Does anyone have some good tips to stay motivated? (in need of lots of help)

danitxx Posts: 15 Member
I have been slacking on my exercises so much lately. After finally braking that 300 pound mark i juggled 296 for the longest time. Then i fell WAY behind on my exercises then the emotional eating came. bumped myself up to 302 and now im at a loss for words. My doctor was really mad she wanted to put me in a regular exercising class but im not the class kind of gal. I use to walk 2 miles a day 3 to 4xs a week and now i just have 0 motivation. A little energy is there inside me i just need to find a way to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!
Does anyone have any tips please???

my goal is to get a regular exercise routine and be able to handle school also. (i'm a college student)

i would also like to get to 286 pounds within the next couple of months.


  • Sarah421151
    Sarah421151 Posts: 6 Member
    Do you like to listen to music? Try walking and listening to your favorite band. Or what I do is when I'm cleaning, I crank up the tunes and boogie while I clean!!! Get calorie burners!
  • rebekahzinn1
    rebekahzinn1 Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe get a new doctor. One who is never "mad" at you. I mean, come on.

    Slow is good. You don't need to be losing weight all the time. Sometimes I am losing weight, sometimes I am just trying to stick with my newer, healthy habits. I wouldn't try to reach a certain weight at a certain date. It doesn't always work out, and you don't want to feel like you "failed" if it didn't. I've lost 122 pounds and I started 14 years ago. Who cares how long it takes? I don't binge eat anymore, I am not obese anymore, and I have great habits that will stick around for a lifetime.

    In terms of exercise, find things that you totally love. You exercise should be fun and relaxing and may even become your favorite thing in the world. I love to walk outside. It's my escape from work and home. I also practice karate. The classes fly by and I laugh the whole time. Some people dance alone in their house. I used to volunteer in the park to pull ivy. Four hours of pulling ivy is fantastic fun, and a great workout as well!

    My best motivator when I don't feel like I have energy to exercise is to tell myself, "Make the decision based on how I will feel after I exercise, not how I feel now." Afterwards, I'm always glad I did it. Exercise gives you energy, and doing it regularly will make it into a habit that doesn't feel so hard. You can do it!
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Calorie reduction is more important for weight loss than exercise. Exercise, however, is important for general physical and psychological health. I have an erratic history with gyms, although I think I get the best workout there, using weights and machines, not classes.

    When I'm not going to the gym, I try to move to music (dancing, calisthenics, etc.). I put on my playlist with very fast tunes, set a timer and do 10 minutes. Then another 10, and another 10. If I'm really not into it, I stop after 10 or 20 minutes. I also have several sets of dumbbells and some home gym equipment that I use, although it's not as good as the gym.
  • katagudmunds
    katagudmunds Posts: 3 Member
    Pinterest!!! I'm serious, it has done so much for me!! Look up motivation there, read it, get inspired, get workout ideas! :)
  • turquoisefish
    turquoisefish Posts: 5 Member
    You don't have to feel like exercising to go exercise. I don't usually feel like going to work, but I go anyway. Just do it, you'll usually find shortly into it you're glad you started. Tell yourself it's ok not to feel like it, but you're going to do it anyway.