Hit a plateau

njp0306 Posts: 10 Member
Hi. I've been on myfitness since midJanuary. I am down 15.5lbs but have not had a weight loss since March 29th. I stayed the same over Easter so was happy about that. I exercise 30 minutes on the treadmill or outside walking about 5-6 times a week. I am really stuck. I have dropped my calories to 1100 daily for over a month. I am only 5'2". I am retired and 63 years old. I need to lose about 20lbs. Can you help, encourage or motivate me?


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    njp0306 wrote: »
    Hi. I've been on myfitness since midJanuary. I am down 15.5lbs but have not had a weight loss since March 29th. I stayed the same over Easter so was happy about that. I exercise 30 minutes on the treadmill or outside walking about 5-6 times a week. I am really stuck. I have dropped my calories to 1100 daily for over a month. I am only 5'2". I am retired and 63 years old. I need to lose about 20lbs. Can you help, encourage or motivate me?

    Njp0306, March 29 was just a couple of weeks ago, so I wouldn't worry too much. You might want to try switching up your exercise--longer time at slower pace or vice versa, or just try something new. I'm 65, also 5'2" and have been struggling with that very same issue for over a year. I quit worrying about it for several months and now I've changed my routine, realy watch my calories and I've lost a pound this month which Inthink is great. At our age, losing the extra weight is a long process. You don't want to lose too fast because it's not healthy. So relax and let your body catch up with the lost weight, it will happen. If you need a friend, just send me a request and we can work in this together.

    Good luck.
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Do you do any strength training? That should help and yes try to change your workout. Also, I have read a ton of articles that say not to decrease your calories too much. The body goes into "starvation mode" and will not let go of anything. Try to increase to 1200 or 1300 even and see if that makes a difference. Anything is worth a try, right? Good luck. I am almost 62 (in May) and 5'5 and struggle a lot myself. I am always open to new ideas and new friends also!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Well done for your good loss so far......I would suggest mixing things up a bit.....as others have said, try a different exercise, different foods, don't get too stressed about it...slowly but surely is good at our age...I am also 63! B)

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    njp0306 wrote: »
    Hi. I've been on myfitness since midJanuary. I am down 15.5lbs but have not had a weight loss since March 29th. I stayed the same over Easter so was happy about that. I exercise 30 minutes on the treadmill or outside walking about 5-6 times a week. I am really stuck. I have dropped my calories to 1100 daily for over a month. I am only 5'2". I am retired and 63 years old. I need to lose about 20lbs. Can you help, encourage or motivate me?

    Well done on the 15.5 lbs. as someone else stated 3/19 was not that long ago and there was a holiday where you were successful in not gaining, that is also very well done.

    Besides following the suggestions for mixing up your exercise, eat different things, don't drop the calories just some things you haven't had recently. And it is not healthy to go below 1200 calories, even for us shorties,I am barely 5'3" and I also have to lose about 20 lbs. after already losing slightly over 20 lbs. I think it is a good idea to better understand what your daily calorie needs are, so check out these posts:


    We have a lot in common. Send me a friend request if you like.

  • njp0306
    njp0306 Posts: 10 Member
    You all make a lot of sense. I am trying to mix it up! Drinking more water, too. I do several sets of squats every morning along with some arm exercises. But adding calories is very hard. Thanks for answering me. It helps to talk it out.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Part of it may be, also, that you are already almost halfway to your goal. The more weight we need to lose, the quicker it comes off at first. Then the weight loss slows down as our body adjusts to our new and improved habits. Strength training is important for building muscle and increasing metabolism - but I agree, you don't want to go too low on your calories. Better to keep the calories up a bit and exercise to make up for that increase.

    Congrats on being almost halfway to goal!! ~ Kathy
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi. I agree with the rest of the folks -- adding something new to the exercise program might help (how about a hula hoop :D ). I am NOT an expert at losing weight -- however I am an expert at getting frustrated while on a diet. Why are you dieting -- not how many pounds you want to lose, but the real reason you are on a diet? When you lose the magic 30 pounds, what will you actually gain in your life. Take some time to really think about your goal(s), write them down, and post it in several throughout the house. Post one on your mirror, on the refrigerator, over the scale. Frustration is the biggest reason I quit any diet, but this might help keep you on track when that horrible, good-for-nothing scale won't move. You may also send me a friend request and we can try to keep each other motivated. Remember, you have made it half-way and that is better than it was before you started. Keep up the good work.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I like the idea of posting goals around as a reminder, yet another way to stay focused, "Keep your eye on the prize".
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I dropped in on this discussion because the plateau that's appeared for me looks like a butte right now. ;-)
    Will incorporate the tips, and not get discouraged by a blip in the scale's trend. @njp0306 You've had success. Congratulations on that.
    We've seen these plateaus. They happen. The ladies are giving you good tips that have worked.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Lynda816--I use a weighted hula hoop and I love it. It put on some old rock and roll music and have fun. I like the idea of posting your goals around the house, it's a good idea to help you remember that this isn't a diet, but a life change. If I looked at this as a diet, aid never stay on track, but a life change works for me. The life change is ongoing, even when I reach my goal weight, because I want to be healthy.

    Sharondtd--I admit that the plateaus are disheartening, but you can't give up. I know because I plateaued for almost a year and then I started putting the weight back on again, not good,
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I've been stuck for several months now - hate it, but I consider my age, my lack of mobility etc... and as long as I am not gaining I'm ok. I hit a plateau before and just had to ride it out for a couple of months and dropped some more weight. I've switched up my diet some this week, so hopefully that will jump start me again. Just hang in there - sounds like you are on the right track, 15.5 is a great weight loss!
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    The above posts are encouraging - I know I am doing the right things and yet the darn scale is glacially slow on dropping. I started in mid January - dropped 10 lbs and seem to be just "hanging" there. I am 67 yrs old so I am sure this factors in. On a positive note - I have dropped two pants sizes YEAH! Also am seeing nice improvement in midrif size - YEAH again. I like tracking - keeps me honest with myself on what I eat. Calories are much more meaningful to me than points ever were. Exercise has improved - walking several times a week. The Leslie Sansone videos really are great for odd slices of time or I walk the dog some evenings. Like the signs suggestions above and I am finding encouragement in the NSV items and will try switching things up also. Have a good day and keep on keeping on!
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Oops - Meant to add my name at the end
  • njp0306
    njp0306 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I bought a fitbit thinking that will help too.
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Let me know what you think. I've toyed with the idea of buying one but haven't so far.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I bumped up the Fitbit discussion, if you are thinking of getting one, it has some good info.

    I wanted to not have to wear the HR monitor strap, so I went with the Charge HR and I am extremely pleased with it. But you may not need anything like that.

    Just depends on what you want to do with an activity tracker and if you care about having a HR monitor or not. If that isn't important, there are several options well under $100, Fitbit and other companies as well.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    NJP, congrats on your loss. Love to see my pals on the newsfeed getting such a good result.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Marie, the weight comes off easily in the beginning, but then takes its sweet time. Your body is changing and slimming and those are great NSVs!
    I plateaued last year mere 5 pounds from my goal, gave up and then put 7 pounds back on! Now I'm struggling again. Take it from me, don't give up! I'm 65 and I'm still working on it. This is a life journey for me and, you're right, logging keeps me accountable. Hang in there, it will happen.
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Gramanana - I hit the 90 days on MFP & looked back to check under progress. Loss is 11.8 lbs so little short of 1 lb. a week. That made me feel a tad better. Going to start a walking challenge at work next week. Let's see what this knee of mine will tolerate without too much protest!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    mangotango wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Gramanana - I hit the 90 days on MFP & looked back to check under progress. Loss is 11.8 lbs so little short of 1 lb. a week. That made me feel a tad better. Going to start a walking challenge at work next week. Let's see what this knee of mine will tolerate without too much protest!

    I think 1 lb. a week when you are over 60 is a terrific loss average. Keep it up. Otherwise time passes and you are still carrying around extra baggage. You don't want that result. So log, exercise, eat and repeat :wink: