Anyone with gray hair getting old color back after going Low Carb?

GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups

Since I walk a lot and wear heavy weight pants I wear a lot of the hair off of my legs. Last night in the shower with indirect lighting I thought I had some grease somehow right above my knee cap. Then I realized it was a little circle of hair.

After I got out and turned on the light bar over the mirror I could see some new beard that was darker vs snow white. I had a place on my left wrist get tender when wearing my Fitbit watch and I just clipped off the hair in that area so see if the band was pulling it. What has grown back over the last couple months is darker than the other. The tender spot on the wrist seems to have been caused by where I was resting my wrist when I type on this notebook computer.

After reading a lot today I learned about catalase enzyme production slowing down and letting hydrogen peroxide build up in the hair follicle and bleach it. Ran across this subject on a Palo site it seems and thought I would ask here.

I went very low carb first of Oct 2014 and have been trying different protocols for cancer treatment/prevention due to a lot of family with cancer. BioBran (PeakImmune4 in USA market), zeolite, fumaric acid, vitamins, D3/K1/K2, PQQ and Ubiquinol are some of the things in some of the protocols with several of them being new to me as of 4-6 weeks ago.

The color of my hair/beard being white is fine with me but I am pushing to understand how to increase the number of mitochondria, B, T and NK cells as well as to get my vitamin D up into the 60-80 range. I am doing this on myself before giving family members any of these protocols that I have found.

Low low carb started out only as a way to possibly manage my pain but I am learning so much about health now at the age of 64. Learning is easier after losing most of the pain and the carb mental fog. :)


  • tmdalton849
    tmdalton849 Posts: 178 Member
    that's interesting! i have noticed a slowing of my greying since going lchf. it was really getting outta control, and that's why i had noticed.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Very interesting. It's so cool to learn new stuff ! I had heard about hair quality improving after adopting a paleo diet. In fact, my daughter's hair texture has become much fuller and healthier as a result. We gave up eating grains and sugar for good a couple of years ago, after beginning to dabble into paleo almost 5 years ago. Our food sources became more important to us and we began eating more saturated fat kind of as a natural progression. I figured that we must have improved our nutrition in general, in order to see many changes, including fuller hair.

    But as for LCHF, I've only been trying keto for a couple of months, so it's hard to say yet.....but I'll be watching. I'll keep you posted if my hair, which started to prematurely turn grey in my 20's (when it was salt and pepper already)....suddenly gains it old colour back at age 52 !
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    My hairdresser LOVES it when I do LC. When she holds my hair out from my head, you can actually see where the new growth is (it's so much thicker). And yes, my 100% white (dyed) hair is salt and pepper at the root re-regrowth. We weren't sure if it was from the LC or from my asthma preventor.
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    Never heard of this before, but I'm all up for not being so grey! I blame it on working as a teacher!

    Psst Don't tell anyone but I hope to hit my 5% weight loss goal this week and will treat myself to a haircut and a bottle of dye.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    If it turns out the health of my hair (whatever the color) is really improving I will be excited because that means my general health must be recovering as well. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    There must be something to keto and hair color effect at least in some people.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    If it turns out the health of my hair (whatever the color) is really improving I will be excited because that means my general health must be recovering as well. :)

    my new growth is fantastic. I'm getting more hairs per sq inch, and it's healthy and shiny. I have curly hair so you can really see the difference.

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member

    For about 15 years (I'm 58), on my shins, there was no hair (just like you said ~ its common among some old people like us). About 5 years ago, I "skinned" my shins to a bloody state. After the scabs came off, hair has grown only on the patches of my shins where they were damaged. Weird. I thought about "skinning" up my bald head and maybe new hair would grow? (LOL!)

    So, I too was in the shower the other day, and I looked down at my patches and the hair was noticeably blacker and thicker. I wasn't going to report this, because then people would call me crazy. But since you mentioned it, we can be crazy together....

    I just looked closely, and the calves are still hairless. I will watch closely in the future and see if they start to reappear.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet

  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    My hair's been dyed several different shades for so long that I couldn't even tell you what my natural colour is anymore, except for the roots that show. These are still a gorgeous black and silver mix, from what I can tell. For me, my hair and nail quality received an initial boost, but they've settled back down to being dry and brittle again. I think I need to make sure I have gelatin in my diet every day. I was having it regularly after I got sick in January, but then I got lazy and didn't make it again for the past month.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    On this Parkinson website some think regaining their hair color was due to consuming coconut oil.

    It is my guess there could be a dozen of different factors that play and what works for one will not work for another. One thing I have learned over the past 8 months of researching how to lower the risk of cancer is we are born with several features that destroy cancer cells and eating, sleeping, moving and getting along with others well is the key to not getting cancer.

    What good that may happen with the hair is just a plus. :)
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    Oh no!!! I love my silvery grey hair (I've always had really dark hair and gave up colouring it about 5 years ago when I couldn't be bothered keeping up with the regrowth). I have been waiting, waiting, waiting for the dark patch at the back to go silver. :dizzy:

    I will keep an eye on it and let you know. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    I doubt if many of us will see so much change in our hair that others will notice it. A few in the link seemed to think it was the coconut oil in their case. I started coconut oil 8 months ago.

    When one is old enough to see a lot of gray hair often we have major health issues that we are starting to get concerned about. I started multivitamins, the coconut oil, vitamin D3, etc, etc in my case plus HFLC so there is no way even if I do get my hair color back there is no way to know the cause. :)

  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    Oh no. Lots of people noticed mine. I though I was seeing things until other people started mentioning it. I clearly went from 100% white roots to salt n pepper, heavy on the pepper.
    Plus the hair at my temples that I had lost grew back, and came back as brown. So I have these two little brown patches right above my temples
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    I started going white at 16, and let it go natural about five years ago. Just a month ago, I realized I have some dark streaks where there used to be white streaks. I honestly believe my hair is darker now... and I don't like it. I want the beautiful pure white hair that all my relatives have!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My hair, which at best and the most complimentary thing I can think to call it, is a dishwater blond or light brown, seems to keep lightening up. I have natural highlights ala Rogue but less pronounced, and my eyebrows faded some. I was hoping my hair would finally get dark enough to be complimentary (I love it darker, but hate dying plus it grows back SUPER FAST), but alas, no go... I did notice some lovely silver hairs not long ago, but I have that weird kind of hair that if you pick up 20 strands at once, likely no more than 2-3 of any color would match the others exactly. Just another way to be odd.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I love my greying hair. Got rid of the bleached blond look years ago! I hope it doesn't get darker!