How often do you weigh yourself?

JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
Yesterday was my first time on the scale since my pre-op meeting 2 weeks prior. The only time I weigh myself is at my doctor or surgeon's office. I don't own a scale and I'm not sure I really want one. I'm trying to focus on the healthy new habits I'm developing. (although I was anxious to see how much I'd lost)

So, how often do you guys weigh yourself? And is there anyone else out there that doesn't own a scale?


  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    I own a scale and I usually just weigh once a week. I keep it put away in a cupboard under my bathroom sink so it's not out where I see it all the time. My scale syncs via wifi to MFP so I literally step on it once and take whatever it says as that week's weight. I've tried doing the multiple step on and off and it's pretty close (within 0.2 lbs) every time, so don't see a point in weighing more than once...
  • april731
    april731 Posts: 122 Member
    Every day - once in the morning. I'm a data person, so I like having the numbers and watching the trends. But the key to weighing daily is to not react to daily fluctuations. You have to find what works best for you though, and daily weighing or even at home weighing may not be it. For what it's worth, I tried staying off the scale for a while and NOT weighing made me even more anxious.

    Regardless of how often you weigh yourself, focusing on what you have control over (food choices/amounts/frequency, water consumption, exercise) is a great practice.
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    I am very reactionary so I just weigh once a week. (Although sometimes I give in to temptation and do it about halfway through. But if the scale hasn't moved I get antsy.)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Every few days. It helps keep me focused on the goal.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    I weigh daily, but it also doesn't bother me to see it go up for a day, or two, or even three. When I hit a stall, or upward bounce, I'll shift from a one week view to a month view and then two months. That re-assures me me that the overall trend is down, and markedly so. If I weren't losing 3+ lbs a week still, I probably would shift to a weekly weigh in. I didn't gain all this weight overnight, so I'm mentally prepared for it to come of slowly.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    The other thing I do, is on a monthly basis pull out a tape measure and record my neck, chest, waist, hips, and BMI; plus I take photographs of myself. Those monthly measures are more important to me than the dailies. The daily weigh in mostly helps me stay mindful.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Like April and cabennet, I am a daily weigher because the ups and downs remind me that the path is never one way, even though the trend is steady.

    My Mother in law was in town over the weekend which kept me from weighing daily (she was sleeping in the basement where the scale is. It was interesting to go 5 days without weighing!

    I agree that if you are going to react to the daily fluctuations, then weekly weighing is likely your best bet.

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited March 2015
    Every Thursday morning after a trip to the bathroom.
  • benagek
    benagek Posts: 46 Member
    I always thought weekly weigh ins were the way to go...but for me that is way to long in between accountability. I weigh daily. I know there are going to be fluctuations from day to day so I don't stress. But, I also am very aware of how the food I ate the night before effects me and it keeps me accountable. So, if you can go do it without stressing, I recommend daily.
  • Hildabean
    Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
    I have an official weigh in on Sundays. That is when I record my weight loss. But I tend to weigh everyday. Keeps me motivated and accountable.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    I think not stressing is the key, so if that is once a month so be it. When I was into the Dr every 90 days I only weighed their. I only go to the Dr every 6 months now, also I'm just at maintenance now. This change has me weighing daily but not stressing, I know with the strength training and aerobics have changed my weight loss. Muscles are heaver than fat so I am exchanging fat for muscles. I should do measurements instead but don't.

  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    I'm another daily weigh-in; like April, I tend to get anxious if I don't. I can skip a couple of days here and there, but I have a lot of fluctuations due to water retention, and if I see it on the upswing, even if I logically know the 4 days of < 1000 calories previous could not have resulted in an 8 lb gain, I have a little bit of a meltdown. Seeing the trending daily is reassuring.
  • mae7365
    mae7365 Posts: 66 Member
    I keep a log of my weight loss by week ever since my surgery. So my official weigh in is on Wednesday, but I do weigh myself daily. I find that I stress too much if I don't weigh daily. But like others, I don't react each day. I just keep watching the weekly downward trend on my Excel log.
  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday morning. It helps me to see the numbers on the scale.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I googled the subject of how often one should weigh yourself. Some people suggest weighing everyday but to keep a running or weekly average of your weight. Since our bodies fluctuate so much day to day an average will give a more accurate picture of where we're headed.

    Does anyone do this?
  • idalooses
    idalooses Posts: 30 Member
    <3 i weigh twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Fridays mornings and after my trip to the bathroom; even then i stress out if there are stalls are up swings!! i chart my weight on those days on MFP and i post my food and exercise daily.... just started posting food intake twice a day which keeps me accountable and is easier for me to plan my food for supper daily! (*)
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    Weekly. I tried daily but it makes me nuts.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I'm debating whether to buy a scale or not. I know most "bathroom" scales top out at about 300 and I'm not even there yet so I'm not going to bother buying one just yet.

    In the event that I do, anyone recommend a certain brand that won't break the bank. I just want something digital that's accurate. Don't need body fat % and all that (I used to have one of those and learned that those readings can be WAY off)
  • laceface1983
    laceface1983 Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh once a week every Sunday. We sit in on the kitchen floor, once we weigh ourselves we put it away til the next Sunday and so on. It helps us not be tempted to weigh ourselves everyday since weight fluctuates daily. Weekly weigh ins are more accurate for us.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Aztec, look at Wal-Mart or target. They have decent scales. I would stick with digital though. Btw: most of the new scales weigh up to 350 now. Good luck!