49 days out. 1st Major NSV!!!

cmpleonard Posts: 15 Member
I am 49 days out currently in a stall. I am not too upset by this stall because I am weight training. And my clothes are getting BAGGY!! I finally broke down and bought some new jeans for work. People at work do not know I had surgery. The first day to work in my new jeans I got so many compliments about "how good you are looking" and "what are you doing differently" and a couple of "dang girl!" hahaha. It was a major confidence boost in the midst of the stall. I try to tell myself the scale number isn't the end all be all. But at the end of the day (well... at the beginning rather) I still get on the scale and want that number to move!!! But I will take the compliments in the mean time and for the first time in my life I am starting to like the body I am in!!


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Awesome! Doesn't it feel great?? I love when clothes start getting baggy --- I just picked up a couple pair of jeans in lower sizes because I use those to gauge progress as well as the scale and measuring tape. The weight training will help tone up and feeling new muscles is great as well. Keep it going! :smile:
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    Awesome to hear your progress, keep making the right food choices and keep up with the eexercise and the scale will catch up I promise!!
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    Awesome! Great NSV! :)
  • mycatsnameisbug
    mycatsnameisbug Posts: 118 Member
    Love the feeling of new jeans! Go you!!!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    YES!!! Great work-- and it IS hard when the scale does not move. Stalls happen... and when they do I just remind myself my body will thank me for the good food choices and exercise regardless of that stupid number! Keep up the good work!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well done!
  • cmpleonard
    cmpleonard Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! Doesn't it feel great?? I love when clothes start getting baggy --- I just picked up a couple pair of jeans in lower sizes because I use those to gauge progress as well as the scale and measuring tape. The weight training will help tone up and feeling new muscles is great as well. Keep it going! :smile:

    Thanks :smiley: I am definitely feeling the new muscle! It feels great!
  • cmpleonard
    cmpleonard Posts: 15 Member
    cutty805 wrote: »
    Awesome to hear your progress, keep making the right food choices and keep up with the eexercise and the scale will catch up I promise!!

    I have needed to hear people give me compliments. Not for the attention. But with the weight have lost I am still focusing on what needs to be done instead of what has happened. So when people remark on the changes I realize that my body image is off. And I just need to realize it won't happen over night. But it's a struggle!!