Stay Positive

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
as the weekend approaches look for the positive things that make you happy. Happy Easter!


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well here is a positive note....I just lost 5 pounds on week one of the 21 day FIX. Yeah!!! I decided to weigh myself from the start of this project once a week, so did it this morning (Saturday here anyway) and I am happy!! Going to start the 30 minute killer exercise DVD next! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!! And if you don't...have a super duper weekend!!! As Julie says...stay positive!!! Move forward! Or just....MOVE so you lose it!! LOL
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    That is such great news Nancy. So happy for you. How are you feeling? I can just sense the pride you are feeling right now for the weight loss. That is so awesome. Keep up the great work.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Yesterday moved with great pain and effort!! LOL...felt like I was a 100 yrs old getting in and out of the car!! But overall, this has motivated me to keep going for another week to see what happens!! Taking baby steps! Thanks!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    That's a great positive outlook. Keep hydrated. I cannot wait to hear your results.
  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    Awesome work Nancy!! It is great to step on the scale and see your hard work paid off! I have yet to get on the scale since Saturday when I weighed myself and saw that I gained 2 pounds. Ugh!! But it's my fault. I fell off the wagon Friday & then just went to heck with it and ate too much food on Sunday during Easter dinner with the family. Today, getting back on track yet AGAIN! Your weight loss is just so awesome and gives me motivation too!! I know we can do it! I plan to take my measurements tonight so I can keep track and put the scale away somewhere that I don't see it everyday. If not it just taunts me every morning, LOL!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Totally agree with you on that scale taunting me too!! Off to do my Cardio FIX ! Ugh!! but only 30 minutes!!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    How did it go?
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    It went! lol I messed up on the sequence of the tape,thought I had the first DVD in but had the second one in and did that cardio fix instead of the first DVD total body cardio fix. Trying to decide if I do the total body cardio today or go for the upper. May as well do the total body cardio and start the series off correctly. 30 minutes is 30 minutes...I am going to ache and be sore all over no matter what I do!!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    I have done that too. The names of those two workouts look similar so it's easy to get it confused. Go for the total body and follow it tomorrow with upper body.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Done. thanks