What are your favourite low cal vegan dinners?

leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
how do you plan your week, do you repeat meals? Sometimes I feel so lost, I'm hungry and don't know what to eat quickly. Have been vegan for 1.5 years :)


  • beeskneesbabe
    beeskneesbabe Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hey Leecha2014! Have you considered meal prepping? I find this is the easiest way to keep track of calories/macros. Pick 9 recipes that you love to eat and alternate. For example one of my go to meals (for my own plan and goals) is 100 grams of tofu, 350gms of white and sweet potato and 1.5 cup of either broccoli or spinach. I pre portion and package them for the week. This is also easy with pasta or soups! Just choose how many calories you want for that particular meal and pre portion into containers. Also if you are super hungry add 2-3 cups of non starchy veggies with each meal. If you take the time to plan and prep you will have a meal or snack ready for those times when you are absolutely starving and about to break. Also for snacks I pre chop celery and carrots and sugar snap peas and keep them in a tub in the fridge so I always have something to nosh. Good luck! Oh, and if you love quick low calorie stuff have you considered getting a spiralizer for making veggie noodles? Half a cup of lentil Bolognese on a bed of zucchini pasta is delish! Here are some ideas from when I was on a low calorie diet these recipes were calculated with no oil so you will have to adjust if you use oil to cook it with.

    1. 1/4 cup brown rice
    2. 1/4 black beans
    3. 30grams Avocado
    *I sometimes add a tablespoon or to of fresh salsa and mix it with the Avo yum!
    =159 calories

    1. a large zucchini (about 300 gm raw)-I spiral this you can just shave it with a normal potato peeler if you don't have a veggetti or spirooli. You can eat the noodles raw or lightly steam them.
    2. 1/2 cup lentils
    3. 1/4 cup plain tomato sauce
    * I cook the lentils in the tomato sauce with herbs fresh garlic and onion flakes and season to taste.
    = 184 calories

    1. 1/2 cup (aprox 100gms) bakes sweet potato
    2. 50 grams firm organic tofu
    3. 1 cup cooked broccoli
    * I add a dab of whatever sauce I fancy ie. BBG, Bone suckin sauce, Soy sauce
    = 186 calories

    Hope this helps!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    ^ great tips and ideas- thanks beesknees!
  • leecha2014
    leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
    Thank you for this! I've always thought about meal prepping, I just need to do it. I am going to start planning a bunch of meals I like and rotate, you've given some great advice and really, it doesn't need to be so difficult to plan. I just need to get stared! Thank you!!!
  • beeskneesbabe
    beeskneesbabe Posts: 5 Member
    Your welcome! Happy prepping!