
katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
so one of my biggest struggle is watching what I eat and how much of it .... My biggest down fall is junk food if I see it and I can reach it lol I will eat it ... What I've been focusing on lately is just actually eating three meals a day of actuall food so like today I had half a cup of cereal before my workout ( i usually sleep till about ten lol so I start my workout at 10:30 and finish at like 11:30 ) and then after I'll have a smoothie with protien powder for lunch with two scrambled eggs Cuz it just fills me right up and then I try and bring veggies or healty crackers with me to work if I get peckish lol then home for dinner but back to my big issue is I tend to end up eating the same things over and over and get board and start snacking on things that I shouldn't anyone know any Like easy recepees that have few ingredients that I can kind just toss around ?? Lol srry I talk a lot


  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Don't be sorry! Sharing your story could help other people. Your best bet is to keep mostly healthy stuff inside the house. Popcorn is good, too; I recommend 100 calories pop. Delicious and fills me right up. If you feel like you are going overboard, stop immediately. A good recipe (very easy and delicious, low calorie.) Would be my homemade burritos. You take a soft tortilla ( I like mine crispy, so I cook it with a little butter on the stove for a few minutes.) About a quarter can black beans, and some pulled chicken ( a quicker way is Tyson pulled chicken) and some seasoning. For some reason I like a pinch of streak seasoning on mine lol. Very easy, I make it at dinner parties and everybody complements it. Enjoy!
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    I mean steak.
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    Oh okay I'm not a huge fan of beans but I'm sure I could probably do green beans or pepers in stead thanks that actually reminded me how much I like casadillas l little bit of cheese some mushrooms or peppers .. Yummy lol
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks ^^!!
  • S1508
    S1508 Posts: 14
    If I want to eat something sweet, I make porridge. It's healthy and has lots of nutritions. You only need oatmeal, milk, honey and cinnamon.
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    True im not much of a porage person lol it makes my stomach churn lol don't ask maybe I could make my own cerial with oatmeal ??
  • S1508
    S1508 Posts: 14
    Thats also a possibility. Oatmeal itself is a great choice and its yummy
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    I use instant oatmeal for breakfast most mornings. My favorite is peaches and cream. It has too much sugar though... I'd better start making my own lol! :p
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    :p my fav thing for breakfast is scrambled eggs ! Although this morning I had a sandwich with some salami on it on whole grain bread with mushrooms and lettuce ( no butter) it was yummy
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    Sounds good! I don't really like sandwiches too much.... except for the meatball one at subway lol :p
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    I love sandwiches and subway is awesome !!
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
    The only sandwiches I like are from subway!
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    :p gramma made my favourite chocolate marsallow cake ..... Ahhhhh!!! Lol
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member
  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    When it comes to chocolate I have none lol
  • sunnydays851
    sunnydays851 Posts: 116 Member