Weigh in 04/01/15 (and this is no joke!!)

cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
I have no idea why I've been so reluctant to come here. Reading through your posts and catching up feels sort of like a "safe place." Coming home. That Lois is a tireless wench. REFUSED to get off my back until I got moving, and logged in. I thank God for you Lois. I've had a truly *kitten* couple of weeks. Never once did you leave me........and that fact is duly noted. I owe you. So here ye go - the last of my promises:

Starting weight 166.8
Last weight 154.2
Today's weight 154.8
Gain: + .6
Total loss so far: 12 pounds
Goal weight: 153 (boat weight - just 1.8 more to go!) 143 (ending goal; 12 lbs)

This is the first time since I started that I've gained.......which is actually okay to tell you. I weighed myself sometime last week and was up 2.2 pounds. I PROMISED Lois I'd take care of business today - and that included weighing. I needed to stop the landslide and get my footing. I was absolutely delighted with my +.6. I was convinced in my head I'd gained it all back. No walking.....and plenty of picking.

ONCE AGAIN I have reinforced what I already know so very clearly. Depression makes me sit down and EAT. I KNOW this. I know it when I'm doing it, and all I do is get even more depressed, sit longer and eat more. Why can I recognize that and be powerless to control it? Lois did something interesting (and it's actually what made me make and KEEP my promises to her.) She said "we're AA." If a person who drinks too much can learn to control that negative force, why can I not do that with food and laziness with regard to stress and depression??

So my "easy" task of being at goal is a wee bit more challenging now, but not impossible. It's finally April!!..........it's a big month for me! Tomorrow, the MOV'n DRAGONS begin our group conditioning program. Bring out the spandex!!! ARG!!! April 8th is my 44th anniversary. April 11th is the "Lindamood Classic Regatta" in Marietta. Coach Ralph Lindamood was my neighbor. For more than 20 years he was a dad away from home, little more than a dear friend. I knew he was "the Coach".......but I don't think I ever talked to him so much about crew. Not only was he the Marietta College (FAMOUS CREW TEAM HE TOOK TO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS) but he started the high school program (which celebrated their 50th anniversary last season.) He wrote freaking BOOKS. Who knew??? He just helped me find perfect Christmas trees in the woods. I loved him, such a peach!! I am honored too to "work" this regional regatta held in his honor.........and it is my granddaughter's senior year in the HS crew program. I suspect we might both be "moving on." I visited Coach's grave the other day. Last year I was Dock Master. It was quite comfortable really. I manage (herd) children very well. Not once were we off our times. This year, I am the boat inspector..........laughable really. I laughed while telling Coach this. I know where the bow is!!!!! (and it had BETTER have a ball on it!!!) This has become a big regional thing - and doing well here means rowers widen the birth for national competition. It's important. There will be college scouts. My granddaughter is a cox on the HS boys team. She started out in a "junior 4 boat" (4 seats of freshman rowers) and took her men.....her "men" grew to an 8 man crew) to Nationals. Six colleges were offering scholarships and courting her. She decided on Marietta College (thank God.) She will cox an 8-man VARSITY (as a freshman - she will steer upperclassmen rowers) and compete against the likes of Harvard, Princeton and Yale. I am hunting down the regulations and will begin a crash course tonight!! April 16 - 19 is our first camping trip of the season - with dear friends. (this is a secret - no facebook talk please.) We do primitive camping - in the cold, on the lake. No electric, no heat, cooking in cast iron and taking *kitten*-cracking cold outside public showers............with wonderful friends. It is ALWAYS a hoot!! April 24 -26 is the MOV'n Dragon Retreat.......we head to cabins in West Virginia - to hike, yack, craft....and bond. It's been a rough year for my boat, thank you Jesus we will ALL be there. This is a special weekend...........AND THEN THE BOAT HITS THE WATER!!!!!!!! AND I FULLY INTEND TO BE 153 POUNDS WHEN IT DOES.

Lois - there are just no words, but I hope "you know."
Kelly..........I'm glad your home. Hope you didn't bring that burrito with you - and glad to see you back on track as usual.
Sarah, you've been in my thoughts. Hard times. I've been there, and I understand.
Sheesh, sit the hell down - will ye???? Cripes woman, you're hard to catch!

It's good to be home, and I'm going to try really hard to get back on track.

Love you girls.


OH!! And just for the record, it is 8:15 PM at my house. SO FAR I have 17,909 steps today. Did 7.36 miles and burned 2,160 calories. And I ate.......but not like a pig before slaughter. I'll have 18,000 Lois. Imagine that.


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Way to go Cheryl!!! It's a tough row to hoe sometimes, but you're here and inspiring us all!!

    Here goes my (yesterday) weigh in. (Thanks for the nudge, Lois.) Hubby hogs the computer, and I played golf today. . walked, so I did better with the steps. I must confess, I'm concentrating on my golf game more than weight loss these days. . it's really all for the fun, right?

    SW: 156
    LW: 134.6
    TW: 134
    (loss of .6 lbs)
    Goal: 120 - 125

    Holy cow. It's hard to lose weight. Onward.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    YEAH Cheryl!!!! So happy I got you back on the board and MOV'N you Dragon Boater!!!! Hugs and stay focused. Let's get another 17k today!!

    Sheesh - CONGRATS on the reduction and I so agree on your comment

    "Holy cow. It's hard to lose weight. Onward."

    I get SOOOOO close to moving into the 170's and BAM!!! I decide to pick up take out for dinner and who know what that will do to my weigh in tomorrow (1/2 a gyro and some hummus with cucumber). Didn't step on the scale this morning, but I feel puffier today. water water water
  • deannac11
    deannac11 Posts: 4 Member
    Helllooooo my friends :). It's been awhile. Someone came and prodded me to get back in gear, which is a good thing. I slacked the last month and and a half and in doing so gained quite a bit.
    Starting weight (beginning of February) 199.2
    Today's weight: 206.2 OUCH!

    Ok I am back need to step it up and move more. Father in law has been visiting so, I haven't been able to go to the gym. No more excuses and going to make it happen!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    welcome back Deanna!:) It's hard to work the program when someone is visiting (or when you yourself are visiting). I took last week off work, went up to see my mom and sister, played tourist at a couple of places and have eaten out nearly the entire week. Uggh. I too, have taken my weight back to 187 as of this morning. Ouch, is right... I think some of that weight is water retention but I have to be honest and say that I am still quite a bit higher than I was before I left town and it can't all be water.

    Mom is here for the entire month of April so I am going to have some challenges, including logging my food and putting in the exercise needed. (She is 86 and though she doesn't need a walker yet, she can't walk far unless she is pushing a cart in a store). She's okay about eating what I cook but there are still a number of challenges. I am going to have a difficult time getting on the computer but will stop in as I am able. I will do my best to get out for a walk during the lunch break each day at work though, and take mom shopping on nonwork days to get some walking in :)

    And I really have to go... hope each of you have a great Easter day,
    thinking of each of you...

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Seems like a busy time for many of us. My work was not as busy last week as I initially feared, but it was still up from its usual busy pace, and I expect that this week will worse for me. My only help on the campaign task is a Fed who is taking off three days this week.

    Food and activity for me during the weekend were not as I would have liked. Our Easter lunch plans changed suddenly because our friends who were hosting it had a death in the family. In fact, two sets of our friends lost a parent this weekend. I actually find it easier to eat lightly when I'm in a social setting instead of when I'm home with huge dishes that I prepared for a group.

    And my plans to make up for not walking on Friday by walking more on Saturday and Sunday didn't pan out, as I took over some volunteer work on Saturday evening for a person whose father was suddenly hospitalized, and then yesterday, the mall was closed and we were experiencing high winds again. I did walk on Saturday--just didn't put in extra time, but Sunday was pretty much of a wash. By bedtime last night, I was feeling antsy and guilty.

    Deanna, it's nice to hear from you, and welcome back to the board. Light, I'm glad you found a few minutes to check in. I hope that your work has settled down a bit so you can enjoy more time with your Mom.

    Cheryl, I am envisioning you in that boat! You'll make it, and we all look forward to hearing about the first regatta for 2015.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    OH!! MY!! GOD!!! this weekend was ROUGH!!! I am SOOOO thankful that today is not my official weigh in day, because it is not good AT. ALL!!!

    With the holiday and a taekwondo tournament, my life was CRAZY and I was not prepared for it! Tournament on Easter Weekend?!?!?! Really?!?!?! Ok..so not a whole lot of people will show, so we'll only be there a few hours. So I did not take the time Friday night to prepare lunch for myself to bring. Oh I couldn't have been more wrong. Well, I was correct in the number of people (very small turnout), HOWEVER, because of the classifications of competitions and ages/ranks etc....we left at 7PM. We started at 8AM. I brought a couple packs of trail mix and one paleo bar. Really thought we'd be done by 2 or 3. YEAH, not even close. We had to cancel dinner plans with my son's in laws for that night and it became a BRUNCH on Sunday. Yeah...again, not prepared, so we had to eat out! On EASTER SUNDAY!! Oh Lordy!! And then we already had plans for LUNCH with our friends, who are like our family....so Brunch at 10:30 and then lunch/dinner at 130!!! OH how my tummy hurt. then at 4 another family arrived with homemade cheesecake. Yes, I had a sliver, but it barely fit in my overstuffed belly!! I am surprised I didn't have to go to my fatter closet for clothes this morning. And, can I say that I'm still NOT HUNGRY.

    Cheryl taunted me this morning about her weigh in not being pretty (which isn't yet posted) and pretty much threw down the gauntlet and challenged me to do the same (I'm so gullible sometimes). I DID weigh myself and like her, it wasn't pretty (up 2lbs from last week). My official weigh day is tomorrow, but I am going to be honest and post what it is today....184.6!!! I don't think I'll be hitting 179.8 tomorrow as I'd originally hoped. I had my food plans prepared for the craziness that was to be this past weekend, but was still thwarted with the late ending tournament and redirection of dinner and brunch.

    The Easter Bunny was AWESOME though. He brought us all Camelbak running bottles and gu gels for our races....everyone got ONE small choc bunny (the ones that come in a six pack) but no jelly beans, robin eggs or the like. I love that supportive Easter Bunny.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter or Passover Weekend! Will be posting my official weigh in tomorrow.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Am I still allowed on here??? :# I've been absent from the site for soooo long that I'm not sure you'll take me back. As I was reading through everyone's posts, I realized that I wasn't the only one struggling with the various things that come up in life. Difficult people, struggling with depression and trying to eat the sadness away (agreed Cheryl), never feeling like I can do things right... they all got to me. I had all intentions of coming back from Mexico and getting back on track, but when it snowed at home after all of the snow had disappeared... it really brought my mood down. I try my best to be positive, but sometimes life sucks. :( So today, I'm getting over myself... I'm going to stop having this pity party on myself and I'm going to stop focusing on the things/people I don't have and start focusing on the things/people I DO have. You ladies are on that list and I appreciate every one of you. <3

    So.. In saying that, I'm going to weigh in tomorrow... since I completely forgot this morning after having a crappy sleep. Today my goal is to track everything I eat and drink water... lots of it. I've been slacking majorly on both. As some of you already know from the FB challenges, I did something to both of my Achilles. From my research, it's either Achilles Tendonitis or Achilles Bursitis. :'( I really have no idea what caused it and the only thing to help it is icing, advil and resting it. Wearing shoes with backs is what really hurts, but unfortunately when I'm at work, I have to wear work boots all day long... so that's not helping. Advil is my friend.

    It's nice to see everyone posting on this board again. I'm looking forward to the support and providing support. :)
  • deannac11
    deannac11 Posts: 4 Member
    Well weighed in this morning and was surprised!
    SW: 206.2
    TW: 204.2
    Eating still not on track but better. Decreasing sugar slowly....I apparently am addicted.
    My father in law is here and our company left this morning, only worked out once this week... Need to focus on getting the workouts in! Nice to see you Kelly!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hi, Deanna. I'm glad that the board shows when there's a new post so I found your post for this week. Two pounds is great. It's hard when company is in the house. :smile: