Looking for Diabetic (type II) friends =)

aishlynn Posts: 181 Member
Hi all!

I'm looking at my friends list and I don't see too many diabetics on there. I'm a type II diabetic (have been for about 7 years) and would love to have more diabetic friends who I could bounce ideas off of or ask questions (or be asked questions) of. Are there any more of me out there?.. ;)



  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I'm diabetic and have been for about ten years. Going by what I've read here I think I was IR before that. There are quite a few here with insulin related issues so you'll be in good company!
  • VRay99
    VRay99 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Aisha,

    I'm a T2 and have been for over 10 years. I've been following LCHF since December and have since lowered my A1C and reduced my medication significantly. I've sent you a friend request! ;)
  • juju012014
    juju012014 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I have type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed four weeks ago so very new to all this and very confused after reading lots of posts with different opinions not sure what to do for the best lol any tips would be greatly recieved x
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    we're already friends @aishlynn but happy to add more friends if anyone else wants to add me. I'm type 2 diabetic
  • jacklynb46
    jacklynb46 Posts: 39 Member
    type 2 diabetic here,i've been low carbing since july and dropped 78lbs so far...25 more to go..my sugars are great but my doctor still has me on an insulin that i take only once a week..i definitely would like more friends!
  • moonius
    moonius Posts: 663 Member
    I'm Type 2 diabetic