April 2015 Weight Loss Challenge

ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
Name: Matt
Height: 6'3"
Starting Weight (3/1): 317.2
Goal Weight (3/31): 305

4/2: 317.2

Loss/gain for the week: n/a
Loss/gain for the month so far: n/a

Struggles or successes of your week: n/a


  • jsadqi
    jsadqi Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight 9/8/14. 364
    Current weight 4/2/ 282
    Goal weight 170ish
    Goal for April ... To lose 13 pounds

    Struggles for this week.... Not feeling to good. Trying to get my calories in and workouts
  • Losin_W8
    Losin_W8 Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Megan
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (4/1): 293.3
    Goal Weight (3/31): 285

    4/2: 293.3

    Loss/gain for the week: n/a
    Loss/gain for the month so far: n/a

    Struggles or successes of your week: Yesterday I was craving Taco Bell. I gave in. But I managed to stay under in calories for the day. Easter will be hard, going to my boyfriends grandparents. No way to count the calories there. Will try to just have small portions.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/30): 286.6
    Goal Weight (4/26): 271.6

    3/30: 286.6

    Loss/gain for the week: n/a
    Loss/gain for the month so far: n/a

    Struggles or successes of your week: n/a
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    edited April 2015
    Name: Camille
    Height: 5'9"
    Starting Weight (4/1): 349
    Goal Weight (4/31): 329

    4/2: 349

    Loss/gain for the week: n/a
    Loss/gain for the month so far: n/a

    Struggles or successes of your week: So far I'm just having back pain here and there(From an old injury). I'm on day four of being under calory goal every day and I've exercised for one hour on two of those days.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    Name: Jordis
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight (4/2): 327
    Goal Weight (4/30): 319

    4/2: 317.2

    Loss/gain for the week: n/a
    Loss/gain for the month so far: n/a

    Struggles or successes of your week: n/a
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/30): 286.6
    Goal Weight (4/26): 271.6

    3/30: 286.6
    4/5: 282.0

    Loss/gain for the week: 4.6 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4.6 lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week: I have really been struggling with my knees this week. It is really hard to get 10,000 steps in when your knees are killing you. But the only way my knees are ever going to feel better is if I continue to move them and continue to get the weight off of them. So, Advil and ice packs, here I come. I did get a total of 68,000 steps in last week, with 5 days over 8,000 and 3 over 10,000.

    After last weekend's camping, I opted not to go to kickboxing class and skipped out on yoga and water aerobics, too. I've been getting better about meeting my workout goals at home, but I have been having problems getting back to the gym. But I plan on doing better this week. I did get in a short hike last week, which I really enjoyed.
  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    Name: Gina
    Height: 5' 6"
    Starting Weight (4/5): 295.9
    Goal Weight (4/30): 285

    Loss/gain this week: 6.7 lbs (6.7 lbs lost in two weeks)
    Loss/gain this month: 6.7 lbs

    Struggles or successes of the week: Finally finished assembling my treadmill, and walked for 2000 recorded steps, but I walked for a good while before I realized my fitbit wasn't tracking the steps. Figured out why, and it took 17 min. to walk 2000 steps so the 12 min. I walked before it started counting steps I'm estimating 1000 steps. I'm trying to do the 10,000 steps walking challenge that was posted on the MFP blog at the beginning of this month, so I met my day 1 goal of 2000 :)

    4/5 295.9
  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Name: Lil
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/28): 381
    Goal Weight (4/25): 375

    3/28: 381
    4/4: oh no Easter at Mom's no weigh in

    Loss/gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far:

    Struggles or successes of your week: I am excited this challenge is up for April. It really helps me stay focused. I started off strong last month and fell off toward the end ((again)) ugh!
    Was away with no internet connection for a few days - not complaining about missing weigh in Sat am after Easter at Mom's. Will see how it goes this week, will focus on logging food and going to aqua zumba.
  • stitchfan626
    stitchfan626 Posts: 20 Member
    Name: Heidi
    Height: 5'3"
    Starting weight (3/23): 324
    Goal weight (4/30): 310

    4/6: 324

    Loss/Gain for the week:
    Loss/Gain for the month so far:

    Struggles or successes of the week: I am feeling pretty bummed that I haven't lost anything from the 23rd last month, but even though I've been tracking for 10 days straight, I have been over pretty much every day, tracking doesn't do much good if you don't try to stay within the lines. I am so scared to go out walking to the park this week but I know I need to.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Why are you scared to go walking, Heidi?
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there... may I join? and what are the rules?
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    edited April 2015
    @dawnkemp58 Feel free to join. No rules, just post a starting weight, target weight, track your weigh-ins weekly, and reflect on your successes or struggles for the week. I normally just copy a previous update from myself or others, then update the information.

    If you don't want to post your weight, you can post your starting weight as the amount you want to lose (ie SW = 15lbs Goal =0); the problem is that's hard to keep track of, and more difficult for others to relate to your personal goals and offer suggestions catered to your sitnuation.

    You don't have to be in the 300+ range anymore either.
  • stitchfan626
    stitchfan626 Posts: 20 Member
    @craftscout I am scared because of getting out of breath, people seeing me out there with my daughter, the usual stupid stuff that gets inside your head that we all know is ridiculous! I used to really enjoy going for walks but that was before I got so big. I used to tell my husband, at least if I'm walking down the side of the street and people notice 'oh there's a fat chick walking down the road' at least I'm doing something about it - but now even that little glimmer is gone. I think part of me expects that I should just be able to go run for an hour straight when I'm pretty sure I would struggle just to walk for an hour straight and I'll feel like I didn't accomplish much, I think I need to just get out of my head and GO - thank you for asking though, it made me feel like someone cares =0) Like someone 'gets' the struggle
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Of course we care. That's why we're all here. We have been there, done that, shrank our way out of the tshirt. I started at 395 pounds. At first I felt really self conscious about working out in public, so I just walked around my house, did laps through the living room after every meal. I would dance to really upbeat music (mmmmmmm, Latin fusion). I would walk up and down my stairs, do Wii workouts, Xbox Kinect games.

    And then I realized it doesn't matter what those other people think. I'm not doing this for them, and no matter how long I walk in circles around my house, going outside and walking around the neighborhood will be harder and a better workout. Walking with my husband is time well spent. Walking with my children gives them a role model. Walking my dogs is good exercise for them, too.

    My issue was always, I don't want to walk outside because what if the route I choose is further than I can handle (this was 100 lbs ago)? I didn't want to start on a one or two mile walk only to be absolutely exhausted 3/4 of the way through. I can't gauge when I am halfway to exhausted.

    So I started going to a gym and getting on the treadmill. Then I just walk and walk and walk until I reach my goal or I'm exhausted, whichever comes first. At first, I worried about what the other people at the gym were thinking about me. Then I realized that only the a******s were thinking about me at all. Then I wanted to prove something to those a******s - I deserve to be at this gym because I am strong, because I am healthy, because I have goals and YOU are not going to stop me! I am going to prove your sneering face wrong, I am going to prove every jerk from high school wrong, every friend of my children's, every stranger who dares judge me, I'm even going to prove my worst self wrong!

    So get out there! Go WALK! Put on your best workout gear, the tightest compression pants, the flashiest shirt and DARE them to judge you. Dare them to say you SHOULDN'T try to get healthy. And then laugh in their a****** face as you imagine how drop dead gorgeous you will be a year from now.

    (sorry, the mind games we play on ourselves is the worst part of being obese, and it frustrates me every time I do it to myself and every time I hear about someone else doing it. our bodies aren't the only thing we have to make stronger. we can do this.)
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    craftscout wrote: »
    Of course we care. That's why we're all here. We have been there, done that, shrank our way out of the tshirt.

    And then I realized it doesn't matter what those other people think. I'm not doing this for them...
    ^^^This again^^^
    craftscout wrote: »
    the mind games we play on ourselves is the worst part of being obese...
    ^^^And this^^^

    I know I feel self concious when I walk into the bike store to buy anything for my bike ("he'll break that bike" is all I see in peoples faces), and I'm certainly not to the point to wear spandex without covering up... a lot. But without going in to buy things or wearing spandex (under other clothes that don't make me feel as "on display", how else am I going to lose the weight, and get to the point that I can exercise. Please don't feel alone in these thoughts, as the song says "We've all been there, that's why we're here."

    I can certainly understand why you are afraid of getting out of breath (because I used to have similar concerns) and being able to make it home. If that's keeping you from exercising can you have a back-up plan? Carry a cell phone so you can call your husband, or a friend, to pick you and your daughter up, or bring taxi money?
  • Losin_W8
    Losin_W8 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2015
    Name: Megan
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (4/1): 293.3
    Goal Weight (4/30): 285

    4/2: 293.3

    Loss/gain for the week: -3.6
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -3.6

    Struggles or successes of your week: Been doing good so far this week. I've been staying under my calories and getting my steps in with my Fitbit. :)
  • tezzer72
    tezzer72 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Teresa
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (4/9): 295
    Goal Weight (4/30); 285

    4/9: 295

    Loss/gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far:

    Heres a start might be a bit late in joining in but here go's
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    edited April 2015
    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 317.2
    Goal Weight (3/31): 305

    4/2: 317.2
    4/9: 312.0

    Loss/gain for the week: 5.2 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 5.2 lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week:

    I've not cycled much due to a flat tire on the bike (and having to get a patch kit, etc.), poor weather, and needing to get my truck to the shop. On Saturday though I rode 16.3 miles in 78 minutes. I also went for 2 walks (in addition to a bunch of walking for work on Monday) for a total of 4.4 miles in 78.3 minutes (Miles and duration includes 2 exercise walks only).

    My spreadsheet calculated weight loss for the week (including exercise calories not eaten back, and standard BMR calcs) show I should have been closer to 2.3 lbs lost, and I'm concerned that I lost 5 lbs this week. Apparently, I did more moving than I thought this week, or my scales are acting funny due to the pressure changes with the storms.
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    Name: Camille
    Height: 5'9"
    Starting Weight (4/1): 353
    Goal Weight (4/31): 340

    4/2: 353
    4/9: 349

    Loss/gain for the week: 4 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4 lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week: So I adjusted my goal as well as my starting weight since I had not weight in months when I posted it. So I'm pretty happy. I lost four pounds so far. I have so much trouble finding a level spot to weigh in with my scale. Eating wise has been great im not having any issues. My main trouble is exercising since there's still snow on the ground and I don't have any boots to get through it to get to the road to walk.
  • stitchfan626
    stitchfan626 Posts: 20 Member
    THANK YOU for all of the support!! I am so excited to start this journey and accountability with other people who have been there, who are still working on it, I think there's something to be said about working with people who *get* your situation. I live 2 blocks away from a park that has a walking path about a mile around, I think that even at the farthest point away from my house I would still be able to make it home. My goal is to walk that path at least once a day (considering I haven't done it yet I'm a little nervous about getting around the whole thing the first try) and then gradually working up to walking an hour a day. I had a cousin who did that for a year and ended up being able to RUN for an hour a day - totally blew me away, but she just DROPPED weight like it wasn't even funny, and I used to run CC so I do enjoy running, but yes, that's my goal. Then afterwards I will treat myself with sitting at the park and letting my daughter play for a little bit. Thank you thank you for the understanding and encouragement!