Really struggling! Any ideas?

grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
Okay, here is the problem. For 14 months, I will admit, I've had my ups and downs like everyone, but it hasn't be "hard." 1200 calories a day with planning has been very doable. Now that I'm getting so much closer to my goal, it is even more imperative to stick to 1200 because we shorties don't have a lot of calories left at the end of the day to help us lose weight.

For the last few weeks though, I am always starving! You know that starving that is more in your head than your stomach, because even when my stomach is full, I'm still hungry. I have tried spacing my food out a little more. I've tried condensing it more. I have tried eating a bigger meal at lunch time, etc. etc. All I can think about is eating! It finally came to a head last night and I just went way off my plan and ate cookies (I don't even particularly LIKE cookies). I drank a real Coke. I had french fries (again, something that I really don't much care for!) I just wanted to binge and eat anything particularly that I really shouldn't have!

I have also been experiencing weakness but mostly in my legs. I usually can walk forever. But suddenly, although I can still walk forever, I feel slower and weaker. The same while doing the stationary bike. The same levels, speed and time are suddenly harder. I've started the rowing machine and don't notice a weakness as much, but I have nothing from before a couple of weeks ago to compare.

At night my legs ache. I do have restless leg syndrome, but it isn't like that. I have RA and osteo arthritis, but it isn't like that either. I have sjogrens, but am usually a-symptomatic. It is a heavy, uncomfortable ache from hips to feet that is disturbing my sleep, too. I wake up with my legs aching so raising them and resting doesn't help.

I do have some concern that maybe I'm starting to eat into muscle mass. I have decided to try to up my protein and probably should add "strength" training to my routine, but I hate it and I would think that the bike with over 1/2 way resistance and the rowing machine set the same would keep my legs strong.

What about vitamin D deficiency maybe (it has been a long winter)? The sjogrens finally showing up? Hmmmmm?

I have really been plateaued again. I am off of water restrictions so I am drinking more water, maybe it is because of my cells soaking it in that I feel weaker/heavier, so the increased water is showing as no loss. But that doesn't explain the hunger.

I have been under a great deal of stress and that is why I have been concentrating so much on stress relief this year. Even my bosses are trying to find ways to get some of the stress off of me as they know how it is. I don't know if maybe a lot of it is stress related, or what. I've been under the same stress for about a year, but it has gotten way out of hand and too prolonged.

Whatever it is though, I have to find a way to stop this feeling of constant hunger and weakness. I actually feel like they may be related, but maybe not. Any ideas folks? Any of you got through something like this? Help!


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    It sounds to me as if it may indeed be a problem with eating into muscle. My doctor and nutritionist both emphasize how important strength training is, not only to build or even preserve muscle but also to make the metabolism work efficiently.

    I would say a conversation with a nutritionist would be helpful. Also, I am just now reading a book about this called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. I find it well written and what he writes makes a lot if sense, about how the metabolism works and how nutrition and specific types of training can work together to get the body functioning at its best. I'm not that far along in it yet but I plan on trying out his suggestions.

    Of course there could be other explanations... Have you discussed this with your doctor?

    I do know that nagging feeling of mental hunger, and I guess sometimes we just get tired of having to DO all these things and limit ourselves. It may be that you need to take in more calories, even if you have to turn around and exercise them off again, just to get your nutrition in balance and feel more satisfied.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Grandmothercharlie, I hear you. I don't have too much trouble with heaviness or weak muscles, but I do have pain in my knees some nights while laying in bed and nothing helps. I also have knee, hip and back discomfort, but I keep telling myself that as long as I can live with it, I don't need to see a doctor. I know I have osteoarthritis and there isn't much to be done except to keep moving as much as I can. If you are really struggling with this discomfot, maybe you should see your doctor and discuss it with him.

    I am also a "shortie" and am struggling to lose the last few pounds. I maintained for almost a year at a good weight, not what I wanted, but at least, healthy. I got tired of the battle and put on 4 more pounds. This week I decided that all my whining and excuses weren't helping me and I've recommitted myself to eating less and more of the good stuff and less of the junk stuff.

    Good luck in finding a solution to your issues. In the end, I'm really no help, just empathetic, supportive and encouraging.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    I'm sending you a message via the message app. It has some thoughts. But first, get to the doctor NOW!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Oh, our dear Charlie. I am so sorry about this! You have been our strength for so long.
    Please get to your Doctor! And if for some reason he does not find answers then go to another doctor.

    Prayers are with you!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone. I'm going to really concentrate on my nutrition over the next five days. Slowly increase some strength training. I am going to sneak a few NSAIDs for discomfort relief. Sometimes just breaking a cycle helps, I think. And enjoy the 5 days in a row that I am taking off work to enjoy and de-stress. If it continues, I think I'll make an appointment with the rheumatologist as I think this would most likely fall under her.
  • snugglebunny65
    snugglebunny65 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with go to your doctor now! It could be so many things. My first thought was too low of a vitamin D level. Also Dehydration can make you have a lot of the problems you mentioned. If you can I would increase your water to 8oz an hour at least and drink during any exercise to keep hydrated until you see your Dr. I would also start my day with 2 8oz glasses of water in the morning since you have not had anything to drink all the while you sleep. Please let me know if this helps.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    The additional water sounds like a very good idea. As long as your body can tolerate it. You have been doing an exceptional amount of exercising and watching you food intake. I also think you should go to your doctor, but before you go, write down everything you have been eating, calories, etc.; all the exercising you have been doing (including levels) and minutes, and the achiness (including the type of pain, where it is and the pain level. You will be an exception to the doctor, most of their patients eat too much and don't move. The doctor will really have to listen to you.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Charlie, the stress is not good for you. For me, that would cause the eating and unceasing hunger. It would also cause the weakness. When I get very stressed-it is like a gripping fear-and I just cannot move. Deep breathing helps me a lot. I too am experiencing pain in my left leg from my hip to above my knee- on the outside of my leg, and my thigh muscle. I had my veins injected about 6 months ago, the worst of them was a mass on the outside of my left leg midway between my knee and ankle--that throbs now, since this leg pain has started. All of this pain also affects my sleep. For the most part, It doesn't bother me when I am up, but when I lay down it starts, sometimes wakes me up. I think I need to go the doctor, but I just hate to. But with your combination of symptoms, please go. Joni
  • ashkinb
    ashkinb Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Charlie, I have APS (another lovely auto-immune) and have been having the leg-aching thing at night too. Yoga and Pilates have helped - as has foam-rolling and massage - IF other causes of weakness/aches have been ruled out! I agree with Sharon. Rheumatologist - stat! Oh - another thing that helped me hugely with my aches was switching from an upholstered to an un-upholstered chair at the dinner table so I sit up straighter and don't slouch and potentially pinch / compress things in my spine.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I am not a medical expert, nor a nutritionist. I will chime in with everyone else though, and say... yes, please, see a doctor. Soon. It could be something very simple like the change in your medications.

    In the meantime, may I suggest you move a bit closer to 'maintenance' level and give your hard working body some food for a few weeks?? And, maybe include some potassium rich carbs (since you grabbed carbs when struggling) like a baked potato with skin or some good old fashioned breakfast cereal? You are netting very very low calories and have been doing that for quite a while. I get it; I'm in the middle of the same effort to break this plateau but I only plan on doing this for a week or two. Our bodies need fuel, Charlie.

    We are ALL pulling for you, one of our big inspirations, and know you'll work through this as well.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    What can I possibly say, ALL of the above. It could be anything and may be very easy to solve. Always remember to keep your fluids up, as you know that may help with the hunger. I say a prayer for you tonight.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,762 Member
    I'm echoing the more water, D3 & Potassium supplementation, and checking with your doctor. For strength training, try yoga and if your gym has them, body flex or body pump classes, not as intense as free weight training, but terrific resistance training. I recently started body flex and I love it, I was formerly an aerobics only kinda gal.

    Also, sometimes after being so on point, we have to just break out and eat something different. Weight stalls are very common and can last for weeks or even months sometimes, tons of literature out there on stopping dieting and just eat for a few days before starting up again. Our bodies get used to what we are doing, even if challenging and when we something else, we see results.

    You know you are doing good things for your body. And will be successful in the end.

    I want to add if you sleep on your back, do you keep a pillow under your knees? Or is you are like me and DH, sleep on your side, between your knees? This has helped my DH with an on going issue with his knee, lower back and hip area pains. And we own a foam roller because of his trainer, it really hurts while you do it but feels soooooo good afterwards. I have benefited greatly from using it.

    You are a focal point in this group and we all wish you good health again.
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    I agree, see your doctor right away. If you're weak and always hungry, it could be that you aren't getting enough fat in your diet. Are your macros on target? Some people on MFP make "fat bombs" of jello and whipping cream. If you're on target with your calories and macros and still starving, you might try eating some fat (maybe a little ice cream) and see what happens. Please keep us updated!