Down 10 pounds by June



  • nyusha
    nyusha Posts: 21 Member
    eva_svi wrote: »
    I'm in! 5'7 and 136 lbs, I also want to lose 10 before summer. Added you :wink:
    I"m very similar, 134ish and 5'6ish - feel free to add me. what are you doing for exercise?

  • maxiemills
    maxiemills Posts: 6 Member
    I am 41 and have dieted all my life with varied success. Tried every diet going but always put it back on. I lost 21 lbs for my wedding in Oct 13 with herbalife and kept it off until Feb this year (I have only put 5 lbs back on). This summer I would like to lose the 5 lbs ive put on plus 5 lbs more.
    I still do 1 or 2 herbalife shakes a day as I find it so easy not having to plan breakfast and lunch around kids and work, and I also find that I'm hungrier if I have a sandwich for lunch.
    I do crossfit 3 times a week and run 5 miles some Sundays the rest of the time I like to party like I'm still in my 20 's.
    Add me if you think we have something in common x
  • sonjamarx
    sonjamarx Posts: 1 Member
    Have gained 10 lbs in the last few months. Am 5'8" and roughly 160 lbs (need to weigh myself and see for sure). Just trying to get back on track.
  • ohcrumbss
    ohcrumbss Posts: 2 Member
    Looking to lose 10lbs by June to finally reach my goal weight of 126lbs, great to have everyone's support
  • chrissyfitter
    chrissyfitter Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'4 140 lb was 146. I want to be 130-135 by summer. Anyone else who might have a similar goal. Friend me
  • Charliegirl1974
    Charliegirl1974 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! You are exactly the same weight and height as me, and your June goal is the exactly the same too!
    What are you doing to shape up? I'm the same, want to nip it in and flatten it out, and get trim and toned...Gggggrrrr!

  • gkvauthier32
    gkvauthier32 Posts: 9 Member
    I would like to lose 10lbs! Im about 5'10 and weight about 153lbs. I lift 6 days a week and have just started running again after a serious knee injury about a year ago. Would love some support, new recipes and to meet some new people with similar goals.
  • CarolynInDC
    CarolynInDC Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Chrissy... 5'4" and want to be 138 (11.5 to go). What's your strategy to lose?
  • haibu
    haibu Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 130-132ish. I want to be either 120ish or at least a little more toned.
  • chrissyfitter
    chrissyfitter Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Chrissy... 5'4" and want to be 138 (11.5 to go). What's your strategy to lose?
    I drink 2 liters of water a day. I eat only plant based food. Like fruits veggies oats nuts seeds. No dairy or meat or sugar or even eggs.
    I do not eat back my excersize calories either. If I'm really hungry I will eat a little more but usually dont. I clean at least 1 house a day for work then I walk 3.5 miles a day. I'm 29 by the way.
  • JBondon
    JBondon Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to lose the last 8-10 pounds by June too! My weight has yo-yoed for the last few years and I can never find myself staying committed and consistent when it comes to fitness. I have been trying very hard the past few months to lose some weight, but more importantly make it a lifestyle. I am starting to feel good about my results but I know I still need to keep pushing if I want to say goodbye to those last few pounds. I am always looking for accountability, motivation, and encouragement; so feel free to add me!
  • AKRees33
    AKRees33 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1" and 129 lbs looking to lose 10-15 lbs more by the end of June. So far I've lost 13 lbs since December, using a fitbit step tracker and tracking calories. Eating a 1000-1200 calories a day, with a cheat day here and there ;) Feel free to add me!
  • Tlw83
    Tlw83 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello. I am 5'3" 128 lbs. I was 149 in December. My goal is to tone and get in shape. I think I want to be 115 lbs. I eat 1200 calories or less a day. I exercise 3-7 days a week. Please add me for support.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I would love to join your challenge. I only need to lose five more pounds. I am at 122 (5'2") and want to get to 117 (or maybe 115). Either way those pounds are the hardest to lose. I am down eight since Jan. 1st and want all of it off by bathing suit season!
  • mishmish2
    mishmish2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4" 135 lbs and would like to be 125 lbs for my sisters wedding in a few months. Would love some friends for support! :)
  • hopecmarie
    hopecmarie Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I'd like to get down 12 pounds by the end of May. 132 to 120! Add me in.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    I'm in. I managed to get down 8pounds and then it went all up again. I'm 5'3 and 123 and definitely will feel better 10 -12 pounds down.
  • sweety510
    sweety510 Posts: 99 Member
    Count me in!!!! I have 9 stubborn pounds to go! I am 28 years old 4ft 11in. tall weighing at 114.9lbs. My goal weight is 105-107lbs! So let's do this!
  • Abbie2906
    Abbie2906 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2015
    Count me in too! I need to lose weight for my holiday in June. I'm 5'4 and 148lbs. I have 22lbs to go for my goal weight (126lbs) but no way going to do that in that timescale, I doubt. Am aiming for 10lbs at least.
    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • CarolynInDC
    CarolynInDC Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not getting on the scale for another few days (not the best weekend, calorie-wise, thanks to Saturday evening BBQ and Sunday brunch), but my work skirt *is* sitting lower on my torso. Yay progress!