Eating Healthy

Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
It began as a dark and stormy night (I’ve always wanted to write those words) when I decided to go the healthy route on my diet. I had about 300 calories left at the end of my day of eating very healthy. What I wanted was cinnamon toast with milk (which was 270 calories total); however I talked myself out of that option.

I am a bread lover. When I was a little girl, I positioned myself in front of the bread basket every single time my family went out the dinner. Bread has always been my “go-to” comfort food. In other words, eating products made with yeast are things that make me happy. While this particular night was not a stressful one, it was one in which I wanted the cinnamon toast with milk. But, no, I had made a promise to myself to eat healthy.

Instead of the toast, I decided to have an orange – one of those adorable little oranges that my three-year old granddaughter loves because she can peel it herself. Well, they were so tiny; I opted to have another one and the banana that was sitting on the counter. While putting the orange bag back into the refrigerator, I noticed the bag of grapes and decided they were healthy things, as well. Being the good dieter that I was, I decided to eat some of them also. I got the measuring cup out, rinsed off the grapes, and ate them (almost without tasting them).

Once again, on the way to replacing the grape bag into the refrigerator I had to move the container that had fresh pineapple. Well, pineapple is certainly a healthy item so I pulled it off the shelf. I helped myself to four slices of wonderful, sweet pineapple. Oh, how I love fresh pineapple!

The cinnamon bread was still untouched but I still felt “hungry”. Continuing with my healthy regimen, I decided that at 10:30 at night the thing I needed was a salad. I actually found myself cutting up lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, avocado and adding just a tablespoon of Russian dressing. Just for fun, I threw in a handful of baby shrimp. Healthy was my mantra for the evening as I sat down and ate my salad without any enthusiasm at all.

I found myself seeing the cinnamon bread out of the corner of my eye as I opened and closed every cupboard door in my kitchen. Still in the “I’m so healthy mode”, I grabbed the last Fiber One brownie out of the box, justifying my selection because of the five grams of fiber it provided me.

At 12:01 AM and after consuming exactly 817 “healthy calories” I finally fixed the doggone cinnamon toast and poured my glass of milk.

My total caloric count was 1087 eaten between the hours of 9:30 PM and 12:01AM. As I said, it was a dark and stormy night --a very dark and very stormy night.

Note to self: Next time throw the cinnamon bread away or, better yet, just eat the damned thing.


  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I love it!! Thank you for the smile!! You are a very good writer
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited March 2015
    Doesn't this story sound familiar! Yes indeed, you would have done well to eat the cinnamon toast and milk in the first place. Great piece! Kathy
  • sharbob05
    sharbob05 Posts: 2 Member
    It's not even 5:30 A.M. and already a stressful day. I think I'll go ahead and fix that peanut butter and jelly sandwich I've been thinking about all morning. :D
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Great! I love your sense of humor!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    oh, yeah.. i feel your pain. Was such a shock when I saw how many calories and carbs all those 'healthy' options have! Next time, yup... have the cinnamon toast :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I learned my lesson to just eat what I am craving and get it over with a long time ago. I used to eat around whatever it was that I wanted, no longer.

    Just last week, I told my husband I had to have fried okra. So off he went to Dicky's BBQ, he got the brisket big sandwich with a side, that was the fried okra. He had the sandwich for his meal, I had the 5 oz serve of okra and large glass of unsweetened iced tea then all was right with the world again.

    I was surprised at how few calories were in it, I thought it would have been higher but I checked a couple of places and they agreed on the calorie count. The okra is very healthy, the cornmeal coating and oil it is deep fried in, not so much. Next time maybe I should make stewed tomatoes and okra, for an even better calorie count.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I have done the same...and even in a packet of chocolate and then finish off with a if that negates the previous 500 cals! :D

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm a bread-a-holic. So, this certainly sounds familiar.

    In fact, right now, I'm hungry. I had some peanuts. *big woop*
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Oh those cravings.
    I have a jar of chocolate covered toffee squares. Have had it for more than a year. It is there if I NEED a sweet. I've had three. Just discovered Husband has been eating them. They're almost gone. And they're discontinued-- are no longer available ANYWHERE. I feel panic every time I see my almost empty jar. I am going to hide that candy from him.
    My other trick to core with cravings is to allow myself to indulge in an amusing way. This is what I do at bridge when someone brings treats. I give the treat to husband, after taking a teeeeeny tiiiiny sample of it. Last week there were about five baked offerings. Five itsy bitsy bites. I didn't have to choose! I had a little of all of them! ;-)
    Husband bought a Costco bag of frozen pretzel bits. I cook his, and have one without salt.
    Otherwise I'd binge on the whole gigantic bag, because bread
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    jeanmrob wrote: »
    I have done the same...and even in a packet of chocolate and then finish off with a if that negates the previous 500 cals! :D


    Oh yeah, love this one ... the mental gymnastics I have done ... If I had done actual gymnastics I would have been much better off... ~ Kathy
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Love it - you gals are so real
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for your positive feedback.