FitBit Calorie Burn Over-exaggerated



  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    Kidominos wrote: »

    Many people are brand new to owning a Fitbit so when someone writes something (like BMR is not accounted for) they are going to think he meant what he wrote.

    Bottom line is that no device is 100% accurate. Many of us have been using Fitbit's for a long time now. I don't know about the new styles with the HMR but my One has been very accurate.

    ETA: spelling

    But that's not what he wrote. He said it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you BMR.

    Ok, so where did he write "it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you RMR"? I just see where he listed multiple statements and then finished up the paragraph with "All of that is unaccounted for."

    I think we all are in agreement. I just don't want someone who is trying to learn what and how Fitbit works to get accurate info so I clarified.

    Fitbit has been a great tool for me and helped me lose 57 lbs and now to maintain. My Fitbit TDEE is accurate for me.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    I can't exactly vouch for accuracy, but I've been at maintenance for over a year and I have my calories set at what my Fitbit tells me is my average burn. I agree with other posters - if it motivates you to move more and you're hitting goals you wouldn't have hit otherwise then I think it's a good tool. Good luck.
  • WSLady
    WSLady Posts: 4 Member
    Your posts are SO encouraging. I agree with the philosophy that my Fitbit raises my awareness that I better get out of my computer chair and put in walking time. I know that having used it for about two months - I feel better and coupled with MFP meal plan I have lost over 10 lbs without a lot of stress (down from the 200 lbs). I will keep using the two systems and push onward to my goal. I am 5'4", 72, diabetic, not an athlete, but a primary caregiver for three family members with serious health conditions. So, I have to stay active and in as good health as possible. Thanks for the encouragements!!!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Kidominos wrote: »
    Kidominos wrote: »

    Many people are brand new to owning a Fitbit so when someone writes something (like BMR is not accounted for) they are going to think he meant what he wrote.

    Bottom line is that no device is 100% accurate. Many of us have been using Fitbit's for a long time now. I don't know about the new styles with the HMR but my One has been very accurate.

    ETA: spelling

    But that's not what he wrote. He said it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you BMR.

    Ok, so where did he write "it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you RMR"? I just see where he listed multiple statements and then finished up the paragraph with "All of that is unaccounted for."
    While that probably wasn't the best way to finish. The first line is "all non moving activity is given sleeping level calorie burn - BMR" then he lists all the things that cause your body to burn more while it's awake which are unaccounted for.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Kidominos wrote: »
    Kidominos wrote: »

    Many people are brand new to owning a Fitbit so when someone writes something (like BMR is not accounted for) they are going to think he meant what he wrote.

    Bottom line is that no device is 100% accurate. Many of us have been using Fitbit's for a long time now. I don't know about the new styles with the HMR but my One has been very accurate.

    ETA: spelling

    But that's not what he wrote. He said it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you BMR.

    Ok, so where did he write "it can't tell the difference between BMR and RMR so it just gives you RMR"? I just see where he listed multiple statements and then finished up the paragraph with "All of that is unaccounted for."
    While that probably wasn't the best way to finish. The first line is "all non moving activity is given sleeping level calorie burn - BMR" then he lists all the things that cause your body to burn more while it's awake which are unaccounted for.

    I think what heybales said was correct, but I would also agree that someone new to how a FitBit works could have been confused by how he said it. So, I'm glad it has been clarified.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Very true, not only Fitbit - but people new to the concept that you burn calories outside of exercise.

    Look how many people we've seen wonder why they have calorie burn when they wake up in the morning, unaware they burn calories sleeping.

    I'll rethink how to throw out that standard phrase.

    Though, I really don't see how it sounds like I said it doesn't include BMR.
  • jasonschaef
    jasonschaef Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've been using a Charge for 2 months now. Compared to other apps like Runtastic, Endomondo, Nike Running, etc., the fitbit seems more conservative in reporting calories burned for the same workout. I like this, because I'd rather err on the side of caution. I've lost 40 pounds as of this morning since Jan 1. Just make sure to log everything on MFP and I'd recommend not eating all of your exercise calories. The fitbit/MFP combo has been a great motivator for me. Like others have said, realize that everything's an estimate, both calories in logged on MFP and calories out measured by fitbit. If you're tending to burn more and eat less, you'll lose weight. Tell your doc to go fly a kite.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've been using a Charge for 2 months now. Compared to other apps like Runtastic, Endomondo, Nike Running, etc., the fitbit seems more conservative in reporting calories burned for the same workout. I like this, because I'd rather err on the side of caution. I've lost 40 pounds as of this morning since Jan 1. Just make sure to log everything on MFP and I'd recommend not eating all of your exercise calories. The fitbit/MFP combo has been a great motivator for me. Like others have said, realize that everything's an estimate, both calories in logged on MFP and calories out measured by fitbit. If you're tending to burn more and eat less, you'll lose weight. Tell your doc to go fly a kite.

    I'll bet the doc read the one sensationalized article about people gaining weight using the Fitbit.

    Never mind they didn't touch once on proper usage of the tool in the first place, or accuracy of logging food in the second place.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member

    [/quote]I'll bet the doc read the one sensationalized article about people gaining weight using the Fitbit.

    Never mind they didn't touch once on proper usage of the tool in the first place, or accuracy of logging food in the second place.[/quote]

    Yup, I agree.

    I weigh my food in grams, use a Polar HRM for non step based activities and I have always ate back all my exercise calories. I lost weight at the desired pace by doing so and eat up to my Fitbit TDEE now maintaining.

  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    I agree Kidominos
  • 3JinItaly
    3JinItaly Posts: 27 Member
    Kidominos, what did you have your activity level on mfp set on? I keep seeing people saying I should trust my fitbit, but it's giving me back an insane amount of calories!! Do you log exercise too??
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have both MFP and Fitbit set at lightly active. I had them both at sedentary but i didn't like the high number of the Fitbit adjustment. It was just a personal preference as either setting is correct. The lightly active will have your TDEE higher than sedentary so your FB adjustment won't be as high. I do have negative calories enabled so I am in the negative in the morning until I get enough steps in. Just make sure both your FB and MFP are set up exactly the same.

    I only log non step based activities like swimming, biking etc. I found that MFP used to over state my calories burned so I bought a Polar HRM. I do not log walking or jogging. If I am doing an exercise that combines step based with other cardio I use my HRM readings and then just log the start time and it will overwrite my FB data for calories but you will still get credit for the steps.

    Sorry, I am watching the NCAA basketball tournament at the moment so hopefully my answer is understandable lol.

    ETA: corrected a couple of mistyped sentences during a commercial break :)
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    3JinItaly wrote: »
    Kidominos, what did you have your activity level on mfp set on? I keep seeing people saying I should trust my fitbit, but it's giving me back an insane amount of calories!! Do you log exercise too??

    Define "insane". If you're truly sitting all day and it's giving you 2000 extra calories, then something is probably off. If you're actually just more active than you thought you were, and it is giving you 1000 exercise calories in a day, then it isn't insane.

    For instance, so far today (3pm) I did a 40 minute Zumba workout that didn't push me too hard and I took a leisurely 2 mile walk (2.5 mph). I have done almost 14000 steps and FitBit has given me 763 calories on top of my MFP sedentary allotment. This is pretty typical for me. I will eat back most of those calories, but hopefully not all of them. I have MFP set for a half pound per week weight loss but since I still have quite a bit to lose, I try to aim for 1 lb per week if I can do it without being miserable. So, I like to end the day with about 250 calories left.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    On Monday I had over 15,000 steps and my FB adjustment was 332. If I was set at sedentary the adjustment would have been higher.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited March 2015
    My Fitbit One is almost always under what I actually burn, how do I know? If it was right I would have gained at least 20 lbs. by now, I have been using it since August. :) Next time I am getting a device that can "do" weight lifting.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    3JinItaly wrote: »
    I keep seeing people saying I should trust my fitbit, but it's giving me back an insane amount of calories!! Do you log exercise too??

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Increase your activity level:

    Log exercise in Fitbit—not MFP.

    Follow these instructions for several weeks, then reevaluate your progress.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My Fitbit One is almost always under what I actually burn, how do I know? If it was right I would have gained at least 20 lbs. by now, I have been using it since August. :) Next time I am getting a device that can "do" weight lifting.

    Sadly there are none that claim to do weight lifting calories.

    Polar has one for lifters, but their website mentions it's not for calorie burn, but merely to help know how long to allow the rests a tad more automatically.

    Now, the Surge does let you include several exercise types to select from for the actual workout - perhaps they include weights.

    I'd be curious from a Surge owner if it is one, and then does it base it on HR (invalid use), or merely time.
  • Bradcore
    Bradcore Posts: 12 Member
    Does it matter if it overestimates calorie burn if it motivates you? Not really. I've had a Fitbit Flex since November and love it. It's really helped me lose the extra weight, even if it's only caused me to be more active. That alone has been tremendous.
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm currently testing out the Charge HR (1st day yesterday) and I LOVE it.. It's calorie burn on my first day wearing was very accurate and since it was a kinda lazy day (sick w/respiratory thing that is affecting my breathing so no workout and only did what I had to for "work") it's one of my main concern kind of days. I am comparing the calorie burn to the BodyMedia Fit which for me is/was very accurate. I've used (on/off) the BMF for over 4 years during which time I lost my last 25 lbs and maintained that loss for almost (next month) 4 years. The Charge HR ended up showing a 2.3% higher burn than the BMF -- that was a difference of 49 calories. It's the first device I've tried (Fitbit Zip and Garmin Vivofit) that has been so close - the other devices always showed lower burns and were never consistent (anywhere from 6-47% lower). I'm hoping that the remainder of my week trial shows similar/consistent results.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    For 2 weeks, I wore my Flex, BodyMedia armband, and used my Garmin HRM when doing intense exercise.

    My Flex was within 50-100 calories of the other 2 devices at any given time. I ditched my armband (so uncomfortable) and just make a game out of reaching 20K steps a day or join the challenges, etc. I still use my Garmin HRM for various reasons, of course.