also I was under a lot of stress.
    I do it still today for weight control, stress reliever, and I enjoy the accomplishment I feel when I finish a long run.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    tl;dr: I started because I felt like *kitten* and exercise let me eat more. I keep going for the rush. I'm hugely competitive with myself, the more I lift, the more I want to ;)

    Book version :smile:
    I played all the sports in school for the first few years. When I hit Grade 7 exercising was only for 'jocks' and since I was already chubby by that time I wasn't athletic enough to fit in with them or pretty (skinny) enough to be with the cheerleaders so I stopped.

    Through my 20's I never dieted and managed to keep my weight mostly in check because I had a series of really demanding jobs (waiting tables, bar tending, order picking) I went back to school in 99' to do a degree in computer science and came out gaining 10 lbs per semester for 9 semesters. Went in a size 6/8 came out a 22, got married and kept packing it on.

    I divorced and went the next 6 years feeling horrible, sore, tired, joints aching etc. Eventually I decided that I really needed to do something about my weight so I joined a gym and spent 6 months with a trainer. I lost 12 lbs - which was ideal but at the time I still didn't know what a healthy rate was - and about 2400$ I gave up because I wasn't seeing the results that I thought I should see.

    When I met my current boyfriend neither one of us had much money so we did a lot of 'free' dates which included walking and hiking. I got active again but I was finding it pretty tough to keep up with my boyfriend at my high weight. When we went to Europe for the first time in 2011 I was about 220lbs and I felt like a beached whale around all the much more slender European ladies. When I came home I was determined to do something about it. I joined MFP and started losing. I upped my activity and by the time I had lost 60 lbs I decided I should join a gym. I started with the typical cardio, areobics, fuzzy pink barbells they give the girls. It was ok but I didn't find I enjoyed it very much.

    Thanks to MFP and the people around here I decided to try weight lifting and now I'm hooked. I love the feeling of being one of the only girls in the free weight section and having the guys boggle when I start doing the same exercises as them with 'their' weights (admittedly I am not NEARLY as bad *kitten* as that, but most of the the guys at my gym don't seem to use big weights :p) For some reason now I see them as competition so it's my goal to beat them all Bwahahaha!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    I never really exercised much until around age 38 or 39 when a community gym went in near our house, and I was not happy with my weight. I've been exercising of and on, but mostly on, since then and I just turned 55. I am healthier and stronger now, then ever in my life. I can do any physical activity i want to do. Most of my exercise is cardio (zumba), yoga and off and on strength training. I keep doing it because it makes me feel good and health and I still hope to lose another 10 pounds. Honestly, most people never guess I'm in my 50s. I'm trying very hard to set myself up for fitness for life. And zumba is a complete blast, so it's fun!
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Started: As a teen mom I wanted to get out of the house so started walking with the baby in a stroller. Now that baby is 36. I continued to walk, even when obese, and just always liked how it made me feel. I added yoga for the same reason around 17 years ago, I liked how my body felt afterwards. I started strength training per doctors orders to increase bone density 3 years ago.

    Now: I love feeling stronger from lifting weights, and I love seeing the progression as I'm able to lift more. I have more confidence. I love that as I age, I can do more things for myself (like going to Home Depot and lifting a bag of potting soil by myself). I love that lifting has made my yoga practice better. I love that I can pick up my grandkids easily and run around with them. I love that my body is looking better than I ever have. I added in hiking once a week and enjoy being outside.

    When I don't or can't exercise for more than a week or so, I feel lethargic, my joints hurt, I don't have much energy, and I don't sleep well.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    started; I weighed 98.5kg Christmas 2012, I was munching a handful of peanuts whilst sipping beer & asked my nephew how he'd lost weight? "simple, eat a little less, exercise a little more" Jan 4 2013 I walked 3 miles (which seemed like going half way round the world) and joined MFP & began counting calories. I lost 52lb in 52 weeks this way.

    now; having got down to 75kg I wanted to get in shape, I'm still walking, 30-40 miles per week, but I get in the gym 3 days per week, I have a PT who manages my programme & teaches me correct form, & I LOVE IT, especially dead lifting, makes me feel SO strong in my whole body.

    I'm 55 & have never felt this fit in my life.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Started: I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes with my first daughter. When she was 18mths old I started MFP and working out, classes, cardio, 5k's, etc and I started to really enjoy it. 18mths later I was 2lbs away from goal weight, got pregnant with baby #2 and started all over again. And to add - I really wanted to feel confident in the way I looked.

    Now: Still working on losing the last bit of weight from baby #2 (19mths old now), but this has turned into life for me. Teaching my kids to move as a part of life to be healthy. I also picked up lifting and SL5x5 about 6 months ago and I became addicted to the high. And still working on feeling good about this body of mine from the outside.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I played sports as a kid, but then I got away from it.
    I was a 19-year-old male when I started "exercising." I started lifting weights and I started running. I suppose the first few times I went out I had the idea of improving my looks. But i found right away that I liked the feeling. I liked the feeling of running down the road. I like that feeling you have after you finish lifting, and you get in the sauna or a hot tub, etc.
    That is still why I do it. I like the feeling. I also like working at something hard trying to get better.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    edited April 2015
    started: i got out of shape after college and go to 285. I then decided i was going to go to the gym every day and said that i was going to get to 'fitness magazine shape', i didn't say it was a goal, i said i would.

    now...still same goal 4 years later, i've gone to the gym practically every single day since then. and w\the goal well, it sure is taking longer than i hoped ha.