What motivates you?
Is it a person, picture, item or goal? Tell us what motivates you to lose weight, get in shape, stay in shape or just in general!
Post motivating pics of yourself and your progress or just pictures that motivate you!
Amazing motivation!
I found this amazing video about this man who started out at nearly 700 lbs and is today down to 250 lbs. I am in complete awe of his story and really just wanted to share with you all! His youtube channel is WetBreast and he is such an amazing guy! Check out his story, love you guys, keep up the good work!
Finding Time. ..
Okay, I am finding that time for exercising is just not that easy. I am not a morning person. Attempting to get up at 5 am to exercise has not worked. After work, dinner, baths, homework, lunches, laundry, stopped at bank and Post Office after excuses, just trying to figure out how to make this happen...anyone…
Why did you join the group?
What interested you about the group? What can we do better in the group? Do you like events or just discussions?
Getting back on the horse?
I was so motivated like a month ago but now since ive Gotten sick i havent found motivation and ive not even Dared to weigh myself.. Does anyone have any ideas on what can help?
motivated by a kid
I've been teaching my 4 year old son how to read. He has some speech difficulties but we've come a long way since a few months ago when he was having a hard time recognizing letters. He has been persistent and patient. It has been slow and steady progress but he has never gotten frustrated or felt hopeless. "C'mon let's go…
Weekly Goals
Post your weekly goals! These can be weight loss goals, cutting back on a certain food, exercising more, etc. Examples: 1. I want to lose 1 lb. this week. 2. I'm not going to eat any chips this week. 3. I'm going to walk a mile a day.
wedding dress
Hi, I'm a serious comfort eater, every time I have a stressful moment, feel tired or have a low in any way I feel a need to eat. Needless to say that it has given me quite some extra weight. Now I'm getting married this summer and I want to wear a nice dress (not white wedding style, just a very nice dress) that I used to…
Role call
I thought this would be a fun ice breaker for us all. Who are you, what are you about and where are you from??
I have a couple of delicious recipes i think alot of you will enjoy and i know that alot of you have recipes to share aswell! Honey glazed pecans! You will need: 100 g of pecans 1 teaspoon of coconut oil 2 tablespoons of honey (more or less its not that specific) Heat up a frying pan with the coconut oil in it, add the…