Any FitBit Users in our group??

CindyCue Posts: 10 Member
I just recently acquired a FitBit Zip and found the daily challenges to be extremely helpful and motivational in getting my steps in. Any folks want to work together to get our steps in every day? I have a sedentary life style and I am shooting for 10K steps a day. I would love some new walking buddies!


  • marsandval
    marsandval Posts: 16 Member
    I' m in
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Me too. I Love my Fitbit
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Love my fitibt! I'm doing a goal day challenge today, I love doing the workweek hustle, it has motivated me to step away from my desk during lunch and go for a walk. If you want to be fitbit friends:
  • marsandval
    marsandval Posts: 16 Member
    What is the workweek hustle?
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    It's a challenge for Monday- Friday. When I'm motivated, I'll shoot for my 10,000 daily steps and end the challenge with a bit over 50,000 (weather and my motivation cooperating). It's insane how many steps some get though, over 50,000 in a day!!! It's fun cheering each other along.