Immediate Post Op Sleeping Trouble

joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
Hey there Vets! I was wondering if anyone had trouble sleeping post op? I'm five days out and sleeping four to five hours a night with no daytime naps...I just can't seem to fall asleep, I try because I think it would be good for me, but I feel like I have this pent up energy. I haven't taken a painkiller in over 30 hours, don't feel like I need one either, have some slight discomfort but nothing I can't live with. I have not been able to lie flat in my bed yet, I had a paraespophageal hernia repair done at the same time as my surgery so there is some tightness in my core. Thoughts?


  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    how where you sleeping before your surgery? if its worrying you call your doc, better to be safe than sorry
  • jamezln
    jamezln Posts: 182 Member
    The hernia repair is a curve ball. My surgery went smoothly and all was fair, but I took the pain meds even with only slight discomfort. They did help me sleep, but I also walked off a lot of energy. Have you been walking and can you with the curve ball and all? Like badhair though, if you think it's an issue i'd call the doc. The tightness could very well be swelling and I would about bet on it. I'd just be mindful of it though.
  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    I had trouble sleeping on my pre-op diet because I was eating under 30 carbs. Turns out it isn't uncommon for some people to get some insomnia when their bodies go into keto. Mine lasted about a week and a half. Eating a small amount of carbs (I try a glass of milk or 1/2 a banana) as close to bedtime as you can deal with sometimes helps. If you aren't on full liquids yet, that is of no help until you are. I hope you start to balance out soon!
  • juneaubug
    juneaubug Posts: 18 Member
    I don't remember having trouble sleeping, but I think I took the pain killers at night for about a week. That might help you get to sleep if you feel like you need it!
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks everyone! My surgical team checked in with me today so I asked them too - they said sometimes they hear this, it could be from the anesthesia, from going keto, from discomfort - they said if I don't feel I need a painkiller I could try a benedryl (unless I am one of those people who get wired by them). I am going to give another day or two and see if it resolves - I can start pureed foods tomorrow, so maybe that will change things yet again :) Things are moving right along!
  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    The painkillers keep me awake. In kind of a happy stupor, but awake. You might try some melatonin. I think they have a sublingual version so you wouldn't even have to swallow a pill. That was going to be my next step if mine continued.
  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    Also forgot to mention, when I am not in keto or on painkillers I can fall asleep immediately and stay asleep until someone wakes me. I'm a champion sleeper. So maybe my brain just really didn't know how to deal with diet changes and happy drugs? I dunno. My UP band showed me sleeping soundly once I got all balanced out and the insomnia hasn't returned (2 months post-op now). Good luck!