Daily check-in Week 1 ~ April 6th - 12th



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I meant to go on a short walk, I found this greenway area near me with walking areas, and when I hit the 1/2 mile mark I knew things were not going to end well. I was born and raised in the flatlands so incline always kills me and about the last quarter of a mile is all incline, but I did it. I'm super sore right now and tired, but I did it. Tomorrow I think will be a short walk. :grin:
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    NSV today! I made it to the gym for the first time in months! Did 30 minutes on the elliptical. My only issuse with plugging it into MFP Is that it says that I burned way more calories than I feel it should say. How do we figure out the actual, or at least a closer amount burned?
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    It was a good day, logged over 10,000 steps so far, worked in the yard and stayed under my calories. Also as of right now I am at 100oz of water..done and done
  • aek1985
    aek1985 Posts: 11 Member
    NicNakmfp wrote: »
    aek1985 wrote: »
    Yesterday was awful so I decided to use it as my 'free' day but I'm back on track and logging today :)

    What is a 'free' day? Can we really have one of those?

    A 'Free' day is just a thing I've personally always done :) it's not part of the challenge or anything. I use it to relax and eat whatever I've been craving then get back on track the next day o:)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Day 4 (Thursday) - did well; ate below my limit and even got up early to exercise :)

    Day 5 (Friday/Today) - was up very late last night so didn't get up to work out this morning. Maybe I'll just make today my day off from working out. Should be able to go to bed earlier tonight. Haven't had dinner yet, but I have it all planned out and will be under my limit :D
  • shaunjadon
    shaunjadon Posts: 56 Member
    As I sit at this hospital waiting for the clock to strike 7am, I am so proud of my accomplishments thus far. I'm coming up on my first month of my lifestyle change and the mental changes are amazing. Usually its about this time that I hang up the towel, but this challenge and forum as a whole has kept my mindset realistic. 20lbs by July 4th is doable while the impatient old self would say I need to lose 50lbs and would have quit by this time because of the impossibility of reaching that goal. Now I look at it as, I can set realistic goals and follow this program OR I can look the same or bigger next year. The first choice sounds so much better and is so much more logical. Weight loss may be done with diet and exercise but I must say Psychology does play the biggest role.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    Happy to say I am now under 13 stone, lightest I have been for about 5 or 6 years. Still want to lose another couple of stone but at least I feel like im on way.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 5
    Yesterday I was really hungry during my yoga class and had a headache as well. Ate a banana and some cheese and crackers when I got home. Went over my calories for the day but my weight stayed the same this morning. Think if I go "over" one day a week, won't be the end of the world in the long run and will only do it if I'm really hungry - not just because I want a treat. A friend got us tickets for the Stones concert in Buffalo for July 11th, and would love to lose 20 lbs by then - a good motivator!
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    Happy to say I am now under 13 stone, lightest I have been for about 5 or 6 years. Still want to lose another couple of stone but at least I feel like im on way.

    Congratulations, Today I hit the under 13stone mark too! I need to lose another couple of stone also but atleast im on the way!

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I did not do well on Wed & Thursday. Probably, stress but I need to learn to track my food even under stress. Today, I will be better - breakfast was high protein (2 egg omelet with cheddar cheese) and piece of toast.
  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    Hey all, checking in. I'm FINALLY getting over this wicked miserable head cold I've had since last week, and I'm really looking forward to the weather this weekend. Gonna take advantage and for a nice looong walk to prep for getting back to a workout routine next week.
    I was really thrilled when I got on the scale yesterday. I'd lost 3 pounds in one day! I love it when that happens. Of course some of it will come back on before I have another loss (I like to weigh every day, and take note of the trends I see, and by now I'm very familiar with how my body loses weight), but it felt really good to have dropped some weight even though I didn't move around much or exercise at all this week. The challenge for today will be not going crazy at dinner, because Hubby and I are going out. Wish me strength of will! Lol.
  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member

    What is a 'free' day? Can we really have one of those? [/quote]

    @NicNakmfp You absolutely can have one of those! If that's what works for you ;) Some people, especially those who struggle with restricting their diets, have one "cheat" or "free" day during the week. Some people let themselves eat absolutely whatever they want on those days, some people give themselves an extra allotment of calories, some people give themselves one meal that can be whatever they want... there's lots of ways to do it! Also, some people will do it once or twice a month instead of every week. For some people, it feels easier to stay on track the rest of the time if they know that once in a while they're going to be allowed to let loose a little bit. I actually know someone who stopped smoking this way; he only smokes on Christmas day and for him that helps him get through the rest of the year tobacco free. It doesn't work for everyone, of course, but it's definitely something you could think about adding to your lifestyle.
  • roxiepoo1
    roxiepoo1 Posts: 6 Member
    atrosper wrote: »
    I'm going to be having a rough week emotionally, and I don't know how it's going to affect my eating. Someone I was close to passed away from cancer this past Saturday and there will be a funeral on Wednesday. So far since finding out, my eating has been good, and I haven't done any emotional binge eating yet. It doesn't help that I have to deal with my monthly cycle at the same time.

    I'm very sorry for your loss. Hang in there! It is hard to lose someone you love and it will hurt for a long time, but it will get better. Emotional eating won't bring them back and only gives you a temporary reprieve from your grief. Maybe plant a garden in that person's memory or use this as a chance to rededicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle as a way of remembering that person. As someone who has recently gone through this, I can tell you that binge/stress eating just add to the emotional devastation. Try to find a healthy release. Best of luck to you!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Day 5 Check in! I decided to tan this morning at the gym so I did not have time to get my full mile in on the treadmill, I did my normal 1/2 warm up then worked my arms and abs but no time to do my .5 mile after my workout:( But good news is I have already lost 2lbs, and do not weigh in until Monday so hopefully it stays...weekends are the hardest for me !
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    Ugh today started off rocky so far for me. :( after hitting the scale this morning and seeing I lost 2lbs (which I am extremely grateful for) I enede eating half of my daughters gravy biscuit and 4 cheesesticks and half of a chocolate strawberry poptart. So I only have 700 calories left for the day, yes I will still stay under my calories, but eating all that junk makes me feel really guilty.
  • Peechiz12
    Peechiz12 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello All, I feel good (tired but good) I've been getting up for the past 2 week working out. I purchased a program that I like. Everyday is a challenge, I try to be a little better than the day before. I've been preparing my meals (breakfast and lunch). I've been very disciplined thus far. Everyday I pray for strength and the self encouragement to keep it up.

    I wish everyone luck with achieving their goal(s) :-)
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    taelor2 wrote: »
    Ugh today started off rocky so far for me. :( after hitting the scale this morning and seeing I lost 2lbs (which I am extremely grateful for) I enede eating half of my daughters gravy biscuit and 4 cheesesticks and half of a chocolate strawberry poptart. So I only have 700 calories left for the day, yes I will still stay under my calories, but eating all that junk makes me feel really guilty.

    Hey girl!! Don't feel guilty. You want this to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. We will eat junk here and there for the rest of our lives, or at least I know I will. Maybe you can get out and walk a little to burn off the calories that are above and beyond what you normally would have consumed. And, I have to tell ya, biscuits and gravy the way to go!!! You got this, chin up.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Day 5 Check in! I decided to tan this morning at the gym so I did not have time to get my full mile in on the treadmill, I did my normal 1/2 warm up then worked my arms and abs but no time to do my .5 mile after my workout:( But good news is I have already lost 2lbs, and do not weigh in until Monday so hopefully it stays...weekends are the hardest for me !

    Way to go on the 2 lb loss!!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    It was a good day, logged over 10,000 steps so far, worked in the yard and stayed under my calories. Also as of right now I am at 100oz of water..done and done

    It sounds like you are doing awesome!!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    taelor2 wrote: »
    NSV today! I made it to the gym for the first time in months! Did 30 minutes on the elliptical. My only issuse with plugging it into MFP Is that it says that I burned way more calories than I feel it should say. How do we figure out the actual, or at least a closer amount burned?
    It's been noted that MFP calculates a high amount of calorie burn vs reality, part of it is because it cannot calculate your intensity in some exercises, so it tosses out a best guess. A heart rate monitor would give you a better estimate for that, and you can always manually change it.
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