Daily check-in Week 1 ~ April 6th - 12th



  • focused5
    focused5 Posts: 14 Member
    Day #4 check in - feeling good! Planning on staying on task throughout the weekend.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Check in time - been doing pretty good all week, now the real test is the weekend! I tend to pig out more on the weekends but this weekend I'm going to be very conscious of what I'm eating. The good thing is I don't have to work out over the weekend, tho I still may do a lil something... not sure yet. I've been looking into flexibility videos on youtube... maybe a beginner stretching would be fun to try over the weekend.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Got out this morning for a walk, than the ran has come in with a little cool front. It is suppose to rain for the next 6 days. We shall see. I see me running the stairs in the house over the next week if it does!
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    Today was a good day. Kept my calories low so I could enjoy my adult beverages this evening. D'oh! Hey, it's the weekend and I deserve it! I worked hard all week, eating well and exercising. Have a great evening all! Happy Spring! It's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow! A hike might be in order!
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    Got out this morning for a walk, than the ran has come in with a little cool front. It is suppose to rain for the next 6 days. We shall see. I see me running the stairs in the house over the next week if it does!

    Oh no! Rain, rain, go away! Glad that you got your morning walk though. DVDs are what I workout to, rain or shine, I'm inside. These gorgeous spring days will definitely get me out more. I hope the weather improves for ya!

  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    It's a beautiful day today. I decided to get of early and go for a hike in the mountains. Now when I do this particular 7.5 mile hike with my DH it takes close to 4 hours. I did it alone in only 2.5 hours! Good job me! I'm in better shape than I thought. (although my muscles feel it more than when I go with my DH) lol
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    It's a beautiful day today. I decided to get of early and go for a hike in the mountains. Now when I do this particular 7.5 mile hike with my DH it takes close to 4 hours. I did it alone in only 2.5 hours! Good job me! I'm in better shape than I thought. (although my muscles feel it more than when I go with my DH) lol

    I love hiking! 2.5hrs is great! I recently moved and need to find some good hiking places. Great way to get exercise and do something fun and be outdoors :)

  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Check in time - been doing pretty good all week, now the real test is the weekend! I tend to pig out more on the weekends but this weekend I'm going to be very conscious of what I'm eating. The good thing is I don't have to work out over the weekend, tho I still may do a lil something... not sure yet. I've been looking into flexibility videos on youtube... maybe a beginner stretching would be fun to try over the weekend.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    I'm with you on the weekend thing - it's a lot easier when I'm at work and only have what I brought with me to eat. I'm going to try looking for some Yoga stretching videos on youtube that I can do at home as well - good idea.
  • otjennymac
    otjennymac Posts: 3 Member
    Frustrated about no weight loss this week...however, I did manage to track all (ok most) calories for the whole week and stay pretty darn close to calorie count. In the past I stopped tracking mid week when I no longer felt the motivation ... so I guess I can take that as a positive.....I plan on tracking and making a point to get my water and more veggies and hopefully there will be a drop next week!
  • aek1985
    aek1985 Posts: 11 Member
    Sadly, no weight loss for me at all this week either :( I've been doing well on my calories but I definitely need to get in my 30 minutes of exercise a day and start drinking more water. Hopefully, the scale will move soon! My stomach does feel a little flatter so that's a plus :) I'll do my 'official' weigh in on Monday so I still have a few days.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 6

    Yesterday wasn't such a great day - I was hungry (really hungry not just bored and wanting to snack) so I ate over my calorie limit. Not the end of the world. Back on track today. Did a Reformer class this morning and decided to make roasted vegetables for dinner tonight. Will have salmon or turkey as well. On track for today. Am really hoping for a loss to record on Monday.
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    Weighed in today and lost 2 lbs! Also did my two week measurements and have lost 1" in my chest, .5" in my waist and hips! Such an awesome feeling! Hard workout today and ate well. Ready for my 2 large glasses of wine that I've saved up for. It's Saturday night!! Have a great evening all.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Day 6 went well for me. Got myself up early and worked out, 60 mins of cardio and some plyometrics/weights. It helps that I have a friend that gets up early too - we work out together and I know if I don't go then she'll be by herself. Ate just at my limit, so was happy with that :)

    Today is going well so far, but its still early. Got up early again and worked out - so far so good :D
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am a little behind on checking in... been really busy painting the downstairs. At least all the activity keeps me from eating. Have not seen any pounds disappear yet, seem to be in a plateau.
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    I haven't checked in this week yet. I guess Sunday will be my day. So far my weight has gone up and down 3 lbs this week. I've been staying within my calorie count. I had a stressful long day at work Friday. Almost 10 hour day. I work at the musuem so I stand a lot. I was lazy at the beginning of the week my grand pa was dieing so I was depressed. I managed to get a work out in on Tuesday before the end of the night. I am also doing a hoop challenge 30 days for 30 minutes in April. Today is day 12, I managed to do every day. I also was happy that I made baked spicy cauliflower last night. It's one of my goals to eat more vegetables. I need to get back on the strength train band wagon. I had to much stuff going on so I wasn't as consistent this week. I will start again today. Good luck everyone this week.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 7

    Happy to report that I'm down 2 lbs! Also, noticed that the area around my knees is less fatty and there are now small (very small) muscles visible in my upper arms. Of course that's not the result of a 2lbs weight loss, but about 6 months of yoga.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I skipped actual workouts for a couple days in a row, so that probably set me back a bit. However, Friday was skipped because I worked all day, got home and HAD to change my brakes...they were BAD! Then, when I finished that, I had to start the BBQ and make dinner. All this by myself. The kids and not so dear boyfriend stayed inside playing video games! Then, Saturday's workout was skipped because I went to Springfield to get me a fitted pair of running shoes, and have a girl's day with my ex's mom. Yeah, I know that's weird, but she's one of my best friends. Anyways, we spent about 4 1/2 - 5 hours walking around the mall and shopping. I guess that counts for something. :smile:
    Still managed to stay under my calorie goals though, so hopefully I'll have a nice loss for the week when I weigh in tomorrow.
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    Day 7 went to the gym! Makes 2 days this week! Sad part is I got in the scale at the Gym and it said 12 pounds more than my scale at HOME! I know not all sales will tell you the same but hey not all the weight I have lost so far (or that my scale at home says I've lost). But I'm still working on hitting my calorie goal and eating light for dinner tonight.
  • xxval21xx
    xxval21xx Posts: 74 Member
    this first week hasnt been too great... this is my first weight-in too and this coming week ill really try to stick to my morning workouts which is something i havent been able to do for the past two month :(
  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    Feeling pretty good about finishing this week off. I went over my calorie limit Friday night because I went out to eat, but I was able to control myself and only eat a tiny bit of the appetizer and dessert, and half my entree. I've been doing great this weekend, eating healthy and pretty active. My husband and I took the dog for a 3 mile walk in the park today, and I'm feeling physically and mentally good. I've been pretty steadily losing weight this week, and I'm hoping for another small loss today for my weigh-in tomorrow!
    I'm so glad I joined this group. The feeling of community and having people in on the same path as me has really got me motivated in a new way :)
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