Which door would you choose?

TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
This is a video where people must choose to walk through one of 2 doors. On the left, the door is marked "Beautiful". On the right, the door is marked "Average". Today, I choose beautiful, but I know some days I would choose average. Which would you choose?


  • valknnedy891
    valknnedy891 Posts: 8 Member
    loved the video. Immediately I thought I would go through the average door. As I listened to the video, I think I picked that because of how I perceive others see me. I want to go through the beautiful door!
  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    See yourself as beautiful and others will too. I have a hard time with that sometimes. I have to remind myself that the only thing average about me is my own self view.