Does This Happen At Your Box?



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^^bit of an over-reaction, IMO. Her question is a legitimate one. It caught me off guard because I've never seen anyone in my gym quit a WOD just because they were tired and felt like it.

    If you're feeling ill, sure? If you're injured or feel that an injury will result if you continue? Absolutely. I've done that myself.

    The whole point of CF is to push yourself to places you wouldn't go by yourself. If you, on a regular basis, are saying "this is too hard I can't do it" then you are either receiving bad coaching or CF just isn't for you.

    All that said, I'll also agree that I think that WOD was just plain stupid and I probably would have scaled it to 50/50.

    I've never seen anything more than 50 snatches for time programmed OR 100 burpees for time. Combining them both is creating a situation where people are going to struggle to put out max effort for far too long a time and while they are extremely fatigued. You are just asking for in jury.

    If I look at a workout and can't immediately answer "what is the point of this" then I'd raise that question with the coaches. I've never done that at my box, which is why I'm still a member.
  • HealthyFit23
    HealthyFit23 Posts: 34 Member
    The coaches at my box don't want us cleaning up until everybody is done. I think it is rude that they left. They should have stuck around and cheered everybody else on. Great job on 100 snatches.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I've never noticed anyone quit halfway through a WOD unless injured. In our box no-one clears up without the last person being finished, that's just rude. Unless they are new and people quickly pull them up on it, I can't think of anything worse than being the last to finish while everyone around you is packing up. We have a class straight after our 5.45am class so no chance to go over time unless you move to the next room. Programmes should have a end time and usually our WOD's fall within that.
    Sounds like bad programming to me - especially all those snatches!
    At the end of the day each to their own and just work your own WOD.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    At my box, people will start putting equipment up when they finish their WOD, but they won't leave (they'll cheer on folks that are still working). And then when they're done, we'll all chip in and help get the rest of the equipment cleared. So, if you're last, you have several people there to help put your stuff away. I don't think it is rude to clear your equipment when you're done, just don't up and leave while others are still going.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    paultassy wrote: »
    Does anyone else have people that bail out in the middle of the WOD? Tonight was 100 snatches and burpees. Yes, it was effin hard. But unless I pass out or die I refuse to stop. To me, that's just embarrassing and admitting you're a quitter when things get uncomfortable. Tonight three people quit midway through the WOD. I was really surprised they just gave up. To each his (or her) own, but, it's beyond me how anyone can be proud of themselves when they quit.

    Ok rant over

    I have never seen anyone quit at either of the CrossFit gyms I have been a member of. I have seen people dial down the weight or scale down a movement mid-WOD but I think that's OK.

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    We had a guy pull out last night, but he felt something tweak in his shoulder during a WOD of cleans and hand stand push ups.

    I don't count that as quitting, that's just being smart.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Yes I saw one guy drop out at the new box a few weeks ago but I didn't think anything of it or ask any questions. Assumed it was injury related. He went up on the board as DNF.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    Fortunately no. One time, I even took 45 minutes to complete a WOD with a 20 minute cap once that included thrusters and running, and sobbed through the last 25 minutes. Our coaches make us finish even if time is up. Our gym doesn't make us move out for the next class, so we all just happily work around each other.
    Sorry it killed your vibe, those are the people that cant look themselves in the mirror...

    Hold up, what?! Do your coaches not know what the point of a metcon is? Maybe I'm missing some information, but this alone sounds like a reason to find a new box.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    kozinskey wrote: »
    Fortunately no. One time, I even took 45 minutes to complete a WOD with a 20 minute cap once that included thrusters and running, and sobbed through the last 25 minutes. Our coaches make us finish even if time is up. Our gym doesn't make us move out for the next class, so we all just happily work around each other.
    Sorry it killed your vibe, those are the people that cant look themselves in the mirror...

    Hold up, what?! Do your coaches not know what the point of a metcon is? Maybe I'm missing some information, but this alone sounds like a reason to find a new box.

    I must have missed this before as well. What the heck is the point of a time-cap if you ignore it entirely?

    If I'm REALLY close to finishing at the cap, I'll finish. Like last week ended with a 750m row, I was at 525 when the cap hit so I spent another minute or less finishing.

    If I'm a member of your box, why would I ever kill myself to squeeze in reps under the timecap if I know coaches will try to make me finish the reps?

    I say "try" because if they told me I had to finish the workout after timecap, I'd tell them to *kitten* off and leave.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    there are one or two offenders who are kind of known for doing this within my gym, but the other 150 don't do this. though, i can imagine how i'd probably want to bail out during that specific wod too lol
  • mlawrence911
    mlawrence911 Posts: 8 Member
    I will be honest, I have quit before. I also have had a coach stop me a few times when it looked like I was starting to lose my form from being so tired. My favorite Coach likes to point out to me that I have only been doing Crossfit for 2 months. Im usually in a class with people who have been doing it for more than a year. Its about pacing myself and doing what I can, I keep track of all my scores and reps, so that when we do the WOD again in the future, I will be able to see the progress that I have made.
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Why do you care so much? I have only stopped twice and both times I started crying. Being out of breath and crying means instant asthma attack for me.
    If other people stop I don't care. It actually gives me more motivation to finish the workout. Everyone has their own limits. I bet you don't do RX every time.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    kozinskey wrote: »
    Fortunately no. One time, I even took 45 minutes to complete a WOD with a 20 minute cap once that included thrusters and running, and sobbed through the last 25 minutes. Our coaches make us finish even if time is up. Our gym doesn't make us move out for the next class, so we all just happily work around each other.
    Sorry it killed your vibe, those are the people that cant look themselves in the mirror...

    Hold up, what?! Do your coaches not know what the point of a metcon is? Maybe I'm missing some information, but this alone sounds like a reason to find a new box.

    I must have missed this before as well. What the heck is the point of a time-cap if you ignore it entirely?

    If I'm REALLY close to finishing at the cap, I'll finish. Like last week ended with a 750m row, I was at 525 when the cap hit so I spent another minute or less finishing.

    If I'm a member of your box, why would I ever kill myself to squeeze in reps under the timecap if I know coaches will try to make me finish the reps?

    I say "try" because if they told me I had to finish the workout after timecap, I'd tell them to *kitten* off and leave.

    just to clarify - i made myself finish that WOD out of selfish anger at myself for sucking at thrusters so badly. So yah took me 45 minutes, the class moved on and i was able to do what i needed to do.

    The point i was trying to make is, my gym is not a 1 hr start to finish and you have to get the F*** out, because we have to cram in another class of people. Our coach wants us to finish within Reason, the WODs he programs, so we get better. I have been to gyms that are 1 hr and done, so i felt as though i never made progress on my strength stuff as classes were 10 minutes group warm up, sharing a bar with someone and we had 10 minutes to lift, 25-30 minutes WOD, and get out so the next class can go. Ended up spending more time at open gyms then classes, therefore waste of $.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    No point having a time cap if it's ignored ... couldn't think of anything more demotivating if I had had a time cap of 20 min and was then told to keep going until I finished (especially if I wasn't even half way through).
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    We have pretty strict time caps for every WOD. Our coaches have a stimulus they want us to get, and that's that. If you scale appropriately, you will likely finish. But if you choose to go Rx, you'll know you need to set your own goals. 8min time cap is 8min. 12 is 12. You can finish if you get real close but the time won't go up on the board as what you finished you know? We very rarely do 20+ min wods anyways.
  • officialcrossfitguy
    officialcrossfitguy Posts: 12 Member
    I won't lie and say I've not thought about bailing but I always finish no matter how long it takes. The disappointment to others pushing themselves along with my coach is worse than bailing in my opinion.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’ll admit, today, coming in last on the WOD with everyone waiting because there was a set of mid-line work afterward, had me wanting to just skip the mid-line stuff. I’d left it all there and didn’t feel like I had anything left to give. Since the mid-line wasn’t timed, I took my time, recovered enough to finish.

    It is hard to know what someone is feeling and how hard a given set or exercise has pushed them. I’m still feeling fatigued from my workout six hours later. I didn’t quit, but I really wanted to.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    kozinskey wrote: »
    Fortunately no. One time, I even took 45 minutes to complete a WOD with a 20 minute cap once that included thrusters and running, and sobbed through the last 25 minutes. Our coaches make us finish even if time is up. Our gym doesn't make us move out for the next class, so we all just happily work around each other.
    Sorry it killed your vibe, those are the people that cant look themselves in the mirror...

    Hold up, what?! Do your coaches not know what the point of a metcon is? Maybe I'm missing some information, but this alone sounds like a reason to find a new box.

    I must have missed this before as well. What the heck is the point of a time-cap if you ignore it entirely?

    If I'm REALLY close to finishing at the cap, I'll finish. Like last week ended with a 750m row, I was at 525 when the cap hit so I spent another minute or less finishing.

    If I'm a member of your box, why would I ever kill myself to squeeze in reps under the timecap if I know coaches will try to make me finish the reps?

    I say "try" because if they told me I had to finish the workout after timecap, I'd tell them to *kitten* off and leave.

    just to clarify - i made myself finish that WOD out of selfish anger at myself for sucking at thrusters so badly. So yah took me 45 minutes, the class moved on and i was able to do what i needed to do.

    The point i was trying to make is, my gym is not a 1 hr start to finish and you have to get the F*** out, because we have to cram in another class of people. Our coach wants us to finish within Reason, the WODs he programs, so we get better. I have been to gyms that are 1 hr and done, so i felt as though i never made progress on my strength stuff as classes were 10 minutes group warm up, sharing a bar with someone and we had 10 minutes to lift, 25-30 minutes WOD, and get out so the next class can go. Ended up spending more time at open gyms then classes, therefore waste of $.

    That makes more sense.

    I'll add this. For the most part, doing WODs isn't going to make you stronger after a point. If gaining strength is your aim you're going to need to work in some straight weightlifting.

  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    We really focus on encouraging each other at our box. I have never noticed someone walk out during a WOD, but if they did, I would likely assume they had hit their wall or needed to leave for personal reasons...sometimes our class runs late and people need to get to work (I go to the 5:45am). We have time caps on everything, but regardless, everyone is there to do the best they can do each day. Some days that means pushing harder and going longer past the end if you want that one more rep, and others days, your body has limitations and you have to you can show up again tomorrow :)
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Last Monday our day looked like this: Front squats, usual rep rotation, skill work was muscle ups and pull ups.
    WOD was
    AMRAP, 20 min (maybe 15min, I don't remember for sure and I don't have my book here)
    20 pull ups
    2 rope climbs
    20 BW squats

    For the first round I did the pull ups with band assistance and finished 20. I finished the 2 rope climbs and squats
    Round 2, 20 pull ups but needed to add another band and arms were really shakey when done, 2 rope climbs, squats.
    Round 3, traded the pull ups for ring rows and finished the 20, arms are very shakey, did not even attempt the rope climb, but did the squats,
    Round 4, could not even finish the ring rows.

    Monday night = both arms very sore and getting hard to straighten out.
    Tuesday morning= cannot lift my arms over my head to wash my hair, arms are both swollen and sore, getting worse as the day goes on. Skipped Crossfit, went for a run.
    Wed morning= Left arm is so swollen in the elbow, and cannot straighten arm out without intense pain. Skipped crossfit, no run, I am miserable. AND I do permanent makeup for a living and need to cancel my clients because both arms do not function properly, I am in pain. Take Advil and work at my other business for the day.
    Promise my hubby that if the swelling does not go down by Thursday morning I will seek medical attention. ( I really wish I would have taken pictures)
    Thursday Morning- Swelling has subsided enough that I decide not to go to the dr and I can gently pull my arm to a straight position. Missed crossfit, went for a run.
    Friday- Getting better, can almost straighten arm without assistance. Missed crossfit, and I now hate running (LOL) Joking.
    Saturday- Better, still a little sore and some swelling but can now straighten and use my arm normally.

    So, I have a couple of questions:

    1. Has anyone else every experienced this kind of swelling and soreness?
    2. Have you ever seen anyone else with this kind of swelling and soreness?
    3. Any ideas why it was so bad?

    As a side note, I should have stopped doing the pullups after the first round, ie, I should have listened to my body better. I should have stopped the ring rows the same time I stopped doing the rope climbs, or actually climbed the rope and skipped the ring rows. NOTE TO SELF: Never let a thread you read on the internet push you to do more than you can, listen to body better.