April 2015 Due Date Club



  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hey hey all! I was just going to post! I had a tough week last week with some nonstop coughing, but after a breakdown things seemed to have turned a corner on Friday & I've been feeling better than I have the entire pregnancy! Hope it lasts! I've decided to get in regular exercise. This will come at the expense of other things, but I think it's necessary. I just feel overall less achy and in a better mood when I exercise.

    On Friday I went to a huge children's consignment sale with two other friends who are expecting. We had a BLAST! Even though I didn't really need much for this second mystery gender baby, it was just fun to see all the cute newborn clothes and moms with their newborns. I got my son an easel and he has been going crazy drawing on it--so cute!

    Now Spring Break is over and I'm back to work, but I've only got four more weeks before maternity leave starts. That does not feel so overwhelming at all.

    One of my mfp friends just went into labor --this is getting more and more real!

  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Did not end up having an exam this week, so we will see next Tuesday. I've been having lots of cramping so I'm hopeful that my body is doing everything it can to prep and make this delivery smooth.

    @TheLaser I'm glad you are feeling better!

    How are you guys doing with nesting? I've been going crazy cleaning out space and trying to simplify the "stuff" that takes up space in our home.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey there...so glad I'm not the only one nesting...I get these crazy spurts, and then no desire or energy AT ALL! I've had awful lower back/sciatic pain kick in the past week or so and that is not letting up...so actually moving around, even just walking, is killing and a cold/cough/sore throat thing on top of it is making me miserable right now. I don't know if I can take 3 1/2 more weeks of that!! But, tough...gotta power through.

    All my bazillion appts are getting good results and readings, everything looks good. Zero changes happening at this point...next Friday I have a measurement u/s on him, so very interested to get an idea of his size considering the GD and everything, but I've been a poster child there, and maintaining blood levels just fine on diet/exercise alone...so curious if he'll still be big like his sister. I also see my OB, and know they'll do a pelvic check and the strep B swab...so guess we'll see how things are looking.

    As if this all on it's own isn't enough...tomorrow is my hubby's 40th birthday, and I took on a rather ambitious project of throwing him a surprise party on Saturday...dumb me. Of course, none of these pains were present during the planning stage, but now I'm at the clean the house and get ready stage and can barely move...awesome! But everything is lined up, reinforcements are coming early to help, and he's totally clueless...so am pushing to get through that.

    Then, prior to getting pregnant, we had planned a 40th birthday trip for him to San Diego w/his golfing buddies & families, which of course happens to be next weekend the 28th for like 5 days. About an 8hr drive...dr keeps clearing me to go, I'm totally on the fence about it, but don't want to miss. The drive will stink, but all I have to do is relax while we're there. Going to bring the carseat, hospital bag, and map out the hospitals...and certainly hope we won't need...if we plan for it, we won't need it. But who knows...if you hear any news about a lady giving birth on the side of Highway 5 in CA...that'll be me!

    But overall, couldn't be more excited...his room is ready...and we are ready to have him in our arms...no earlier than the 14th please baby boy. :)

  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Robynn - Have you tried a chiropractor or prenatal massage for your back pain? We have been sick at our house too :( Regarding the birthday fun & trip - how exciting! I hope you are able to do your trip and that everything goes super smooth! We were looking at taking an Easter camping trip (we did last year and it was so great with the boys), but it seems too close to the end, so I'm not sure yet!

    So, at my appointment this week I left a urine sample and the receptionist and everyone kind of acted like I was silly for insisting that they check for a UTI... but sure enough, I'm now on an antibiotic to clear up a UTI. Glad I stuck with my guns on that one!

    Anyways - I'm feeling suuuuper tired and still need to finish up my room/bathroom after work tonight and tomorrow so that our house is ready for baby!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sounds like we are all at the classic final stages: increasingly uncomfortable but also increasingly excited! Robynn, I second the rec for a chiropractor. A friend of mine was having back pain and after a few visits she was feeling perfectly fine again!

    In envy you two in (possibly) getting away for a last-minute vacay! Since my last labor was so fast, I probably won't be leaving the house much anywhere remotely close to my due date, and the thought of doing anything before then makes me just tired... Although, truth be told, I am feeling better in unmeasurable ways now that I am exercising again! But my toddler's sleep has mysteriously become very irregular; sometimes he's sleeping through the night, and sometimes he's waking every few hours crying. Of course he won't be comforted by daddy, who is trying to pick up the slack for me on that front. So I'm tired, but not in the way I was before when I wasn't exercising.

    Mormonmomma: good for you for sticking to your guns about the UTI. Why do they not listen to us??

    Nesting? It's all I can do to put dinner on the table and deal with the laundry. I want to nest, but the furthest I've gotten is taking out all the bins of newborn/3-6 mo clothes. They're just sitting on the floor in our bedroom being annoying. I'm also thinking, what if I have a girl? I don't have anything really girly for her in the hospital! I don't want to buy sth because I'll need to have it washed before then, and then what if I have to return it? Maybe I can borrow something from someone?

  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Survived the birthday celebration! Was a lot of fun...hubby very surprised, and think a success. So glad that's over.

    Think I will look into chiro...pain is only increasing at this point, and there's too much to do for me not to be able to walk, easily at least! So annoying. I ended up at urgent care yesterday, this cold/bug thing was just not improving...and they suggested it was more likely a sinus infection than a cold/allergies...so on antibiotics again. But relieved...much rather be on something to take care of it and try and recover before delivery than to just keep suffering. Hopefully the meds will kick in the next day or so and relief is in sight.

    I keep thinking, if I could just breathe clearly w/out coughing and get a good night's sleep, all will be well in the world...yeah, I must be delusional about what sleep will be like when this little guy's outta there. Should just get used to this constant exhaustion for a while.

    Tomorrow is my last day of work...so thankful for that, and then finish up this week's dr. appts/ultrasounds...these will be what determine vacation. Little more anxiety kicks in as the days go by about being so far, but at this point there's no indication of him coming early, and their checking cervix, size, everything in these appts, plus his true due date is 4/21, which I have to remind myself, not our 4/14 c/s date...I know anything can happen, but him coming at 37wks would be surprising. We're back home on 4/2, so just hang tight buddy for 10 more days, that's it!

    Still gotta get a few more things to be ready...so much more relaxed about it all, quickly running out of time. Hoping for the energy to make a babiesrus run this week once done with work.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!! Amazing how close we're getting! I need to figure out how to post a pic so I can when he's here...can't wait to see these babes.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies.

    I had my weekly appointment yesterday and am finally up again on my weight gains. Less than 3 weeks to go and I'm 1 centimeter & 50% effaced (not that it really means anything - I walked around dilated to a 3 with my last kiddo and still ended up being induced).

    Anyways, found out little man is breech & my OB will give me to next Tuesday to get him to flip and if he doesn't they will manually flip him in L&D - I want to avoid this because they would give me a shot of terbutaline (. So I have 2 chiro appointments today and I'm doing all of the super uncomfortable stretches/poses trying to get him to flip, but his head is still firmly snuggled into my right ribs.

    On the bright side, I am working in the office today thru Friday, then working from home Mon/Tues and then I'm on maternity leave! woohoo!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All!

    I am almost 36 weeks and still feeling better than I have been all pregnancy. Nearly all of the old discomforts are still there, and a new one (hello hip pain) has emerged, but I think the water exercise has made me a changed woman! Or a hormone shift, who knows? Cough is more or less gone (Robynn, I sooo know what you are dealing with there!), toddler is magically sleeping through the night (getting up mighty early, but I'll take it!) --those are two more improvements, too. I think I've had a few Braxton Hicks; at first I wasn't sure if the baby was just stretching out and making things feel tight, but last night I remembered that's how things felt in the days before I went into labor. And I think a teeny tiny piece of mucus plus appeared when I wiped once. Even though the due date is still four weeks off, I feel like there's some progress and maybe I'll go early! And a former Labor & Delivery nurse told me yesterday that she's predicting a girl (which I am also hoping for, but of course will be thrilled with either!)

    My little weekly milestones are feeling closer, too: one more week until full term (37 wks), after that one more week of work, and then at 38-39 wks I'll be nesting and/or holding a new baby! It feels manageable.

    Do any of you have the linea nigra? I got it last time, but this time I don't see it. Weird --wonder why? (Maybe b/c it's a girl??? I can hope, right?)

    Cute story: I was telling my toddler again that there was a baby in mommy's belly when he started peeling back my shirt and saying, Belly open! I told him to put his hand on the belly and feel the baby, and he kind of drummed his hands on my belly. Then he thought the baby's eye might be my belly button, then he thought the baby might come out of my belly button and he started trying to stick his finger in to pull the baby out!

    Mormonmomma: BREECH! I hope you get that little guy to flip. Yay to maternity leave!
    Robynn: I hope you manage to subdue that sinus infection, and enjoy your getaway!

    April is right around the corner!

  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Ladies - feel like I need to share another coupon.

    Target is running two diaper promotions through tomorrow.

    The first is "Get a $20 Target Giftcard if you sepnd $125 on baby supplies" (diapers, wipes, etc... were included). The second was for Huggies Brand. By 2 bulk boxes, get a $10 gift card back. I stacked these and bulked up on diapers for my toddler and baby!

    In order to get the first deal you have to text "Save20" to 827-438 (Target). The other was just a shelf tag so you don't need a coupon.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I had my 36 week appointment yesterday, and I left feeling guilty. They want to do all these extra tests because I am 40 years old: a "nonstress test" and an ultrasound each every other week until I deliver because apparently the placenta in women 40 and over can start to decay earlier than usual. The nonstress tests just involve listening to the heartrate, but I just felt like I've had enough ultrasounds, and I declined to do them. Then they made me feel irresponsible, like I could be endangering the life of my baby --who has passed every test with flying colors so far. I can't put my finger on why I'm so resistant to this increased monitoring: maybe it's because I'm in denial about my age? Or I feel like I have something to prove -that "older mothers" have long existed and delivered just as healthy babies as anyone else? Or it's my usual suspicion about the over-medicalization of everything in general, and birth in particular? I guess I need to think about it some more and do some more research.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Well - I find out tomorrow if baby has flipped, but at this point I'm not super hopeful because I still feel him up in my right ribs... maybe it's his rump now - but I think it's still his head. I'm guessing I'll be having the ECV Wednesday or Tuesday. But as long as it help get him here safely I'll do whatever I need to.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member

    APRIL AT LAST!!! It's OUR MONTH, Ladies!!!!

    Mormonmomma.... what's the news? Any luck?

    My husband bought me some chocolate ice cream, thinking he was doing me a favor. OMG, I was freakin' up ALL NIGHT with acid reflux & constant coughing/peeing. NO MORE CHOCOLATE (or even sweets) for me until after delivery. I cannot take another night of that. I was doing so well controlling the reflux with diet, too. :(

    I forgot to mention that at the last prenatal I was down ~3 lbs! At first I was worried, but the midwife assured me that's not unusual! Maybe I won't be 10 lbs higher than I was at delivery with the last baby as I'd expected. (I started out 10 lbs higher pre-pregnancy this time --the scale was moving down when I got pregnant again!). Makes me hopeful.

    Other than last night, I'm just feeling huge and slow and peeing a ton, but overall not bad. My commute is getting tough on me, but I only have 1.5 weeks left. Getting some painless Braxton-Hicks, & babe is doing a lot of karate in there! I'm not worried about the delivery, just the logistics: I need to finish my grading a submit grades, finish other work, pack my hospital bag, get my son's summer clothes washed and in order, and figure out what to do with the toddler in various labor scenarios. (I'm anticipating a very fast labor and I'm worried about what to do if I'm home alone with him when it starts, or even just if I'm home alone!)
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    He flipped!!!!

    Seriously I was in tears so happy that he is engaged and in position. He's so low the dr couldn't feel him from the outside. The doctor was blown away that he flipped with the ECV (because I have low amniotic fluids so she didn't think he COULD turn without medical intervention. She asked what all I had tried to get him to flip and I told her really it was just Chiropractic. Very, very grateful for an OB that listens to my "more natural" interventions (chiropractic, supplements, etc...) and I'm super grateful for amazing chiropractors that have learned so much about letting our bodies heal themselves through proper alignment. The Webster technique which we used is just adjusting the pubic bone, sacrum, and releasing the round ligaments. It created plenty of space for gravity to do it's thing so he could flip!

    Anyways he will be here in less than 2 weeks and I'm so excited!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Mormonmomma: YAY!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! What a huge relief!

    I woke up feeling icky, and an hour later I had what I thought was my bloody show this morning. After freaking out and talking to the midwife, I don't think it was actually the bloody show, but it's definitely a sign that things are progressing. I've also had some loose bm and my hips are sore & loosening, the Braxton-Hicks continue, & I'm feeling more pressure lower down. SOOOOO not ready right now, to be honest. I still have a lot of responsibilities at work and I don't have everything organized at home. On the other hand, I won't mind not being pregnant any more!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Happy Easter, for those of you who celebrate! How is everyone feeling? Some of you are really close to your due date! I'm eager to hear your updates! No news over here, feeling about the same.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    How's everyone doing? My doctor wrote down that I'm 3 cm, 60% effaced, and in -2 position. He should be here within the week :)

    How are you all feeling? I'm finally, finally feeling better - only thrown up twice in the last week.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Whoo-hooo! That is so exciting! Good luck!
    I've got the occasional Braxton Hicks, and that's about it.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Still no little man - but I'm really enjoying the time at home with my "big boys".

    Still need to set up the crib, bring my pump and nursing stuff upstairs... And pack my hospital bag. Then we are set!

    After my appointment last week my almost 4 year old came running to the door to greet me and stopped abruptly when he realized I didn't bring his little brother home (at least not outside my tummy). He's going to be so excited by his arrival! Can't wait :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Ladies! How are you? Robynn seems to have disappeared -hope all is well and she's just busy with her new little one!
    I've got nothing new here... same old, same old: nausea, acid reflux, a little insomnia, Braxton Hicks... Baby is definitely low down and pressing on my bladder (yay). I'm watching all my mom friends due around now going into labor and post their newborn pics on facebook. I am SO JEALOUS! MIL came over yesterday to help sort through all the baby & toddler clothes, so at least that's ready to go. I've still got some work stuff to complete, so I guess it's a good thing that nothing's happened so far.

    Mormonmomma: thinking of you! Hope it's soon!!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ok, just a quick update because I'm feeling a little excited after my prenatal appointment. Baby is still head down, about 7 lbs at this point (so yay, prob won't be 8 lbs like my last at birth), red raspberry tea really works to lighten labor (says the midwife), and I'm into the single digits until due date!