Is Keto/LCHF any good for Fibromyalgia?

DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups

I have a woman friend (my age, 58) that used to be normal sized person about 8 years ago and now is about 50 lbs overweight. We go after church, in a group, to different restaurants and she is constantly telling me about all these things she can't eat or she has problems. According to her, its ok if she any kind of sweet/starchy carbs/candy (I would think that caused her to gain the weight). But there could be other factors that do it.

So, a couple months ago, I Googled FM + Keto. I spent 2-3 hours reading stuff. One thing came out clearly (at least at the sites I looked at) was that it was "inconclusive" that the Keto diet actually helped. Some people said it did and many others said it didn't. So I didn't bother telling her about it. I told her husband. But I think he is part of the problem, he "enables" her to eat all the sugary stuff.

Is there anyone here that has Fibromyalgia? Or knows someone that has it? If so, could Keto help them?

(Yes, I realize that Keto doesn't cure everything....)

Just asking...

Thank You...

Dan the Man from Michigan
It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups


  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    My mother has it. I can't get her to lay off the Ben & Jerry's, or any other kind of sugar, but she eats gluten free to help alieve her symptoms. I am personally convinced that LCHF would help her greatly, in terms of energy, joint pain, brain function, and mood balancing. I mean, her mother was diabetic late in life, she can't eat gluten, and now I find I can't eat gluten either, after a period of not eating it. If LCHF makes me feel incredible, by genetic composition alone, I think it would help her.

    I just have to convince her to give up her ice cream in favor of lobster and drawn butter.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't have fibromyalgia exactly, but I have a very close disorder which keto was prescribed to treat. I think it could potentially greatly help with it, as it has helped with my issues. I think the important part is that it reduces inflamation and calms nerves(physical kind). Fibro and my thing are both caused by overactive/over reactive nerves, which keto and lc really do help. My joints are sooo much better, and I don't get nauseated now. I can eat whatever I like, except high carb things. Like octobubbles, I think genetics play a real role here. My mom only made it through her pregnancy with me (horrible joint pain and cramps and all that), by cutting out carbs. I am only making it through my classes because of this diet.
  • lorinoack
    lorinoack Posts: 4 Member
    I Learned of keto after looking for info on how to help my husband with his auto immune disorder. Some people claimed that a diet free of starch had helped them. Apparently many AS peoples pain flare ups are due to a bacteria that's overgrown in the gut. And it eats starches. So the idea is no starch and the bacteria die off. Of course there's more to it but that's the basic idea.
    More searching led to keto which seemed easier to follow since its more strict/straightforward. A month after I started keto for weight and health issues, my husband decided to try it. It only took 5 days before his back pain was gone. For the first time in 10 years!!!!!! He now says if he has to live without bread to be pain free then its absolutely worth it.
    Now, fibro is not the same thing but I would say its at least worth TRYING.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I've had fibromyalgia for 20 years. Doctors have prescribed meds for it that make me feel so groggy I won't take them. I decided I'd rather hunt down natural ways to deal with the pain and exhaustion myself because doctors are clueless and disinterested in trying to help me. Chronic Fatigue and Small Fiber Neuropathy are also part of what I deal with. I can say unequivocally that eating low carb/keto helps! I ditched wheat and most sugar over three years ago and that helped. Beginning keto on March 1 seems to help even more. I'm trying Intermittent Fasting after reading this article I started a thread with that article a few days ago.

    I don't know that keto will take away my chronic pain and exhaustion, but it is helping and maybe in time it will help even more. If I'm able to lose weight (please, please, please) that will help immensely I'm sure.

    Most people with FM, CFS, etc. are discouraged as a result of living in constant pain and exhaustion and have been unable to find a doctor who can/will help them. Food is a comfort and relief. It had to get to the point that I was in enough pain and exhaustion that I was desperate enough to give up carbs, etc. in an attempt to get better. That had to matter more than bread or ice cream. If you have a loved one who isn't ready yet, be patient. Gently inform, but don't badger them. Let them be ready to try dropping harmful foods and then give them all the support you can muster.

    Advances are being made regarding these disorders, but most doctors are still very uninformed and treat us like we're just being difficult. Hopefully some day that will change.

    Thank you for being interested!

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,436 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia, as well as some other chronic pain issues. Was diagnosed fifteen years ago. I have been low carb since January (100g or less, some days 50). I haven't really thought about it relating to my Fibro, but I have noticed an increase in energy and not as much pain with the ability to exercise some. I have lost 14.5 pounds during that time. I do plan to stay with this way of eating, trying to keep carbs as low as possible. Will continue to monitor my symptoms as I go.

    I agree that the doctors don't have a clue how to treat this and really don't care to educate themselves about it to be able to help. It's truly frustrating!
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have CFS and sugar was always my "go to". For two reasons. You feel tired. So, your body naturally thinks "Gee we need more energy". In society that natural go to for energy is high carb. Second part: high carb, in particularly sugar, increases dopamine in the brain. It's like a hit of cocoaine. (only smaller) But consciously or unconsciously your body can feel that it causes the pain to lessen and so it begins a viscious circle. Also in that circle is that (we know) sugar and carbs CAUSE inflammation in the body. So not only do you need your original "hit" incrased, it has to increase even more to compensate for the new inflammation causing more pain.

    I could literally feel the pain in my body lessen when I would eat sugar. Problem is, you just need more and more. A bigger and bigger hit, if you will.

    So yeah, in my life though I was never officially diagnosed with Fibro,(as others have mentioned, doctors that don't think you're a nut case, are hard to come by) Eliminated starch and sugar helped immensely. It wasn't until I found keto that it actually became feasible and sustainable instead of unworldly torture.

    There is a woman who has done some fascinating research into sugar addiction and how it affects the brain. Basically proving it is real. She works with sugar addicts and alcoholics. Shows it is essentially the same thing happening physiologically in the brain. She proposes (and has had amazing results) controlling this through diet. I can't help but wonder if she would have even better results with keto though. I know I did, but she was the first to help me feel like I wasn't going completely crazy! And her diet is a bit less "radical", if you will.

    Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons. Her first book was Potatoes not Prozac.

    Yep. They had me on prozac for hallucinations and other lovelies. Turns out it was all in the carbs. Yep. Carbs caused me to be violent to the point I was afraid for others. And I saw things that weren't there. It was brutal.

    Those who are curious, check out her site for more info. It is NOT keto. But an interesting approach and interesting science none the less.

    Anyway, I know I got off topic, but I thought that is something you might also be interested in as Kathleens WOE can be an easier transition to keto. At the very least proposes a way to reduce sugar that doesn't feel overwhelming. Especially the first book, also talks A LOT about symptoms. Your friend might recognize herself in there. Or not. It might not be her thing.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,038 Member
    I have Chronic Fatigue, with occasional pain. I'm not going to lie and say it's been a miracle cure. It IS better. No aches and pains anymore. But I'm still chronically tired all the time. But with keto, I've been able to ignore it. Periods of the day I really, really need a nap (which I never get) but the point is I can just say "suck it up" and get up and do my workout or things for the kids or housework and not just be too tired to even try. I'm still searching for "the thing" that really helps. I take an adrenal support supplement now that doesn't seem to do much more than give me expensive pee. I'll keep looking.

    I did drop 87lbs, and I am physically fit. And I was able to kick my sugar addiction and depression. My quality of life is loads better than it was, so if this is the worst I have to deal with daily, then that's fine. :smile:
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