wow, i guess i'll pop the cherry...

dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member
I'm assuming this is a new group? well, to start things off I guess we should see what kinds of "diets/Lifestyles" we have going on in here ... ? I'm doing Keto, been doing intermittent 18hr fasts daily. what about the rest of you?


  • davisaj6
    davisaj6 Posts: 41 Member
    hey, i have been eating pretty much whatever i want but i try to make sure i have a 50/50 split with my carbs and proteins, i have been fasting for 20 hours a day. my eating window is from 12-4. also im currently in college so i wake up and work out everyday at about 6 am so i always work out fasted. I have found t pretty easy as long as i get my calories in the day before. ive lost about 10 pounds in the month since i have started doing this, how has this worked for you guys and are you seeing good results?
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member
    edited April 2015
    Wow that's awesome! My results have been crappy haha. But then again I haven't had time for working out at all in forever. I'm kinda sloppy with my feed window, it's typically from 2pm- 8pm

    I do allow fat in the morning during my fasting because I follow a ketogenic diet and fat helps fuel the ketones that eat the fat on my body.. Sounds weird. I know. But it's supposed to work so... Lol. Idk. I'm still new to it
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member
    edited April 2015
    One day I'll get the hang of it all lol
  • rkathleenf
    I did a three-day complete water fast once to "jump start" my weight loss. Is that what the fasting is in this group? Complete water fasts?
  • davisaj6
    davisaj6 Posts: 41 Member
    it took me a long time to get a grip on it, i started without working out and a 6 hour window and didnt see much results just a few pounds here and there but after i started working out the weight started falling off of me it just takes time and dedication
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member
    No we aren't doing complete water fasts. We just limit when were allowed to eat each day. So if I had a window from 2-8pm that would mean I cannot eat after 8pm and therefore would be fasting from 8pm- 2pm the following day= 18 hrs
  • erikacole
    erikacole Posts: 87 Member
    Anyone around or still doing this? I am doing a 16-8 hour window. I have found it to be very easy!
    I have lost the past couple of week an average 2 pounds a week just by doing that. I have not been very good
    about my macros--I definitely stay within caloric range, just because it is so much easier to do that with pretty much two meals a day versus the three + snacks.
    My window is 11:15-7:15 but I usually am done by 6pm--so I have more of a 17.5 window.
    I would love to belong to an active group! Please let me know if it is somewhere else!
  • blueyegirl0712
    blueyegirl0712 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm guessing no one is active in this group anymore?