So whatzup?

Testing this group thing out... not sure how it works just yet? But anyway, here we go! DAY ONE! EAT BETTER! WATCH THE CARBS... WATCH THE DAMN CARBS!


  • trixygirl
    trixygirl Posts: 17
    Thanks for the link!
  • Oh great... Just great! A coworker brought baked spaghetti today! The willpower it's taking for me to just eat this salad is amazing! I did go cry in the bathroom for a bit... But I'm ok now!

  • Finally figured out how to find the group!!! on to tracking my food without the process taking ALL DAY
  • rob_childers
    rob_childers Posts: 2 Member
    So, it would appear that I am now in the group.
  • n2wildlife
    n2wildlife Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Totally BLEW it yesterday!!! :s
    Today is a New Day B)