Hello :)

Beccy_Boo Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone!

I'm getting married in September and want to lose quite a substantial amount of weight... I've been struggling with my weight for years now.
My height weight was 111.7kg and I'm currently 106. I'd love to lose 30kg by the wedding but will be happy to accept 15!
I've done a lot of research over the years and a low carb /keto approach really makes the most sense to me. I've been in and out of ketosis all year... It's great once I'm there but I'm finding it harder and harder to get over the hump of keto flu. I have such an insatiable sweet tooth.
Any tips you have would be invaluable! Xx


  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

    I don't have any tips in particular - but didn't want to leave this unanswered. I would think 15kg would be doable OK in six months and maybe even 30 if you are young :wink:
    - The key to not enduring keto flu would be to stay in ketosis - but I guess you know that! Stock up your freezer with lots of lovely artificially sweetened fat bombs or keto ice cream for when your sweet tooth strikes. Or alternatively stay as far away as possible from all sweet things until your palate is re-educated away from sweet stuff. And speaking personally, stay away from alcohol as I find that's when my judgment goes awry!
    - Good luck, let us know how you get on.
  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    Just wanted to say congratulations in advance. I love Fall weddings! (coming up on my 20th anniversary in early October :) )
    I do a different plan but would add this to what the person above said - plan, plan, plan. Find your favorite meals that fit your plan, things you can travel with or take to work. If you like to cook, having that control, will make life easier (and more delicious!) for you. TONS of recipes are out there, experiment with new ones. I wish you and your husband to be, many happy years together.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Congrats, first and foremost.

    Shortening the keto flu for me included fat blasting myself, ignoring calories, and majorly upping my salt to keep my electrolytes.

    Keto's benefits are HUGELY negated if you're "in and out of ketosis." Find something and stick to it. Period. Going back and forth on any program will not give you the consistent successes your require to reach your wedding goal. (not being hateful, I promise ... just a little tough love/reality dose)

    I was a sweets junkie of the absolute worst measure. I could sit and eat an entire large jar of Nutella in one sitting with a spoon. I could eat 3 king sized candy bars as a snack and want more. The key, for me personally, to defeat this was to drop my carbs low enough (getting below 35 at first, then below 25 for keto) to get over the carb cravings. Upping my fats. Ridiculously so, to outsiders or anyone stuck in the old "fat is bad" mindset.

    When I have a sweets craving, I have fat first. Then I allow myself a keto friendly sweet. My favorite fat bomb has cocoa powder and cinnamon. (I use Pure Via Stevia. It's organic and non GMO. Liquid stevia gives me massive headaches. I can use liquid or powdered spelnda, but I like the Pure Via better.... Just FYI, everyone is different. And also FYI, before switching to low carb, I could never stand/tolerate artificial sweeteners of any kind.... Now it's much easier.) Keeping myself full up on fats and salt has killed most of this knee-jerk cravings I ALWAYS had before.

    Also, I've recently switched to doing a variation of "bullet proof tea." I can't stand coffee. I use my stevia, and on occasion a sugar-free creamer in it. Mostly heavy whipping cream and coconut oil (I've used butter, but it doesn't blend as well or travel as well in my water bottle method)... I drink it at 7-8 am, and I drink broth around 10:00 - 10:30, and I'm barely hungry by noon - though it depends on the day.

    Good luck looking around and figuring out what works for you. I went LCHF back on 1/15, and I've been Keto for about 4 weeks now. I've lost around 20 pounds and gone down a full pants size and am well on my way to my next one. I'm also looking at having to adjust my bras finally this week (one of my more stubborn areas). I'm losing more inches than pounds, but I consider that a win, because that means I'm burning more fats and likely building some much needed muscle...

    Just my personal opinions...no hurt feelings if you toss them out the window.
  • Beccy_Boo
    Beccy_Boo Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you SO much for the responses!

    Totaloblivia: Well, I'm 28...is that young enough to lose 30kg in six months?? Probably not. I sit behind a desk all day - a major metabolic disadvantage. I probably need to follow the latter of your two options and stay far away from sweets for a while!

    Raventwo: Thank you so much for the well wishes! I'm actually in Australia so I'm having a Spring wedding. I picked September purely based on the fact that it is the month with the lowest average rainfall in my area. I live on the Gold Coast which is a sub tropical climate - when it rains it pours! No good for an outdoor wedding.
    You're definitely right about planning. This is a difficult eating plan to stick to if I accidentally forget lunch!

    KnitOrMiss: You and I might be kindred spirits. I'm a big fan of calling a spade a spade. I appreciate your honesty and direct approach.
    I definitely need to just stick to something for more than a week - that's the bottom line.

    Between office lunches and birthday cakes to my home life where my kids and partner still very much eat carbs... I need to somehow adjust my mindset so I don't view abstaining as deprivation.

    I can't STAND artificial sweeteners. If all sweet things were flavoured with stevia I wouldn't have a sweet tooth. Seriously.
    I do quite like xylitol though... I have 1tsp in a cup of coffee.
    I really hope to rid myself of my sugar cravings - I can never seem to satisfy it anyway!
    Congrats on the 20lbs!!
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome Beccy, i'll second and third what everyone already stated. Remember, the willpower and patience is the key. Nothing is going to happen overnight, so give it time, and you will be successful in your journey.
    The less sweets you eat the less you will crave them. Bacon is my sweet :)
    Congrats on your wedding as well and best of luck!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    October is a good month, whatever your reasons for choosing it. We were married then because that's when the cheap facility had an opening. :wink:

    Honestly, don't focus on the AMOUNT to lose. Lots of people end up putting on a bit more muscle while they're losing weight on low carb, and it screws with the numbers. Measure more than just weight - waist, fat percentage, something.