Week 1 newbies?



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I took everyone's advice and went slower today. What a difference. I completed the entire day 2 without stopping.

    Great news, well done
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I had a medical check 2 weeks ago to make sure I was healthy enough to begin this journey. I'm fit as a fiddle, just really out of shape!

    I was thinking about you whilst out on my long run this morning, it really concerned me that you reported dizziness and your chest burning. Glad that you were sensible before you started

    lisasp4 wrote: »
    So proud that I completed day 2. My bum and thighs are killing me now :smile:

    If you need to take extra rest then do so. As before there is no rush to get this done. Walking gently tomorrow may help. Stretching afterwards definitely will as will cooling down properly.

    Have fun

  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I got dizzy a few times when. First started exercising, and I was only walking on the treadmill, at 2.6 mph. I was seriously out of shape as well. After staying under my calorie goal and going to the gym EVERY day, the weight started falling off. I waited until I was regularly walking 3 mph on the treadmill, with the incline increasing every 5 minutes by 3's, up to 12. After doing that for a month and a half, I was down 20 lbs, and in well enough cardio shape that I felt like I could start the C25K. My lungs still get that burning feeling from my breathing, but I'm sure that's because I was a smoker for 18 years, and just quit in October. That part is just going to take a while to heal, because no matter how slow I go, they still burn, whenever my heart rate is increased for an extended period of time. It IS getting better, though.

    I'm proud of you for saying enough is enough! I can do this! Welcome aboard.
  • QsingsHarmony
    QsingsHarmony Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there - I have 20-25 lbs to lose. I am starting a C25K program and utilizing My Fitness Pal and Endomondo to track my success but it would be lovely to have a human to share stories with.
  • lisasp4
    lisasp4 Posts: 73 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I took everyone's advice and went slower today. What a difference. I completed the entire day 2 without stopping.

    Great news, well done
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I had a medical check 2 weeks ago to make sure I was healthy enough to begin this journey. I'm fit as a fiddle, just really out of shape!

    I was thinking about you whilst out on my long run this morning, it really concerned me that you reported dizziness and your chest burning. Glad that you were sensible before you started

    lisasp4 wrote: »
    So proud that I completed day 2. My bum and thighs are killing me now :smile:

    If you need to take extra rest then do so. As before there is no rush to get this done. Walking gently tomorrow may help. Stretching afterwards definitely will as will cooling down properly.

    Have fun

    I realised why I was going dizzy. I was holding my breath during the running sessions. I focused a lot on my breathing today and didn't get dizzy at all :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I took everyone's advice and went slower today. What a difference. I completed the entire day 2 without stopping.

    Great news, well done
    lisasp4 wrote: »
    I had a medical check 2 weeks ago to make sure I was healthy enough to begin this journey. I'm fit as a fiddle, just really out of shape!

    I was thinking about you whilst out on my long run this morning, it really concerned me that you reported dizziness and your chest burning. Glad that you were sensible before you started

    lisasp4 wrote: »
    So proud that I completed day 2. My bum and thighs are killing me now :smile:

    If you need to take extra rest then do so. As before there is no rush to get this done. Walking gently tomorrow may help. Stretching afterwards definitely will as will cooling down properly.

    Have fun

    I realised why I was going dizzy. I was holding my breath during the running sessions. I focused a lot on my breathing today and didn't get dizzy at all :)

    Glad you worked it out. :)

  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    This is my first time and I just completed day 1 of week 1.
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Looking forward to day 2.
  • onehappypickle
    onehappypickle Posts: 74 Member
    Just finished W1D1 here! So glad that I downloaded a free app that lets me know what to do when. I'd have been miserable otherwise, lol.
  • bestmomtr
    bestmomtr Posts: 12 Member
    I started last night and new I was out of shape when I could hardly catch my breath. I like the app and like using my own music. Tomorrow will be day 2. I'm going to get up early and go the work out before taking my daughter back to college. Five hour drive wish me luck.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    new to the group and to c25k. i started week 1, day 1 today and found it invigorating. i did have a bit of trouble at the 22- 25 min mark but recovered enough to finish day 1 out. i ran/walked 1.94 miles @ 5 mph, 15:57 pace. i know these numbers aren't good but i'm hopeful if i stay with the program i'll see them change... i don't consider myself a runner so we'll see if this program is a fit for me like walking is. i'm willing to see if i can complete this program and enjoy running. i'll check back Wednesday after i run/ walk week 1, day 2... happy running everyone~
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    C25K is amazing! I was intimidated when I first started, but really wanted to be a runner. The first two days were so hard! I'm doing week 3, day 2 tomorrow, which is a 2 mile run on my app. I'm kinda scared, but also excited, because I couldn't run to save my life 3 weeks ago, but 2 days ago, I ran the entire 1.5 miles!
    Welcome aboard! It really does work. Just believe in yourself, and don't let your brain tell you that you can't. Your body IS stronger than your brain!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    new to the group and to c25k. i started week 1, day 1 today and found it invigorating. i did have a bit of trouble at the 22- 25 min mark but recovered enough to finish day 1 out. i ran/walked 1.94 miles @ 5 mph, 15:57 pace. i know these numbers aren't good but i'm hopeful if i stay with the program i'll see them change... i don't consider myself a runner so we'll see if this program is a fit for me like walking is. i'm willing to see if i can complete this program and enjoy running. i'll check back Wednesday after i run/ walk week 1, day 2... happy running everyone~

    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed. C25k is about getting you to run 30 mins at any speed. Really slow counts, the 8 week program is the start. You will get faster as you run more and spend time on your feet, But around weeks 4-6 you will need to go slower to complete the programme, do not fight it. It works, thousands have gone before you. And have fun

  • laqueshabattle7
    laqueshabattle7 Posts: 5 Member
    Newbie finished W1D1 feeling good.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    C25K is amazing! I was intimidated when I first started, but really wanted to be a runner. The first two days were so hard! I'm doing week 3, day 2 tomorrow, which is a 2 mile run on my app. I'm kinda scared, but also excited, because I couldn't run to save my life 3 weeks ago, but 2 days ago, I ran the entire 1.5 miles!
    Welcome aboard! It really does work. Just believe in yourself, and don't let your brain tell you that you can't. Your body IS stronger than your brain!

    thanks for the encouragement Brans... it's exciting to see how far you've come with the program. i look forward to seeing my progress throughout this routine. it's definitely different for me. this morning my calves were very sore. this surprised me as i walk almost everyday, briskly (4 mph). i thought my muscles were already conditioned. tomorrow will be week 1, day 2. looking forward to seeing how well it goes. have a great night~
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    new to the group and to c25k. i started week 1, day 1 today and found it invigorating. i did have a bit of trouble at the 22- 25 min mark but recovered enough to finish day 1 out. i ran/walked 1.94 miles @ 5 mph, 15:57 pace. i know these numbers aren't good but i'm hopeful if i stay with the program i'll see them change... i don't consider myself a runner so we'll see if this program is a fit for me like walking is. i'm willing to see if i can complete this program and enjoy running. i'll check back Wednesday after i run/ walk week 1, day 2... happy running everyone~

    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed. C25k is about getting you to run 30 mins at any speed. Really slow counts, the 8 week program is the start. You will get faster as you run more and spend time on your feet, But around weeks 4-6 you will need to go slower to complete the programme, do not fight it. It works, thousands have gone before you. And have fun

    thanks for the advice and encouragement ftrobbie... little surprised to hear you say i will need to go a little slower, lol... but, if that's what's needed i will try. at this point, i look forward to running that 30 minutes solid at any speed my body is willing to produce. looking forward to tomorrow's run... hope all is well your way. have a great night~
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    new to the group and to c25k. i started week 1, day 1 today and found it invigorating. i did have a bit of trouble at the 22- 25 min mark but recovered enough to finish day 1 out. i ran/walked 1.94 miles @ 5 mph, 15:57 pace. i know these numbers aren't good but i'm hopeful if i stay with the program i'll see them change... i don't consider myself a runner so we'll see if this program is a fit for me like walking is. i'm willing to see if i can complete this program and enjoy running. i'll check back Wednesday after i run/ walk week 1, day 2... happy running everyone~

    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed. C25k is about getting you to run 30 mins at any speed. Really slow counts, the 8 week program is the start. You will get faster as you run more and spend time on your feet, But around weeks 4-6 you will need to go slower to complete the programme, do not fight it. It works, thousands have gone before you. And have fun

    thanks for the advice and encouragement ftrobbie... little surprised to hear you say i will need to go a little slower, lol... but, if that's what's needed i will try. at this point, i look forward to running that 30 minutes solid at any speed my body is willing to produce. looking forward to tomorrow's run... hope all is well your way. have a great night~

    Robbie is right, you will most likely have to go slower before you get faster. First thing is to get the time on the feet, then speed will come as you run more.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed.

    In December when I took someone else out for the C25K early sessions I did go back to my own times from two years ago, to give her an indication of where I'd come from, then compared to my current performances. It's good to be able to do that, but I'd agree about not bothering week to week in the plan.

    Also quite nice that my fast finishes are now longer than the original C25K sessions.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    C25K is amazing! I was intimidated when I first started, but really wanted to be a runner. The first two days were so hard! I'm doing week 3, day 2 tomorrow, which is a 2 mile run on my app. I'm kinda scared, but also excited, because I couldn't run to save my life 3 weeks ago, but 2 days ago, I ran the entire 1.5 miles!
    Welcome aboard! It really does work. Just believe in yourself, and don't let your brain tell you that you can't. Your body IS stronger than your brain!

    thanks for the encouragement Brans... it's exciting to see how far you've come with the program. i look forward to seeing my progress throughout this routine. it's definitely different for me. this morning my calves were very sore. this surprised me as i walk almost everyday, briskly (4 mph). i thought my muscles were already conditioned. tomorrow will be week 1, day 2. looking forward to seeing how well it goes. have a great night~

    Yay! Congratulations on starting!
    Mine were a little sore,too, but that went away pretty quick. You'll still get them when you do longer sets though.

    I ran my WHOLE 2 miles last night, and mine are a little sore today, but not bad. I'm still reeling from the fact that I ran the whole time. Now, before you freak out about week 3, my program doesn't say I HAVE to run the whole 2 miles, just as much of it as I can. I pushed myself. Once I was half way, it was a lot easier! Breathing was easier, and I knew I was already half way done.

    Remember, when you get to a long run day, push yourself! You may think you need to stop and walk a bit, but think to yourself, do I really NEED to, or can I just breath deep and keep going just a little farther? Or can my legs hold out just a little more? You can do it!
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    new to the group and to c25k. i started week 1, day 1 today and found it invigorating. i did have a bit of trouble at the 22- 25 min mark but recovered enough to finish day 1 out. i ran/walked 1.94 miles @ 5 mph, 15:57 pace. i know these numbers aren't good but i'm hopeful if i stay with the program i'll see them change... i don't consider myself a runner so we'll see if this program is a fit for me like walking is. i'm willing to see if i can complete this program and enjoy running. i'll check back Wednesday after i run/ walk week 1, day 2... happy running everyone~

    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed. C25k is about getting you to run 30 mins at any speed. Really slow counts, the 8 week program is the start. You will get faster as you run more and spend time on your feet, But around weeks 4-6 you will need to go slower to complete the programme, do not fight it. It works, thousands have gone before you. And have fun

    thanks for the advice and encouragement ftrobbie... little surprised to hear you say i will need to go a little slower, lol... but, if that's what's needed i will try. at this point, i look forward to running that 30 minutes solid at any speed my body is willing to produce. looking forward to tomorrow's run... hope all is well your way. have a great night~

    Robbie is right, you will most likely have to go slower before you get faster. First thing is to get the time on the feet, then speed will come as you run more.

    hello taeliesyn... thanks so much for your input. i did slow down a bit today and found that i fared better than my first day.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Keep the times but don't compare them, at some point you will need to go slower and then you are likely to feel disappointed.

    In December when I took someone else out for the C25K early sessions I did go back to my own times from two years ago, to give her an indication of where I'd come from, then compared to my current performances. It's good to be able to do that, but I'd agree about not bothering week to week in the plan.

    Also quite nice that my fast finishes are now longer than the original C25K sessions.

    hello Meandering~ it sounds like you've improved greatly from your beginning to now. here's to continued success.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    Brans34 wrote: »
    C25K is amazing! I was intimidated when I first started, but really wanted to be a runner. The first two days were so hard! I'm doing week 3, day 2 tomorrow, which is a 2 mile run on my app. I'm kinda scared, but also excited, because I couldn't run to save my life 3 weeks ago, but 2 days ago, I ran the entire 1.5 miles!
    Welcome aboard! It really does work. Just believe in yourself, and don't let your brain tell you that you can't. Your body IS stronger than your brain!

    thanks for the encouragement Brans... it's exciting to see how far you've come with the program. i look forward to seeing my progress throughout this routine. it's definitely different for me. this morning my calves were very sore. this surprised me as i walk almost everyday, briskly (4 mph). i thought my muscles were already conditioned. tomorrow will be week 1, day 2. looking forward to seeing how well it goes. have a great night~

    Yay! Congratulations on starting!
    Mine were a little sore,too, but that went away pretty quick. You'll still get them when you do longer sets though.

    I ran my WHOLE 2 miles last night, and mine are a little sore today, but not bad. I'm still reeling from the fact that I ran the whole time. Now, before you freak out about week 3, my program doesn't say I HAVE to run the whole 2 miles, just as much of it as I can. I pushed myself. Once I was half way, it was a lot easier! Breathing was easier, and I knew I was already half way done.

    Remember, when you get to a long run day, push yourself! You may think you need to stop and walk a bit, but think to yourself, do I really NEED to, or can I just breath deep and keep going just a little farther? Or can my legs hold out just a little more? You can do it!

    congrats on running your 2 miles last night. it's good to know my calves being sore is normal. as for running a long run day i worry more about heart rate than my legs giving out or my breathing becoming a problem. i just have to quit when my heart rate goes up usually around 184. that's way to high for me, just yet. i do look forward to seeing how i progress though. week 1, day 2 went very well.