wedding dress

Hi, I'm a serious comfort eater, every time I have a stressful moment, feel tired or have a low in any way I feel a need to eat. Needless to say that it has given me quite some extra weight. Now I'm getting married this summer and I want to wear a nice dress (not white wedding style, just a very nice dress) that I used to wear when I was very much slimmer. I have it out, hanged it in a place where I can see it everyday. However I also despair, having thoughts such as "I'll never make it" and then I need to comfort eat again... It's a vicious circle. So I need some support and help to keep my motivation! The dress is really nice!


  • shelbymikszath1
    shelbymikszath1 Posts: 76 Member
    You could post a picture of it here? I bet its beautiful and i know you can do it! Dont worry just work ❤️
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    Talking about your worries can definitely help. Just eat right, eat less and move more. You can do this! There is always shapewear if you need it as well.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Posting a picture here of the wedding dress may just help you stay motivated. You can do this!!! I use to be such an emotional eater, now when I get emotional, I come here and read. It gives me ideas and helps me get thru.
  • blucas2013
    blucas2013 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, I would love rose the dress, I'm sure it's beautiful. You can do this!