Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, March 23rd - 29th



  • Peggy108
    Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
    ScrAgnX wrote: »
    I like the mini goal; I do this fairly frequently and find that it helps me keep on track (for me planning ahead is a lot easier eating the same breakfast, lunch, and snacks most days).

    Rode my bike off the trainer Saturday and Sunday; first rides outside this season (and for me decade...). 10+ Years ago I got into better shape, and started cycling frequently, and it's humbling that the small hills I'm encountering now are so challenging. At the same time, it's motivating me to push harder to get back into better shape so I can tackle them with ease again.

    My goals for the week:
    1. Ride outside as many evenings as possible (poor weather & late nights are not possible yet)
    2. Try to limit my stress from work & home demands (see #1).
    3. Sleep at least 6 hours a night.

  • Peggy108
    Peggy108 Posts: 32 Member
    I made my goals today but barely. I logged 3200 steps and made my protein goal. I was hungrier today so I actually ate all my calories. The past few days I have had 200-300 left over. It is interesting to get a handle around the fat and sugar levels in foods. I wish dairy did not have such a high sugar content. I am finding I am falling into a rut eating the same foods each day. I will have to try and branch out.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Chris - can you please explain the fasting thing? I am diabetic, so I would never try something like that, but I am a curious person and I tried to read up on it a bit and did not understand how it would actually work, or how one functions while eating like that?
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    You can do it, Peggy! You met your goal, congrats. :)

    As far as branching out goes, go through the produce department next time you grocery shop. Find a veggie you've never tried. Look up how it's prepared (can you eat it raw? Does it need to be baked? Can you stir fry it?) and give it a shot. Maybe it's just a weird kind of lettuce (we never had arugula salads until the past year), or some strange looking widget from South America. :)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    well I'm a little bummed out, I have to miss my zumba and Body Pump class today, I have a temp crown on a tooth and it feels loose so I made an apt with my dentist today and its right in the middle of both classes. But I won't let that get me down. I'll just use today as a rest day. I will make a negative into a positive .
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Urgh. I gained back what I lost yesterday. I have no idea why. Stress? Water retention? Didn't move enough?

    Who the bleep knows. Just gotta keep moving forward though.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    @Skittles2183‌ sorry you couldn't workout as planned, but hopefully the rest day was refreshing and geared you up to work harder when you workout next.

    @craftscout‌ I read an article somewhere about weighing yourself everyday (from your comment I'm assuming you do). Do you watch for general trends? I couldn't do it because it'd make me nuts...

    I went for a bike ride yesterday that was stopped on account of thunder and lightning in the area, and some bike trouble. Today I managed to get in 8 miles at in 36 minutes (slightly hilly route, and windy), then went for a walk with my wife. I'm happy with my time, but anxious to see distance and speed increase.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Yeah, I do weigh myself everyday (or almost, sometimes I eat or drink something before I can get on the scale and so I skip). I get antsy if I skip.

    I tend to keep my weight progress chart zoomed in to one week, but when I get frustrated, I will zoom out to reassure myself that overall, I am losing.

    I think that a large portion of my problem right now is a combination of starting a new (very active) job, having a very stressful volunteer position, in the midst of organizing a major event, starting new medication guaranteed to mess with my body chemistry and how I lose weight, as well as the normal issues of being a wife and mom and trying to change my life.

    Le sigh.

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. . .

    Didn't go to yoga tonight. Back hurts. Knees hurt. Everything hurts. So I did my strength training and got on my stationary bike for 30 minutes (since my husband was hogging the treadmill *grins*). I got over 11,000 steps in, too. But it was pizza night, so I'm not expecting miracle tomorrow morning. ;)

    G'night everyone. May the fat dissolve as we sleep.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    So far so not so bad on my goals, my husband even tried for some junk food after a horribly prepared dinner and I said no!
    @craftscout‌ I get the getting antsy, i think as long as you don't let it blow everything then why not!!!!
    Skittles I hope the dentist went well!

    And off to try the mini goal of plan and log for tomorrow
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today was terrible, I was feeling sick and had a killer headache all day.....ate way too much.....did get my steps in.....looking forward to the gym tomorrow....
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    This week, my goal was to get at least 4000 steps in daily, which I've done so far. I've also committed to actually walking with my DH and my doggie daily (he had been walking him by himself a lot as I come home later in the day), which I've been good about.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    craftscout wrote: »
    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. . .

    I was telling myself this yesterday when I wanted to stop riding.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    ...looking forward to the gym tomorrow....

    Do you ever stop and think, "when did I become the person who looks forward to going to the gym?!?!?

    ScrAgnX - lately that song has been an undercurrent to most of my thoughts. :) just keep going, just keep moving, just keep working, just keep on keeping on.

    So it was a happy morning - down a pound and a half.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Day 3.
    Dear diary,
    I have not done as well as I would have hoped the last few days. I missed a workout, and ate poorly yesterday. It's not so much that I've fallen off the wagon, as much as I've fallen asleep in the drivers seat. So incredibly tired. But on the plus side, I am almost done with my crazy stress week. Due to working 18 hours a day I have exchanged my normal drive thru grub for the catered variety. Not better. I shall continue on up this mountain I call Mount Fatbegone. One slow step at a time.

    Perhaps after a nap.

  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm sorry your day isn't going well Italian, hope tomorrow is better!

    I am not certain how my day is going yet, waiting to see if my husband gets the job he applied for! I think we are going out for dinner too. I will make good choices!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today did not go well, it was rushed and late, I am literally eating dinner right now, at 11:30pm.....and I was still feeling ill all morning.....tomorrow is another day.....
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    I had some bad eating days. just became lazy and ate whatever with out tracking. but today I had a good breakfast and I meet my trainer, not going to let a few bad days take me down
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    It seems like we have all been having a rough time this week.

    The end of my major stress is in sight. I'm going to finish packing some stuff up, go out for a filling lunch with lots of vegetables, and then I'm off to camp. Where I will continue to have the stresses of being the Camp Director, but I will also have the joys of roaming through some of my favorite woods by myself for a while, and then with my favorite girls tomorrow.

    And even though I will be eating pizza, a hot dog, Frito Pie, and S'Mores, I expect that my caloric output throughout the weekend will be such that I will be okay. I am hoping to get at least 10 miles of walking/hiking in by the end of the weekend, during most of which I will be carrying around a 16 pound pack. Kind of a wienie pack weight, but it's just my hydration bladder, first aid kit, camp binder, and a few essentials - not a full blown backpacking trip's worth of stuff. :)

    See y'all on Monday, AND DON'T GO OVERBOARD THIS WEEKEND! :) Love you all!
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Wow there are so many new people! Back after nearly 2 months of reflection and working on my emotional health. My mini goal this week was to log on to MFP so goal met!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Rough day, my boss is on holidays so I am up to bat. Got woke up by the phone at 630, got yelled at by 10, had 3 extra jobs dropped on my lap and didn't even start my own tasks till 5 minutes before home time. But I think I'm in calories, I walked for 30 minutes and I have a half a plan for the weekend

    Italian sorry you had another rough day
    Skittles glad today was good
    Craft have a great time even if your with a few thousand kids