Goals for the 8 Weeks?

I have a vacation to FL coming up in 8 weeks from tomorrow. I've been doing okay with the weight loss but I want to really kick it into high gear these next 8 weeks. Since my trip is on a thursday, and my work weeks start on Thursdays, my start day is going to be tomorrow Thurs 4/16. Super excited!

My goal is to lose 20lbs (difficult but doable...I think!) by consistently meal prepping and working out at least 4-5 days/week.

What are your goals?


  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    HI !!! :)

    Id like to be down 10kg within 8 weeks :)
    I want to consistently hit my 10k steps a day and be meeting my calorie intake and exercising regularly

    My start date was this past monday lol so im 4 days up on you
  • LyndsGetsFit64
    LyndsGetsFit64 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! Thanks for joining! Good work, how has it been going the past few days?
  • pkothari92
    I want to loose approximately 10 pounds by the first week in May. Then my bigger goal is to loose approximately another 25 pounds, by the middle of august!! My start date was actually last wednesday april 8th, and with the changes that I have made in the past week, i lost 8 pounds so far!!

  • Dawnieb01
    Dawnieb01 Posts: 12 Member
    I want to drop 2 pounds per week!
  • Dawnieb01
    Dawnieb01 Posts: 12 Member
    I love all the wrong foods, pizza, chips, fried everything! I am certain that I go over 2,000 calories daily. My fitness pal has shown me that my diet is fat, carb, sugar and salt heavy...bad bad bad, so here I am! I need a challenge. Started today. Taking healthy snacks to work and meals that I can accurately count calories. NOT ordering out tonight, also avoiding vending machines.
  • Dawnieb01
    Dawnieb01 Posts: 12 Member
    DAY ONE!
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    Hello. I would like to be down 10kg from yesterday. I was hoping I would find a group like this haha :)
    I want to wear that cute bathing suit I ordered from China a year ago XD I got the largest size, but even that is somewhere smaller than a medium in North America P:

    I am planning on doing wii fit five mornings a week, to walk everywhere that is under a 25 minute walk from anywhere I am at the moment, and to swim three times a week for 50 laps. Basically I am putting more exercise in my life because that is where I struggle the most P:
  • dlw2202
    dlw2202 Posts: 2 Member
    My goals for the next 8 weeks are to exercise regularly (4-5x wkly), drink plenty of water, and lose at least 20 lbs. Oh, I also need to remember to take my vitamins daily.
  • Anastasia_Spring
    Anastasia_Spring Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hey Everyone and thanks to LyndsGetsFit64 for creating this group. I've been on my journey for a little more than a month and was able to loose 11 lb. I am planning on going to visit my country in June and I want to make sure I look good....especially since it will be summer time. My plane is leaving on June 11th which is EXACTLY 8 weeks from tomorrow! I feel like this is another chance and great motivation for me to get feet and kick *kitten* ;)

    My goal is to loose 16 pounds which is approximately 2 pounds per week. %80 of success will depend on my diet, and oh....it's not gonna be easy, but so worth it!!!
    And of course work out, work out, work out!!!

    Let's do it ladies!!!
  • jlnoble513
    jlnoble513 Posts: 18 Member
    Id love to loose 20lbs by May 25 but I'm not sure that's doable, and even if I do. Id get to Vegas and gain it all back by day 3 And wouldn be able to fit any of my cloths in my suitcase.
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    Yayy! I am excited. This is the perfect duration for me to stay focused. I started a few days back. Goal is to come out of 60s once and for all. Would like to lose 0.8 kg/week. It's much harder to lose now that I am not overweight, but I need to keep my blood pressure down.
  • mindovermeals
    mindovermeals Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm graduating from college in 8 weeks so I really want to lose some weight before then! My long-term goal is to lose 25-30lbs but for graduation I'm only aiming for 10-15 since I have so much schoolwork to do for the next 8 weeks. I definitely need the motivation! Good luck to everyone :)
  • honeyscone
    honeyscone Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, this is great! I am trying to lose weight by late May because I am graduating from a PhD program. I want to walk across that stage feeling good! Because I have about 5-6 weeks til then, my goal is to lose 12-15 pounds.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    I'm getting married July 3. I want to focus on toning my arms and overall cardio, and I want to log what I eat every day as best I can. I've been on MFP since last August with mixed success. When I log everything I eat, I tend to lose weight. Easier said than done, though, and sometimes I grow weary of logging and just stop altogether. Then, without logging, it's easier to not think about what I'm eating.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    honeyscone wrote: »
    Yes, this is great! I am trying to lose weight by late May because I am graduating from a PhD program. I want to walk across that stage feeling good! Because I have about 5-6 weeks til then, my goal is to lose 12-15 pounds.

    Honeyscone-- I gained weight in grad school. Grad school is so much work that it's hard to balance everything AND stay healthy all the time. Congrats on your upcoming graduation!!
  • ReshGun41
    ReshGun41 Posts: 4 Member
    First of all, thanks a bunch for organising this challenge. It could not have come at a better time. I'd like to keep the goals nice and simple: 1kg a week with a stretch goal of 10Kgs in the 8 weeks. As I just joined this challenge, my first day will be tomorrow (its 10:15pm in Australia right now). I will be aiming to hit 10,000 steps a day (I currently range between 5 - 7000).
  • LyndsGetsFit64
    LyndsGetsFit64 Posts: 15 Member
    pkothari92 wrote: »
    I want to loose approximately 10 pounds by the first week in May. Then my bigger goal is to loose approximately another 25 pounds, by the middle of august!! My start date was actually last wednesday april 8th, and with the changes that I have made in the past week, i lost 8 pounds so far!!

    That is amazing!!!
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone! I was doing OK until I got off track Easter weekend and I haven't been able to get back on the wagon since. I joined this group looking for some motivation and support and as well as offering mine. I'm a stay at home mom with knee and back issues so I am limited as to how I can workout. This is mostly about eating for me since I am a stress eater. I weigh in on Saturday mornings, and in 8 weeks I would love to be down 10 pounds.
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello Everyone!!! Ok So my Grad College starts in 14 weeks. But before that I got one wedding and an engagement party to go to. Looking to lose 14kgs by the end of 14 weeks. Count me in. I am planning to do zumba 3 days a week (M,W,F) and 3 days strength training (T,T,S) .

    Thanks for starting this challenge.
  • staceyqlawler
    im so glad i found this challenge hopefully it gets me back on a losing streak and stop with staying at the same weight through this eight weeks i am looking to lose 15 to 20 pounds
    apprieciate all the help and advice