Day 71: 3/22/2015

danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
Good morning everyone!!!
It's a beautiful Sunday! Time to reflect upon the week, evaluate, plan and rest. Or it can be a good time to catch up on your to do list :)
Yesterday I had a very though day. I did my pull-ups workout and some back training thinking it will all go smooth from there on.... Wrong... I ended up exhausted and took 2 naps to make it through the day. Live and learn!
Today I'm not doing anything but the bare minimal !!!!!!!
Have a fabulous day everyone!!!


  • Pandathon
    Pandathon Posts: 41 Member
    Todo list is actually down one: swam/ran my first Aquathlon this morning ("sprint" distance, 1k swim + 5k run). It was fun but running around soaked, in swimming boxers, is kind of a weird experience, also it was a bit chilly outside...
    Anyway, makes me want to give triathlon a shot as well ;)
    Have a great day!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Today I am hoping to get my steps and stay under calories. Got a scooter in Dec. that needed work done on it. Well today we got it back and I took it for a little spin around the yard. Well, needless to say I fell off. Hurt my hand and skinned up my knee. The knee kinda matches the skinned up knee I got yesterday when I fell off my bike. Starting to think that maybe exercising might not be for me. (In Sept. I fell and sprained my ankle and skinned up my knee.) Do you see where I am going with this?
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Beautiful Sunday afternoon once the sun came out after our predicted 3-5 cms turned into a foot of snow. lol. So after 30 mins on the treadmill I shovelled the yard for a little extra workout. Got to visit with our beautiful granddaughter this afternoon. Getting packed and ready to leave in the morning. Don't want to lose my streak so hoping to log in once a day while on vacation. Not sure what the gain will be but plan to stay very active to help mitigate the gain.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful relaxing Sunday