Happy weekend!

Cindie84 Posts: 32 Member
Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend..it's hard to stay on track when these 2 days approach us but keep your eye on the prize!!


  • ElleBoogie1982
    ElleBoogie1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Cindie!
    That's one of the reasons I've decided to make my weight-ins on wed... That way I have a chance to recover if I haven't had the greatest weekend!
  • Cindie84
    Cindie84 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! That's a good idea, Maybe I should consider changing my weigh-in day (lol). Have a wonderful week! Stay on track, I'm rooting for you!
  • pitchf0rk
    pitchf0rk Posts: 34 Member
    I'm watching my food intake at the weekends, but I'm not that strict. Like this weekend I was invited at my parents for dinner. I think meeting the calorie goal 6 days a week and being slightly over on 1 is ok. It used to be 7 days over before I started. Yes, maybe I'll not lose at the same speed, but I won't get frustrated from my diet.
  • ElleBoogie1982
    ElleBoogie1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Cindie! Right back atcha!
    I agree pitchf0rk, I'm trying not to beat myself up about having a 'bad' day in terms of logging. :D
  • Julie95020
    Julie95020 Posts: 19 Member
    That's why I weigh myself on Friday morning, just in case I have a difficult weekend! And you gals are right, going over one day or even two isn't so bad if the overall week is good. I love that we can see our average calories each week, that's what really counts!
  • Cindie84
    Cindie84 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey ladies! Another weekend is upon us! Hope everyone's week went well! Mine was pretty basic..I did adjust my caloric intake, it's a little higher than before so let's see how that goes. Keep me posted on your progress, good or bad! Enjoy your weekend.
  • qqsha
    qqsha Posts: 19 Member
    My weekend should be pretty good. Going to the city (well, San Francisco) but packing my lunch and snacks so I am not tempted to eat/binge while I am walking around Japan Town and such. Also saves me money. Should be a good weekend nonetheless!
  • pitchf0rk
    pitchf0rk Posts: 34 Member
    My week was really good. Not the weekend, though. Friday started really good. Even dinner was great. But somehow I was not satisfied and had some calories left, so I had some chips... and some more, and some more. In the end the bag was gone. At least it was not a huge one.
    And on Saturday I slept in, so I was late for school andmI got caught in a speed control. And at work at night I also ate a lot of crap.
    But today was great. Did a bike tour and had healthy food. I also did meal planning for the whole week. It's gonna be a delicous week :-)
    I hope you did better at your weekends
  • ElleBoogie1982
    ElleBoogie1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Last week was definitely mediocre for me. I feel like I fell off the wagon in the wake of bday stuff. I'm feeling determined and back on track with logging my food! Oh and going back to my sugar-free lifestyle... I just feel better when I'm not having it. Keep it up ladies!! xx