Mar 2015 Challenge ~ Mar 23rd - Mar 29th



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Kathy - Woot! Woot! Congratulations, how exciting!! :laugh:

    Chris - ONE! (half) Hope Friday is extra-special for you. :bigsmile:

    Shelley - Hope your tank is on its way. Will the fishes get their vodka in the new tank?

    Today was my first real experience at STAR PT. Their massage (not the relaxing kind) had my nerves on end, teeth chattering and indrawn ssss-hsssss-esss signaling pain thresholds. But the progress was measurable! Couldn't have done that without their help. Still, not looking forward to next week (shudder).

    Rest day for me today. Going to do some curls anyway.

    Maynard's trying to write you notes. Oops, kitty foot on the "post reply" button!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    edited March 2015
    Shelley, you did good. Heartwarming end to something that could have been so tragic.

    Paula my knee aches for you...ugh! ...although, it is my left one...

    Kathy great game!

    This is my last 3:30 a.m. wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back later to tell you how today goes.

    Yesterday was a exercise NOTHING day...hanging out on the floor with Bean was all I did! So cool!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    Thank you all for the congrats...feeling good! Even better news one of my teammates and very good friend is playing her first match on Saturday. She joined the league the same time my bff & I did but unfortunately she was diagnosed with breast cancer and began treatment before she could play. She is now in remission!!!

    After 1 1/2 years she has been cleared by her doctor to play. :D She has her makeup match on Saturday and we are going to surprise her and go out and support her and her doubles partner. I can't wait...she has been waiting for this a long time and came to many of our matches to cheer us on. Now it's our turn. :)

    She is one of the reasons we had the breast cancer awareness day during last fall's tennis season. We plan to make it an annual event.

    Please send good thoughts and prayers to Delphyne.

    Thanks and TGIF!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited March 2015
    Logging in between first and second set. Am doing curls, rows & presses with 6.6 pounds. Doing flys and kickbacks with no weights to get proper form. Gives me room to get better. :bigsmile:

    Chris, What hours do you keep when you don't need an alarm clock? Have a blast!

    Night all!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Got up at 6:30 this morning to get Bean for a 5 mile, 2 1/2 hour walk with DH then went off by myself for 4.49 miles in 67 minutes. It's been a good morning/afternoon. I'm going to try a new chicken chili recipe today. The original calls for ground beef and sausage, but I'm a chicken gal...we'll see. It's supposed to be an award winner.

    I hope everyone is having a blast on this beautiful Saturday!!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Paula - So happy to hear that your progressing and getting in a rhythm with your rehab. We had a kitty, Bonnie Bon-Bon, that always had to lay between me and the keyboard. Super frustrating sometimes but I do miss it now that she is gone.

    Shelley how sweet of you to rescue that fishy. Vodka???? Boy did I miss something, lol. Way to help that young father bring his day back around from all that frustration. Unfortunately as a society we are "busy" and do miss things that are not part of our daily routines. Thank goodness you saw, and he remembered. Lighter weights with a good solid form is better than heavy sloppy moves any time. I use a set of 5-15# kettles depending on the moves and even use my 3# hand weights too.

    Kathy - WOOT!!! WOOT!!! Congrats to you and your partner on your win. Crossing my fingies for your Sunday match. Clothes shopping is fun when everything works in our favor. I seem to always go on the day I retain the Pacific Ocean and get discouraged too. No worries you'll find some great things soon, I know it!!! Glad to hear your friend is in remission. Chin up buttercup :)


    Clara does Skinny Girl make a Vodka yet? I know her Margaritas are yummy ;) Whipped Cream Vodka with Diet Orange soda is delightful. CREAMSICLE!!

    Holy Moses!!! You ladies have been busy, busy :) I have been keeping up with the challenge more days than not, however have also been working OT again so the gym has been non-existent. Thankfully though my steps are being met or at least over 10k each day. Still training new guys at work so some days are sooooo long :'( Me sitting still for that long is near impossible most days. Woke up to a fresh layer of snow covering EVERYTHING this morning :s UGH!!!! Hoping that the forecasters are right and it is in the 40's tomorrow.


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    edited March 2015
    My friend and her doubles partner won their match. They were both surprised to see us show up for the match. Three of us rode over together then we all went to lunch afterwards. Good times!!!

    We all play our 3rd match tomorrow at our home court. We are currently tied for 2nd place in our division.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited March 2015
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    My friend and her doubles partner won their match. They were both surprised to see us show up for the match. Three of us rode over together then we all went to lunch afterwards. Good times!!!
    How cool! B)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    edited March 2015
    Kathy how cool is that? I'm really happy for your friend's remission too and glad she could finally get to play. Good luck tomorrow.

    Lynnette Thank you, and good job getting your steps in. I know some day's it's hard, esp if I talked myself out of walking after work (which I don't have as an excuse anymore), because I'd come home with 4,500 steps and be a weenie about getting another 5,

    Paula good job on the arm exercises...weights or no weights, you're doing the moves!

    I got our challenge X3 done this evening. Now I'm really done!! I have 23,636 steps for 11.68 miles. I'm happy!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited March 2015
    Rest day today means only am and pm knee exercises. So tempted to skip the evening sets and just doze off, but won't give in.

    The knee exercises are simple (5 seconds per rep): straighten/press leg 20 times; tuck/bend leg 20 times; slide foot back and forward 20 times, 30 heel lifts (on tiptoe). But somehow it takes 15-30 minutes and ends up throbbing like someone whacked it with a mallet. Hard. The joint becomes so inflamed that the knee feels hot to touch. Without exercise, I wouldn't even need pain meds. With it, I need them badly and still quiver with pain. (So you see why the temptation to skip it...)

    Best wishes,
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Went out last night and ate too much but doing better today. Got off track with exercise but got to the gym to do my running on the treadmill.
    Kathy, I went shopping and was trying to find pants. But then for the first time in a while, I tried on a dress and it looked so cute that I got it. I've been avoiding dresses because I have a few varicose veins on my legs. I decided that if anyone's close enough to see these, they probably love me anyway! And I think I notice them more than anyone else. Maybe your arms are the same way? So I'm embracing my legs and showing a bit of them, even though they're not perfect. Your arms may be the same way.
    One of you asked my bride to be's age. She's 30 this July.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Clara, I have been celebrating since Thursday evening. Tomorrow I will be cleaning up my act! I don't think it's really hit me yet. Most things are still the same. Tomorrow I will still be in bed when my DH has to get up and get ready for work. That will be very new for me!! I've always been the first one up and out the door for the past 12 years.

    Went out this morning with DH and Bean for 5 miles then had lunch with friends then went shopping for a new chicken chili recipe then put the chili is simmering now and smelling quite divine!!

    I'm glad today is a rest day because I'm just about done. I think I'll read for a bit.

    Have a grand Monday everyone!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    So tired last night I didn't post but my team won 3 of 5 matches however my doubles partner and I was not one of the winners. We lost 4-6 & 3-6. Our first of the season. Could have played much better but it happens...

    Rainy today in Georgia and my legs hurt so I will be completing the arms challenge and an abs challenge.

    Congrats Chris....I'm sure you're sleeping in this morning :)

    Happy Monday!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is my Sunday check-in. Three in the morning for me is still night-time, when it's 6:00am on Monday for Kathy, and she's up and running already.

    Logging in between sets. Finishing 12 reps x 3 sets.

    Chris, I'm doing flys and kickbacks without weights because I can't lift my arms 36 times (12 x 3) when using weights. Would it be better for me to use 3# weights and do less reps?

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Paula I think 36 times lifting your arms in a motion it is not used to is great. Build up to the weights. But I honestly think it would be awesome to do 3 sets of 5 reps with weights also. So which makes you feel best? I am so far behind in catching up with you guys.

    Clara she does not look 30. I thought she was much younger in the photo. Or maybe I am getting old. B) The fish love their vodka. It is carbon dosing to lower phosphate and nitrate, to rid the tank of pesky long haired algae. I want it gone! I want to see a picture of you in your new dress. :D

    Chris glad to see you are living in the dream still. Still feels like a vacation I bet. Time for you to be your own master. :) congratulations again, you earned this.

    Kathy glad the team is doing so well. If your legs hurt you are still a winner in the exercise development section. B) Keep moving.

    I am trying to get my gym back together by the end of the weekend. Ceiling is up, dust everywhere! It is primed. Using a short roller with your arms above your head to do the primer has to count as a neck and shoulder workout! :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    My friend and her doubles partner won their match. They were both surprised to see us show up for the match. Three of us rode over together then we all went to lunch afterwards. Good times!!!

    We all play our 3rd match tomorrow at our home court. We are currently tied for 2nd place in our division.


    Kathy you all were the best of friends to be there for their game. I will think of her often. hugs to your team.
