Down 10 pounds by June



  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    If I keep up the 1.5 pounds per week..I will be there!
  • I'm in the 10 lb club. I still fit into my clothes but I feel like crap. Blubber girl
  • Judeet
    Judeet Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am 5'5" and 145 - I was 155 January 1st and has already lost 10 pounds. My goal is to be 135 lbs by June 21st. I started weight training 12 weeks ago with a personal trainer and it has changed my life. I also eat a rather high protein diet, with healthy carbs (fruits, veggies, whole wheat), low fat and low sugar. If you transform fat into muscle, you might not loose all the weight but you will be much more tone and lean (muscle is a lot more dense than fat..fat takes a lot more room..).
  • afrye976
    afrye976 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm 38... I'm 5'0 and met my first goal and lost apx 12 lbs since January 2015. I'd like to loose another 10 by June. CW 122.4, GW 111 - really love to loose inches off the waist. I need clean eating ideas!!!
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello~ I am 27 years old and hoping to finally drop my last 10 pounds. It just has not happened yet and I need to try and make it happen somehow!
    Current weight 61 kg. 134 pounds
    Goal weight 56 kg 124 pounds.
  • lorear
    lorear Posts: 8
    Hi all I'm currently 146 and would love to lose 15- 20 pounds by the summer. I would love to get rid of 10 pounds by the end of April.
    - I recently started using myfitnesspal and hopefully it will help.
    - I had a baby a year ago and really need to find my body again. Feel free to add me so we can encourage each other. My anniversary is coming up so losing some weight would be fantastic
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    Same here. I am 5' 2.5" and weigh 125. I would like to be 115-110.
    I joined recently so I only have a few friends, but I would love the support.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hey all. I'm 5'2" 142 lbs. Want to get into the 120s again. Lookinf for some friends to keep me motivated. Feel free to add if you feel the same
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    I'm going to put a shameless plug here, for the challenge I'm hosting. The first weigh in is 3/26 - 3/30 and the challenge goes for 13 weeks. It ends right before 7/4. We really support and motivate each other (I've done others)! The accountability just might be what you're looking for. I'm looking to lose 10 lbs by June also. What is your plan, to do so?
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    kcthatsme wrote: »
    I'm going to put a shameless plug here, for the challenge I'm hosting. The first weigh in is 3/26 - 3/30 and the challenge goes for 13 weeks. It ends right before 7/4. We really support and motivate each other (I've done others)! The accountability just might be what you're looking for. I'm looking to lose 10 lbs by June also. What is your plan, to do so?

    Sounds good I will check it out!
  • ana0415
    ana0415 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there,
    I am 5'11 and 157. I would Really like to lose the last ten pounds or so by June :) Does any one have any tips? I have been doing xtreme 21 day challenge i am finishing my 21 days tomorrow. I feel great!! I am going to restart and do it over again once more.. but then what should i do is the question!?
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    kcthatsme wrote: »
    I'm going to put a shameless plug here, for the challenge I'm hosting. The first weigh in is 3/26 - 3/30 and the challenge goes for 13 weeks. It ends right before 7/4. We really support and motivate each other (I've done others)! The accountability just might be what you're looking for. I'm looking to lose 10 lbs by June also. What is your plan, to do so?

    I'm scared......but I'll do it!
    Thank you :)
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    @beachhouse758 - Invite sent. :-)

    ana0415 - Is it the 21 Day Fix Extreme that you've been doing? Did you like the results? About what to do next... I haven't done it but I saw a review on PiYo Strength and thought it looked interesting. Maybe you'd like that next. I tend to like programs that use weights (ChaLEAN Extreme, 21 Day Fix, etc.) and oftentimes would rather just do my own weight workout (with HIIT as my cardio). I have kind of slacked off on it, in the last while, and just back to it again. My daughter has had great results with Insanity and eating clean. Good luck, with whatever you decide!

    P.S. This is not me but...

  • hdonaldsonm
    hdonaldsonm Posts: 22 Member
    5'8" 170lbs. Gained about 10 since last summer between an incident and living in camp. Want to lose it and maybe additional 10-20, get back to my highschool frame. Could use encouragement, feel free to add.
    SFJULES66 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 49 and I've put on 10lbs that I want to lose before summer. I'm 5'8" and want to get down to 145 again. I'd like to join.
  • banishthebuldge
    banishthebuldge Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in also
  • denitrakr
    denitrakr Posts: 4 Member
    I am going for 10 (or more) by summer. No beaches planned for June but for the end of July, yes...! If I can do 10 by June, surely I can do 15 (or more) by end of July... Count me in!!!
  • TheGetFitGal
    TheGetFitGal Posts: 98 Member
    Hello all, i am 5.3", i weight 132 pounds and wana weight 122pounds 10 pounds less by end may or early june! Just a target i set my self!
  • kmyrs
    kmyrs Posts: 27 Member
    Feel free to add me! 8 pounds in the next several weeks is my goal.
  • Hi! I'm in almost the EXACT same boat. I'm 5"3' about 129-30 pounds. I would ideally like to be 110. You're right, my body is comfortable around 120. However I do know if I kicked it up I could lose the weight! I'm going to friend you, I joined exactly for this reason, a partner for accountability!