what IS it about losing weight after 40?!?!!?



  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    I've found that reducing my sugar intake and eating whole grain carbs and vegetables has helped with bloat. It hasn't reduced a lot of weight, but I am still leaning out. If I eat high carb items like pizza, pastas (not whole-grain), I find I tend to bloat a lot more. Lifting weights has really helped too, but I'm still trying to find that balance to keep pushing the weight down. Having a desk job doesn't help either. :#

    Hope some of this can help you too!
  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    It can definitely be done. I started my journey at age 39 and lost 80 pounds in 9 months. Six months later and I've kept it off and am currently the same weight and size I was when I graduated high school. Life is good!

    Wow that's awesome!
  • KellyLyn68
    KellyLyn68 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ladies and Germs...The answer is quite simple really, you see when we first arrive we are simple lil sponges, all is right with the world, no bad habits and life is good. Then we hit puberty and we think this party will last forever and we know everything. Bad habits immerge, but we pay no attention. We don't heed anyone's advice or words of wisdom. In our 30's we are finding out perhaps we should maybe do a few things different, but we still feel invincible, still think our boobs will be perky forever, wrinkles don't exist and since we won't be 40 for like a long time, we got lots of time, no worries right ?!?!? But then we do eventually hit 40 and kiddies it's just the universes way of saying..."I tried to tell you but you just didn't listen". LOL :p

  • azneee
    azneee Posts: 25 Member
    KellyLyn68 wrote: »
    Ladies and Germs...The answer is quite simple really, you see when we first arrive we are simple lil sponges, all is right with the world, no bad habits and life is good. Then we hit puberty and we think this party will last forever and we know everything. Bad habits immerge, but we pay no attention. We don't heed anyone's advice or words of wisdom. In our 30's we are finding out perhaps we should maybe do a few things different, but we still feel invincible, still think our boobs will be perky forever, wrinkles don't exist and since we won't be 40 for like a long time, we got lots of time, no worries right ?!?!? But then we do eventually hit 40 and kiddies it's just the universes way of saying..."I tried to tell you but you just didn't listen". LOL :p

    Exactly! The accumulation of bad habits, piling up on each other. Clean the slate and get back to basics! There's still time :-)
  • jane722smith
    jane722smith Posts: 2 Member
    It can definitely be done. I started my journey at age 39 and lost 80 pounds in 9 months. Six months later and I've kept it off and am currently the same weight and size I was when I graduated high school. Life is good!

  • jane722smith
    jane722smith Posts: 2 Member
    That's great
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I lost 260+ pounds starting age 45. Am 47 now. Started at 419, weighed 155 this AM. I think weight loss is probably possible at any age.
  • KDRockstar
    KDRockstar Posts: 44 Member
    I am in the center of this... Yes, I'm having a difficult time losing weight, but it's for two reasons. In my control: not smoking, food choices, exercise. Out of my control: hormones, injuries.

    So, I just have to work harder!
  • drdst91
    drdst91 Posts: 15 Member
    And, don't forget the food has changed over the years. Look at our children they are tall, amazonish looking. Btw, I have gotten an intolerance to eggs...but wait, I can eat organic eggs. What does that mean? I am allergic to something in the feed?

    Yes, more things on the plate, less time moving around/exercising, lower metabolism, and more processed/unhealthy food choices than back in the day all contribute to weight gain.

    We can lose the weight and get back to our pre-20/30 years by looking at each of the factors mentioned and doing something about them. I lost 40 lbs last year and look to lose another 40 by refocusing some of my attention (less time on fb, talking on the phone, watching tv), adding lunchtime exercise to get in cardio wkout 4-5 per week to include strength training 2x per week, and eating healthy (cut out the sugar, most wheat, grains, etc.). Once I do all these things, the weight will come off.

    If I can do it, you can too. Btw, I turned 47 in March. I get metabolic testing done every other month. Mine has increased to fast since my last test. I am very close in body fat to the below 30%. I got this!!!! :wink:

    Dr. C
  • ddmusica
    ddmusica Posts: 50 Member
    I am 46 and decided on September 1st I wanted to lose 40 lbs and wear a bikini for my 47th birthday (June 3)- happy to say I have surpassed my goal early and feel great! The key for me was no sodas, drive thrus, pasta, bread or rice. I am going to run my first 5K May 2nd. Never thought I'd say that! Treadmill and weights are my magic beans. :)
  • Congratulations ddmusica! I have 15lbs left of my 30lb goal to lose. I am running and strength training. Hope to be in good shape by the end of June!

    I deal with low thyroid issues so losing weight is really tough. I never drank soda, never did drive thrus. Pasta, bread and rice are not a daily thing for me but I am thinking of cutting them out totally myself.