Mar 2015 Challenge ~ Mar 16th - Mar 22nd



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    Shelley our trainer knows I won't go to the gym by myself, and DD won't be finished with her dissertation until the beginning of May. All her free time is focused on this paper. I just finished editing 88 pages and that's just the introduction! So she won't be joining me at the gym until she's finished. Our trainer knows the equipment I have at home and designs my workout so I can do it here two time a week...which I didn't...I said I was going to but then I stood up and realized I am done for today! I'm sore from Monday and Tuesday...

    Pink isn't really my and jade cuffs? Yeah, jade would be perfect! I have shirt and shoes that would totally complete the look! B)

    I think your skull crushers with Crash are terrific!! I understand his reluctance to do kick backs though...bwahahah! :s

    I'll be back tomorrow! ;)


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    Tennis practice this evening with the ladies -60 minutes. Headed to bed. Good night all.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    When you have a long day doing errands w/DH; come home at 9pm and close your eyes "for a moment"; and wake up four hours later, do you know what that is? Yup! REST Day!

    ps, I don't usually dress for bondage, but if we're wearing jade and silver, I can rock the pink... And tell Crash I'm jealous that Shelley gets all the kisses! :kiss:

    People are now asking "Uh... are you still losing weight?" and then looking relieved when I say "No." ...bones bones bones bones... It turns out that at may age, you go from fat hanging on bones, to loose skin hanging on bones. I need Muscles!!!!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Paula I just need to keep repeating Kathy's motivational phrase for the week. It's not that I can't eat it, it's that I choose not to. I am going to write it down and hang it at my bench.

    Took the daughter to get her dress fitted for prom. She is such a peanut that it needed some adjustments, lol. I keep telling her to enjoy it now because it is work to keep it all in shape later in life. Anywho she looks so grown up in this dress. Daddy is not going to like seeing her as a young lady and not his little buddy.

    Getting my steps done right now then off to the challenge.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    Paula I like your rest day!! And I tried to order you muscles on Amazon Prime, but there was a bunch of grumbling from the warehouse men and women about the fact they were using them...I'm so sorry!

    Lynnette I cried every time our daughter dressed for a prom. Your daughter will look amazing! Take pictures!!

    I struggled getting our challenge done and enough steps to make 10,000, but I did get up off my duff and get it done!! I'm off early tomorrow and I think I get to pick up Bean. The school has been out since Monday...maybe Spring Break already?? I'm hoping to be able to take him over there early and get mile miles done while he plays in the grass.

    Counting tomorrow, I only have to get up at 3:30 in the morning six more times!!! I got the nicest compliment from one of our IT guys today. And a hug!! It felt pretty terrific!

    Okay, I'm going to read for the rest of the evening.



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Only 6 more times Chris! That is wonderful! I am glad your trainer is working with you. Soon your daughter will be done with college. :D I am sore also. So what was the compliment?

    Lynette I am excited to see her in the dress! I know she will be beautiful! I like how you appreciate Kathys mantras. I also love them.

    Paula the pink is all yours! Muahaha. Sorry Chris, I do not have any in your color. Paula that kitty is a stinker! Typical cat has to have his bowl over filled to eat out of it.

    Kathy awesome workout! Keep going!

    The brown eyes got a walk today. I am calling it a rest day! Walking them is just to fun to count! :D

    Today I found out my new tank will not be ready until the middle of April! :'( I guess my fish are just going to have to stay in their little ones longer.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    Finished the challenge: three sets of 8 with 5# weights. A break between sets.

    Lynnette, I love Kathy's motivational this week too. But it's a good thing it wasn't "no trigger food Friday" because I had 3 saltines today just because they were yummy. Only 3 though, so already recovered.

    Chris, thank you for trying to find me some muscles. You'd think amazon would be more generous for poor little old ladies. :wink:

    Shelley, Thank you for offering to cuff me?!! And who is/are brown eyes?

    Love all,
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    Got off work a little early and went with 3 teammates to the tennis center for a private lesson for 1 hour. Love Coach Dennis...he worked us and gave great tips. He also noticed my weight loss and said I was moving much better. I also completed the challenge x3.

    Going to spend time with my sweetie tonight...I think he's feeling neglected... :) hope we can get our match in Sunday. There is a 70% chance of rain. :\

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    Shelley the compliment was that I was the only person he really trusted in our department. The others, he said, always acted phoney toward him. I never questioned him when he needed to work on my computer, and I have a wicked sense of humor. He appreciates me, and will miss me. It was really nice.

    Paula nice work on the challenge and the folks at Amazon kept talking about how they needed the muscles to lift all the boxes of shoes I ordered...hmmmm...

    Kathy have fun with your sweety tonight and I hope you get to play on Sunday.

    Challenge rest day today, but Bean and I walked over at the school for an hour. The weather was interesting today. Without the clouds it would have been a scorcher but we had clouds and a breeze. Nice! I got 6 miles done with 13,000 steps. No junk or trigger foods. I'm happy. Tomorrow will be more steps and more miles.

    Until then my friends!! <3<3

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    Rest day for me today too. And no trigger foods. [I think the pain meds kill appetite. It feels like forcing myself to eat protein sometimes.]

    My body must need to heal - it slept away the afternoon today. I can feel progress though week-by-week.

    I've got a structure now for knee exercises: 2 to 3 sets per day of 1 hour of bending and 1 hour of straightening. Today I started alternating them instead of an hour each. And I started practicing walking without a limp. It's slow, but pain meds help.

    Thank you for being such good friends!
    Paula :flowerforyou:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,893 Member
    Chris that s a fantastic compliment. And you do have a wicked sense of humor. Great day! :D

    Kathy a compliment from the coach is like water in the desert! ;) Great going.

    Paula, wait for it, wait.....brown eyes are the boys! I am a sucker for their beautiful eyes. We went again today. Then I got our challenge done. B) And Cooper growled at me when I picked him up. He was being bad. Then the little darling realized his mistake and reached out and gave me a big lick across my cheek. Just like a two year old saying "sorry". No wonder they are spoiled. They know how to play me.

    Chris you and Paula will just have to find muscles the old fashioned way. B)

    Kathy I hope you and your sweety had a great time. <3

    night all

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    Thought today would a rest day, but these 5# weights are sitting next to my recliner, and it feels so good to use them... really good!!!!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Up at 5:30 today thinking of work, but actually came up with some good ideas! Have been crazy busy and having an upset tummy for a few days so I have not been working out the past few days. Feeling better today so after work, hoping to get a nice walk in. We have flowers blooming!
    I'm going to try to upload some pictures of my daughter. The pictures don't show all the lace on the dress, so the camera doesn't do it justice. I'll try to include a link from David's Bridal. 7xry4lja4yqp.jpg
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Here's the wedding dress in black, probably for the Asian market. (White is a color for mourning in some cultures) I like to show the black as you can really see the lace detail. It's a Vera Wang and we got it on sale! And most important, she loves it and feels like a princess!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    OMG, Clara! She's beautiful!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    Clara she's awfully pretty!!

    Got 5 miles done with DH and Bean this morning then just finished 4.5 miles by myself. It was pretty darn nice outside. Clouds and a breeze...can't ask for much more!

    Eating is right on. No trigger foods. I still have to go to the store and then make soup. I should be able to get our challenge done while it is simmering to perfection...I'll get on all that as soon as my feet stop crying!!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    I'm checking in on my break between the 2nd and 3rd sets - will finish doing 3 sets of 10 reps each. Using 6.6 pounds for curls. rows & presses & 3 pounds for triceps kickback and reverse fly (except my poor arms needed to finish the flys with no weights :cry:).

    Chris, one week - and you get to have short-timer's disease. :bigsmile:

    Shelley - I want to hug all your babies, brown eyes & cat eyes, both. Please :kiss: them for me?

    Clara - I looked up the lace at your link and it is gorgeous. How special! How thrilling!

    Lynnette - I hope your weather gets better soon. You're in the northeast, right? Boy did you folks get walloped this year. All the stuff that skipped us in California. Where's my ark?!!

    Kathy - I hope you have a nice day off. Cozy inside with friends while it pours outside?

    Best to all!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    Good morning. Up and getting ready even though there is no chance in hell we will get these 5 matches in but ALTA rules say you have to show up and stay for an hour before you can cancel. Then we have to work with our opponents to reschedule this week which is a whole nother issue as most of us work. :\

    Clara - your daughter is beautiful. I love the dress!!! :)

    Paula - you're inspiring me to get heavier weights. I'm using 3 & 5 pound weights at the moment.

    Chris - soup or chili sounds good I. This weather. I think I will put some on after I return this afternoon.

    Shelley - yes the compliment from my coach was a very pleasant surprise...made my day.

    Lynnette - we're going through our usual mix bag weather wise in Georgia. In the 70s & warm then rainy and in the 50s.

    Happy Sunday ladies!


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Hey, it's not raining! Flowers are blooming! Yay! Going to get a lot done today and will watch my eating. Thanks for all the compliments. I think my DD is pretty cute too! Have a great Sunday everyone!