Daily check-in



  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I like the daily check in idea. I just joined the group Thursday night. I went to my circuit training class today and ate about 1500 calories at my best educated guess. I will use this group to get back on track with logging and to break my stagnating weight loss. I would like to also find time to exercise 4 times a week unless I become ill. It would be amazing to drop 20 pounds more by July 4th.
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    I'm struggling with kicking the last 18 pounds. The thought of losing it for summer... can you imagine... a whole stone by summer!!!

    How do you guys keep each other motivated? coming on here or FB? or messaging. I was wondering if I could find a buddy... What's the best way to get connected, feel accountable, get motivated. I really want this to work... this time...
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 398 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi guys i joined the group because lately i have found it so hard to stay motivated besides having a lot of buddies here who are doing great and logging into the MFP app daily. I end up messing up in some way then i get discouraged and quit for a few days then start over. Its like a never ending cycle which i want to break this summer
    I tend to lack self control with my eating. Eating mostly by stress most of the time. I think with this we wil all reach our goals. Im trying to lose the last 20lbs after loosing 70lbs slowly in a period of years.

    Im looking for buddies that want to connect on google hangouts for more accountability and face to face motivation alongside this group and the mfp app. If interested pm me
  • clairebeaven
    clairebeaven Posts: 20 Member
    Morning everyone, looking forward to this challenge, lost 27 pounds since Christmas, but starting to wane, so this challenge is exactly what I need. Good luck everyone x
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    Love the idea of a daily check in thread :smiley: This week I have done ok apart from a slice of fudge cake and cream yesterday for my best friends birthday lunch out. So far today I've started the day well, porridge oats, almond milk with raspberries and cinnamon, and just had my 10.30am snack of a banana and 25g of almonds. Have already planned the weekends meals so should hopefully stay on track

    Jen x
  • LogicalDaydreamer
    LogicalDaydreamer Posts: 286 Member
    Hey all! Checking in!
    Yesterday was difficult, but I am looking forward to making today better!
  • srosenthal1979
    srosenthal1979 Posts: 11 Member
    I also love the checking in idea. So glad I found this group and even more glad it was formed! :smiley:
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I could definitely use a daily check in as motivation. I'm at the point where I need to kind of be forced to be held accountable.
  • ColleenWestico
    ColleenWestico Posts: 15 Member
    Ugh..weights not going in the right direction!!! Glad to join the challenge!
  • hllcj
    hllcj Posts: 1
    Checking in. Timing is perfect, I t
  • CarolineM11
    CarolineM11 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi all, I'm new here (under this username). I used MFP to lose 60lbs after having my fourth child and am now using it to get back down where I was a few months ago. Currently I'm at 161 and my goal is 145-140 (depends). I was at 150 about 3 months ago but after two moves and a new job my gym routine went to nil.
    My name is Caroline and I'm 26 years old, married, mom to four. I work full time (and then some). I live in Georgia.
    Anyways, back on the wagon!
  • almondmilks
    almondmilks Posts: 3 Member
    Just attended a group fitness class that was really tough! Looking forward to starting this journey. :) Gotta stay away from those cookies. . .
  • LogicalDaydreamer
    LogicalDaydreamer Posts: 286 Member
    edited March 2015
    Signed up for some DietBets last night/this morning. It's not something I would usually do, but my inhibitions were somewhat diminished thanks to an essay-writing allnighter. I'm excited about it, though. I'm doing a few short term challenges that will get me to graduation, and a longer one that will get me to my goal wait!
    Now I will have the proper motivation to shed these vanity pounds so that I don't lose my money!

    (let me know if you want to know which games I'm in - I can link you and we can tag team the thing! ;))

    Edit: Freudian typo
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    I like the idea as well for a daily checkin. That way I can log food and check in at the same time :)
  • Maquillage_
    Maquillage_ Posts: 194 Member
    Just checking in! It was a good week until yesterday. I ate out, got 3 courses and way too much wine! I won't be doing that again anytime soon! Back on track today. I went a little over my calories but not too much :)
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Daily check in is a great idea! As long as there is a new thread for each day once this actually gets going on the 6th. Otherwise it's WAY too hard to look through and keep up with how everyone is doing; especially since there's so many in this group! I hope everyone in here reaches his or her goal!
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Just checking in! It was a good week until yesterday. I ate out, got 3 courses and way too much wine! I won't be doing that again anytime soon! Back on track today. I went a little over my calories but not too much :)

    I ate out today :s hubby wanted to go for a greasy spoon bfast and they didn't have any seniors (healthier portion size) or healthy meals. So I got the smallest meal and gave two pieces of the bacon to my hubs, left two pieces of toast, and a bit of potatoes. Still feel full though!

    Started c25k today which was great!!

    I can't seem to add my name to the spreadsheet from my iPad....
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Checking in today, hi everyone! Ive been naughty with my calories this week. But I went grocery shopping last night and got LOTS of healthy things so Ill get back into this. I made tater tots out of cauliflower last night and they were not horrible!

    in my area brocolli is available far away like 40 mins drive , if i buy broccoli for 10 days and freeze it , will this work ?? please do comment

    Of course you can freeze broccoli! I actually find it helpful to freeze a lot of my veggies when I know they're starting to go bad, then I just stir fry them when I'm ready :)
  • LogicalDaydreamer
    LogicalDaydreamer Posts: 286 Member
    Today, I ate well over my calorie goal... but I feel OK about it! Tomorrow, I start a new phase of calorie deficit so I know that I'll make up for it. Moreover, I feel good about feeling OK, because part of the journey is improving my relationship with food, and there have been too many times when I let eating wreck my sense of self-worth.
    One day at a time! :)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,729 Member
    Retired on Friday! So, needless to say this weekend has been a Celebration Weekend! I did get all my walking - 11.68 miles yesterday and 8.13 miles today - done along with another challenge. Tomorrow I will be back on track and figuring out what retired ladies do!

    I'm making a new chicken chilli tonight. Smells good...hope it tastes good...I'll soon find out. First I'll test it on my DH and see what happens. Although, I don't know if that's such a good test as the man will eat just about anything. We'll see. ;)
