In need of motivational buddy, Ireland

Hi! I wish I had a twin soul here, would be great if this person would be dedicated to losing weight with me, supportive, active and from nearby. I live in Ireland, co. Cork. I guarantee the same in return.
Monika, 32 years old, mom of 1, 60kg/162, looking to go down by another 5-7 kg and get some visible muscle. Favorite sports: running, volleyball, gym, zumba and other group fitness classes.
If you are not from Ireland but have similar goals, feel free to contact me


  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    G'morning OMGbodyGirl! I'm in the same boat. I have reached out to a few girls on MFP but unfortunately they haven't stuck with it all that much. (I admit I've done the same from time to time.) This go around, I'm committed to the idea of a better body! From what you had written, it seems that you're pretty active! That's wonderful! I try to do the same, only I work out at home. Maybe we can keep each other motivated? What do you think? All we have to lose is the weight, right?

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm looking for the same but I live in Germany!

    Ideally, I'm looking for someone with similar goals (lose a few lbs while building strength), and who's interested in daily one-on-one accountability, like a daily msg/email. And most importantly, I'm looking for someone who's going to be sticking around! I've also had "accountabilibuddies" in the past, only to have them drift away after a cpl weeks/months. (Full disclosure: I've been THAT person too...) :disappointed:

    I have a pretty active job, which is great for burning cals, but it leaves me physically drained by the end of the day, so I tend to lack motivation to do workouts on work days! My goal is to build strength so I really need to be getting my butt moving after (or before :bawling: ) work. It'd be great to have someone help push me along, and someone that I can also kick in the butt!! :smiley:

    Anyone fit my demanding description?? :joy:
  • Feeneym20
    Feeneym20 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm living in cork but I'm only 15!!!
  • amyrichard34
    amyrichard34 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a Canadian 36 year old mom of 2 under 5. I'm 5.7" and am at my lowest weight since university at 147lbs. I've been logging on to MFP since the new year and am on week 6 of my second round of P90x3. Totally committed to continuing to see how far I can go...but also give myself off days because that's what keeps my going!
  • claire2786
    claire2786 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey ladies I'm also looking for a motivational buddy I'm from Northern Ireland n just finding hard to keep motivated :/
  • aselby1230
    aselby1230 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a Canadian 36 year old mom of 2 under 5. I'm 5.7" and am at my lowest weight since university at 147lbs. I've been logging on to MFP since the new year and am on week 6 of my second round of P90x3. Totally committed to continuing to see how far I can go...but also give myself off days because that's what keeps my going!

    Hey! I'm in a similar boat! In Colorado, USA. 5'7" at 149 (today). Lowest since college as well! I have 2 boys under 6 and just looking to finally feel comfortable in my skin!
  • Mountainmelody
    Mountainmelody Posts: 13 Member
    aselby1230 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me. I'm a Canadian 36 year old mom of 2 under 5. I'm 5.7" and am at my lowest weight since university at 147lbs. I've been logging on to MFP since the new year and am on week 6 of my second round of P90x3. Totally committed to continuing to see how far I can go...but also give myself off days because that's what keeps my going!

    Hey! I'm in a similar boat! In Colorado, USA. 5'7" at 149 (today). Lowest since college as well! I have 2 boys under 6 and just looking to finally feel comfortable in my skin!

    Feel free to add me as well. I'm 5'9", also live in Colorado, have two children under the age of 11, and am at 148. A month ago I was at 154, and other than pregnancy that's the heaviest I've ever been. Favorite sports: Competitive volleyball, kickboxing, and aerial gymnastics. Looking to tone up and lose a few more pounds.
  • tboxx7
    tboxx7 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in a similar situation to ya'll! 5'0", 135 pounds, hoping to get down to the low 120s. I live in Phoenix, AZ and am a daily runner. Just trying to tweak my eating habits a bit! Please feel free to add me or message me!
  • iiasok6
    iiasok6 Posts: 376 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a Canadian 36 year old mom of 2 under 5. I'm 5.7" and am at my lowest weight since university at 147lbs. I've been logging on to MFP since the new year and am on week 6 of my second round of P90x3. Totally committed to continuing to see how far I can go...but also give myself off days because that's what keeps my going!

    I'm in the same boat Im 28 yrs old from Virginia. I have have 2 under 2 and I am having a hard time getting motivated and getting rid of those last few pounds.