Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, March 16th - 22nd



  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    Did another 7 miles on my bike last night without incident, but I was really dragging towards the end so I'm not going to push myself too much more for now and just stick to twice around the park and home while I build up some strength.

    I've been noticing a lot of fatigue in my muscles lately...probably need to start taking iron pills again but I *really* do not want to cause myself more nausea than I already deal with daily. But it also hurts just going up one flight of steps, like my muscles aren't getting oxygen. I'll try that fortified cereal, but who knows how much my body actually absorbs.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    @craftscout‌ good mentality (well, maybe not the breaking yourself part); it's hard to keep in mind the big picture when there's set back on frequent reading.

    @seasicksquid‌ How often are you riding? Would a rest day (or two, or three) help your muscles recover?
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    @ScrAgnX My muscles don't really ache the day after a ride, it's just fatigue when using stairs and sometimes when not wearing good shoes (YOU CAN PULL MY SANDALS FROM MY COLD DEAD FEET). I did do two rides two days in a row, trying to take advantage of the nice weather before the rain later this week. I should probably also look at potassium in addition to rest and iron. I just wish I could figure it out. The mind is willing but the body struggles!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,617 Member
    Good morning all, Today I meet with my trainer. Most weeks its Fridays but I have plans so we switched days. I also count this as a body pump because its all weights. today I am planing to cook all my meals, I haven't gone out for food other then ( that shake,) and that was a bad choice the next day, I just don't feel so good from it. my body is use to better things. so that won't be happen again.

    @sea I am so sorry that they guy did that to you, I hate when people are so mean, here you are trying to better for self and they make it like a joke, for get them.

    @crafts don't worry about the gain now, sometimes you body has to get adjusted to what you are doing. I know at first I was gaining which really made me mad but I found out it was because I was exercising or changing something up. so my body had to get use to it.

    @ Mat glad you could get a nice walk in while at work.

    @Italian I hope things get better and work out with your boss

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    I think one of my big problems this week is that, while I am going back to a breakfast of weight loss shakes (180 calories, and enough vitamins that I don't feel like I need a multivitamin), I bought Coffeemate creamer this weekend instead of my (now) usual fat free half and half. So my morning coffee has gone from about 25 calories a cup to 70. And I need a minimum of two cups or I don't function. I'm not going to fall for coconut creme flavor again, you bastiches!!

    dang, I am such a sucker for coconut.

    May we all have success fighting our inner demons today! Huggggggggggs . . .
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sea - When I just read that post, I got really really angry inside! How dare they! What a bunch of losers, I wonder what their mothers would think of them! I am sorry that happened to you!

    HLaR - I agree with that idea, but it is difficult when we are constantly bitching and bickering at each other.

    Thanks Skittles - I go into work in a few minutes, and I have no idea how today will be....I just wish we didn't have to have this same argument every year, I feel like I am constantly reinventing the wheel with her....the worse part is when she gets something in her head, nobody can talk to her, she won't listen, we have all tried!

    The bigger problem is that since this started Monday, I have not gotten near my step count, and I have been eating TONS of sugar at night, not logging at all.....I really need to shake that off but stress eating is one of my two biggest weaknesses.....the thing is, if this goes on for a few weeks like it normally does, I am gonna end up undoing everything I have done in the last eight weeks! I am so stressed about that too! UGH!

  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    The bigger problem is that since this started Monday, I have not gotten near my step count, and I have been eating TONS of sugar at night, not logging at all.....I really need to shake that off but stress eating is one of my two biggest weaknesses.....the thing is, if this goes on for a few weeks like it normally does, I am gonna end up undoing everything I have done in the last eight weeks! I am so stressed about that too! UGH!

    Stress is so bad for you, not only because of the stress eating, but that it can cause an excess gain of belly fat. Something that I've been trying, after stress got really bad for me and my counselor recommended it, is called MBSR, or Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. It sounds hokey and crazy new age, but it's just pulling the stress outside of yourself and being mindful that it exists, but cannot take control of you. There's a lot of scientific evidence behind it working, too.

    The self guided program that I am working through is and it's really been a help. One of the articles in the first week is about mindful eating, too, which I found really helpful!

    /steps off soapbox :)

  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    @Seasick, if you see your doctor often they may be able to narrow the missing link instead of taking extra vitamins that your body won't absorb, it just makes you have really expensive pee! And I hate that you got harassed, people can be so rude for no reason other then to make themselves feel pumped up, at very least I would say you have far more self confidence then those guys cause you don't have to beat up others to make you feel good!! Wtg for getting back at it the next day!

    @Italian_Buju‌ yay for recognizing, that's half way to change!

    @craft next week will be even better

    I ate fast food yesterday :neutral_face: I planned on not and then I got caught up with my kids and did! Today I am drinking more water to try and flush out all the sodium. I had actually gotten my best sugar in forever yesterday too!! I am doing the 8 cups of non pop and the 10 minutes exercise yay!
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Yay, HLaR!! I mean, not yay the junk food, but yay the low sugar and exercise! ;)

    Italian, I agree that you should try to find alternative methods to deal with stress. Even if you win the battle against stress eating, and I'm a fellow warrior in that battle, the stress still sits in you and on you - on your shoulders, in your mind, everywhere. Try to find somewhere, something, or someone who can awaken your inner peace. Sitting in a park, shopping with a friend, getting a pedicure, petting a cat or dog, something.

    I am continuing to drag today. I wanted nothing more than to take a nap this afternoon. Went for a one hour walk instead. But I am turning in early.

    1. Mmmmm, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots all cooked in beer all day long. And soda bread. So. Good. Better than going to a restaurant. Had one serving of Samoas. Shared with the family, so they're happy, and I have fewer to tempt me. :)
    2. Totally skipped strength training today. I won't bother with an excuse, I just did.
    3. 10,800 steps :)

    Good night, MFP, may we all rest easy, relax our aching muscles, and drop 5 pounds overnight! :D
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    OK, time to climb back on this wagon.....
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Hugggggggs, you can do this! :)
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Wow my eating has been off all week. I need to get back on track. Today is the day. I will cook dinner rather than hit a drive thru. I will workout today. I will get enough sleep.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    @Italian_Buju‌ and @matfatcowboy‌ You can do it!!! Forgive yesterday and work for today!

    I'm having a not so bad except my jeans make me depressed about my wasteline day! I know it seems silly but I finally had to give in and buy bigger clothes, I have never had pants this big and they still bug my tummy! I have had a good week though and that won't get me down!

    So yesterday I made veggie dip with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, It wasn't the best but it wasn't bad, I will have to learn how to adjust for the taste of the yogurt without adding too much extra salt!

    Don't know how to get in my 10 minutes today but thinking of making friends with my treadmill!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    OK folks, I am on a mission now! I am slightly stressed because my cat, once again, has eaten something that can seriously hurt her. I swear she is trying to kill herself and me in the process! HOWEVER, I am not going to let it get to me unless she actually starts to show signs of being sick. At which point I will fall apart, lol, but not letting it happen before/unless it happens.

    Things have worked out at work this round. I basically forced my boss to discuss it with me yesterday even though she kept insisting she was not going to. And we talked about it until we came to a mutual understanding, again. I am hoping after several years of this same problem, sooner or later she totally 'gets' it....but for now, it is contained.....she actually is a really awesome boss, just a few things we do to always see eye to eye on....

    I bought a tablet last night, and I am thinking watching movies on the treadmill will make things go by much faster, and maybe even encourage me to walk's to hoping! That was one of the two main reasons I bought it.....the other was easier ad matching when shopping.....of course I will use it for other things, but those were the two big ones I wanted.

    I know I have been batting 1000 for weeks on end, but I really feel I got this for now! I have a late start on this weeks goals, but I can start from today and improve them next week!

    I thank each one of you for your support, it really really helps me, which is one of the reasons I started this thread, so we can all help each other!

    I did a ton of walking today, and am still cleaning the house and doing will have lots of steps today.

    HLaR - better to be comfortable! Just don't buy too much, cuz you are gonna keep shrinking starting now!

    Matt - glad you went home to cook! I am struggling with going to bed too....ugh

    Have a great night everyone!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Oh good idea watching a movie on the treadmill, mine is in the basement and there is no tv there!! And thanks for the vote of confidence :) Hope you hit your goals, you just motivated me to do mine
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Well, ladies and gentlemen, yesterday sucked. It sucked so bad I didn't even put in my dinner, come on this thread, put in my weight - NONE of it. I had less than 5000 steps, spent most of my day on my bottom at the office, came home craving Mexican food, told my husband we were going out, then had fajitas at Papasitos after nearly chip-and-dipping myself to death.

    Unsurprisingly, I gained yesterday. I'm not even sure what was up, I wasn't unduly stressed . . . Let's call it a cheat day and move on.

    I really want to move on. I am tired of moving the same pounds up and down.

    Today was better. I'm at 11,000 steps already, ate at home, and am currently at a deficit of over 900 calories. I haven't eaten any of my exercise calories. I didn't do my strength training, though. Fridays when I work are long hard days, and I usually come home after getting 9-10,000 steps in and SLEEP. Today I was good and woke and cooked dinner.

    We'll see what the scale says in the morning. Here's to not falling off the wagon too far . . .
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Had an ok eating day, but convinced my daughter to hold the focus mitts and thai pads for me, felt so good to hit some pads, I am putting up my heavy bag tomorrow. Also started a new Nike Xbox workout thing. I'm committed so let's see where it takes me.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Ugh. To much eating out all week long again. Not enough moving. Better than the week before, but not like I was doing before Christmas.

    I need to talk with my husband about going out for dessert after we go out for dinner. I don't mind the occasional treat, but not every time. Last night we discovered something I should not know exists that close to me - coconut milk tea with tapioca pearls. O. M. G. It tasted like they just poured a can of coconut cream over tapioca and ice. I don't know HOW I managed to lose weight after that! :)

    I am definitely looking forward to kickboxing tomorrow. I don't know if I'll go to yoga tomorrow, too, but I am definitely going to try to make it on Wednesday!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    This week was a rough one.....I spent the beginning of it stress eating, and then it always takes me a few days of 'relaxed' eating to really get over being so stressed out and get back on track.....
    I am feeling good about today and this week.....but blew it pretty much every day for the last six - from Monday to yesterday.....

    I gained three pounds this week.....

    I am now moving to the new thread, lol, forget this week happened.....
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,617 Member
    the past couple days have been crazy for me and super busy and my food has been junk. but today I'm back at the clean eating.