Summer Motorcycle Vacations...Where to this year?



  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Life is always too busy for me to take any more than a few days here and there, so I take short trips when I can.
    This summer's motorcycle vacation is 2.5 days next week riding around North Dakota. Around 1,100 miles or so depending on just what we do and where we go.

    Every time I ride I am always left wanting more. Previous rides have always only been to a destination 4-5 hours away max. We get there and I am bored, wanting to keep going. Me anyway. Passengers, not so much. Usually pretty happy when we stop.

    Yet I still convinced the wife to do next weeks ride of 7-10 hours a day. Bought a new Mustang seat to make it a little easier on her.
  • dsl01
    dsl01 Posts: 97 Member
    "Long trip?
    For me, yes and no.

    The road bikes will stay close to Tn. this year ,but myself and a few others are loading up the dual sport bikes and trailering them to Colorado for a week of offroad riding in the Silverton, Ouray area. Much more gravel and dirt than pavement, but I understand the scenery and area is awesome. Prepping the bike (and myself!) now for this kind of riding, and am really looking forward to it.

    Can't wait."

    I posted the above back in May, and I'll update since the subject came up again.
    Said I was gonna do it, so doing it. LEAVING IN THE MORNING!
    Bikes prepped, everything loaded, plans made, Destination - Silvereton, Colo.
    Long haul from East Tennessee, but we'll be there Sat.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    "Long trip?
    For me, yes and no.

    The road bikes will stay close to Tn. this year ,but myself and a few others are loading up the dual sport bikes and trailering them to Colorado for a week of offroad riding in the Silverton, Ouray area. Much more gravel and dirt than pavement, but I understand the scenery and area is awesome. Prepping the bike (and myself!) now for this kind of riding, and am really looking forward to it.

    Can't wait."

    I posted the above back in May, and I'll update since the subject came up again.
    Said I was gonna do it, so doing it. LEAVING IN THE MORNING!
    Bikes prepped, everything loaded, plans made, Destination - Silvereton, Colo.
    Long haul from East Tennessee, but we'll be there Sat.

    That sounds like a load of fun.
  • dsl01
    dsl01 Posts: 97 Member
    "Long trip?
    For me, yes and no.

    The road bikes will stay close to Tn. this year ,but myself and a few others are loading up the dual sport bikes and trailering them to Colorado for a week of offroad riding in the Silverton, Ouray area. Much more gravel and dirt than pavement, but I understand the scenery and area is awesome. Prepping the bike (and myself!) now for this kind of riding, and am really looking forward to it.

    Can't wait."

    I posted the above back in May, and I'll update since the subject came up again.
    Said I was gonna do it, so doing it. LEAVING IN THE MORNING!
    Bikes prepped, everything loaded, plans made, Destination - Silvereton, Colo.
    Long haul from East Tennessee, but we'll be there Sat.

    That sounds like a load of fun.

    It was!

  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Time flies, life get's in the way of loads of things. Forgot all about this site and this thread. Memory has returned.

    Wife & I rode roughly 2,100 km during our 2.5 day vacation in North Dakota (got the patch to prove it) and had an absolute blast. Weather was perfect, roads were great. Only "rush" was getting from Regent ND to Jamestown ND. Took a back road from Regent to Bismarck and after a narrow miss with a deer (got real dark real quick) we opted to take the freeway the rest of the way to Jamestown.

    Fun trip. Already planning next years. Either Sturgis or Americade.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    This summers trip will be to Ride Lake Superior from Thunder Bay to Duluth. 3,200 km in 4 days (I don't get much vacation time).

    Skipping Sturgis for this year, go some other year when it is "slightly" less crowded.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    This summer, I am going from Portland to San Diego and back. Will time it so I hit the Hollister Rally on my way down at the beginning of July. Going to cut over from I-5 when I hit San Francisco. Will probably take Highway 1 (PCH) down from there. I have two weeks. Not making any plans. Thinking of going it alone. Just want to ride where I feel like it.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    No plans, ride where you feel like it. Sounds ideal to me!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Just confirmed the Rally in Hollister is July 3rd through July 5th. Booked a Motel in Santa Nella for those days. Plan to head from Portland to Redding the first day. Then on to Santa Nella the second day. Leaving after the rally and heading south. Going to be a great ride. Riding with a buddy to Hollister. He's turning back after that. I'll be down in So Cal solo. Probably take in LA, Palm Springs and San Diego before going back to Portland.
  • Kwissy1
    Kwissy1 Posts: 3 Member
    we are heading down to Sturgis for a few days. Have never been, am really looking forwards to it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Kwissy1 wrote: »
    we are heading down to Sturgis for a few days. Have never been, am really looking forwards to it.

    There are some beautiful roads in that area. Go see Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse while you're there! (Crazy Horse was more biker friendly when I was there.)
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    I rarely plan ahead too much as life often changes too much. As is the case here. I had planned to rip around Lake Superior for a week. Now, looking like I will do nothing more than a few day trips.

    Whatever I can do in 1 day for under $50 including gas. Local tourism at it's finest :)
    Not ideal, but better than doing nothing at all.
  • bigalgaddi
    bigalgaddi Posts: 2 Member
    In Ca. A ride up Hwy 395 to the Sierra Nevadas or up PCH to Big Sur is damn hard to beat in the Summer time..
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Two weeks @ Sturgis rally
    Gunnison CO @ state HOG rally
    Cripple Creek CO Veteran's rally
    The Ozarks for Bike Blues & BBQ
    Couple of other little rallies
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Sounds like an awesome time and a HUGE jump in power.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Sounds pretty great Jerry!

    We pretty much scrapped the Ozarks trip. Maybe next year. We're setting our sites on a trip to the Appalachians next year.

    In fact, we're kind of discussing moving back East so that the old man can see what that part of the country is like. I grew up in Pittsburgh and lived in Maryland for 15 years, riding and camping from Maine to Southern VA. But he grew up in western Missouri and lived in New Mexico for 35 years, so it would all be new territory for him. I love the softness of those mountains compared to the Rockies. It would be a welcome homecoming for me.

    If anyone has any feedback about living in/near the Appalachians, I'd love to hear it. Right now I'm looking at somewhere near Roanoke/Lynchburg VA. House prices are cheap, winters aren't too cold, and the mountains are close. Those three things are really important!